"What kind of sounds did you hear?" asked the woman, whose name was Carmine. 

"The clinking of chains..." Carmin didn't let the worm man finish speaking. Fear gripped her. 

"It can't be, they've found me, they've found me." Carmin began to cry in despair. 

"Who found you? Why are you so scared?" The worm man didn't understand anything that was happening. 

"Them! Them!" Carmine said, barely able to speak. 

"Who, speak plainly, woman!" the worm man shouted in desperation. Then he added. "I'm sorry, but I need you to explain to me what's going on here." 

"The ones from my village. They want to kill me. That's the real reason I had to run away."

"Are you serious? You are one of the kindest people I have ever met. I can't understand it."

"I know, but the people in that town have lost their minds. They want to kill me for no reason. They accuse me of things I never did."

"But what are they accusing you? Maybe I can help you."