Nurse grouch, as Adelyn has come to call her, made her way into the room where Adelyn was going stir crazy being cooped up for the past week. "You're being released gather your belongings" she happily grunted to the woman who has been a thorn in her side since the moment she arrived. With the cops coming in for questioning scaring other patients and this woman nettlesome sneaking around at night the older nurse was quite glad to be getting rid of her. The sudden realization that she won't be able to monitor Sandy came to mind, she had begun to invest her time and emotions into the recovery of this woman and did not want to leave so soon. It was not her place to be by Sandra's side, but she felt the need to be, call it guilt or hope she was drawn to the woman for some reason. She recalled Sandy's face healing with each day, and with each day she became more beautiful...stunning even. Her thoughts snapped back to the present when nurse grouch dragged in the wheelchair. "Sit" she exclaimed already irritated with the woman lost in lala land.
"Is that really necessary?" Adelyn protested.
"Just sit in the chair so I can take my break" nurse grouch snapped back with the force of a piranha.
"Okay, jeez" Adelyn threw her purse over her good shoulder and awkwardly sat down shoulders slumped in defeated. She is wheeled past Sandra's room the door was ajar just enough to notice an older woman sitting in the chair near the bed sobbing. "Is that her mother?" Adelyn shot up from the wheelchair nearly knocking it over in the process.
"what in God's name do you think you're doing!?" nurse grouch called after her.
Adelyn slipped into the room and closed the door behind her hoping to talk with what she perceived to be Sandra's mother.
"Are you a friend of Sandra's?" the woman asked weakly tears streaming her cheeks.
"Uh...yes, yes I'm a friend" She lied knowing that if she told her the truth the woman would be enraged and most likely ban her from visiting her daughter for all of eternity.
"I see. Were you with her in the accident?" the mother noting her sling carrying her left arm.
Looking down Adelyn realized what a mess she must be and blushed "Yes, well s... sorta... I was nearby" was all she stammered out. Now wondering what she thought she was going to accomplish with this conversation. "I'm Del by the way, it's nice to meet you...?"
"Margret" the woman replied solemn. "I can't believe this happened."
"Yeah" was all she could think of, not knowing what to say or do she just stood there looking at the two women in front of her. The door opened behind her and a young man walked into the room in a long white coat and a stethoscope along his shoulders "just like in the movies" Adelyn thought.
"The results have come back Mrs. Cuthwrite, they are quite positive." he begins to tell Margret about the lab results.
"Positive? You call my daughter being in a coma positive?" her misplaced anger was understandable but stung regardless.
"I understand the situation isn't easy, but please try to understand what I'm telling you is a good thing" he kept his composure effortlessly as if this was a daily occurrence for him. "The MRI shows no damage to her brain and the CT displays brain activity even in her current state, this means there is a high chance for full recovery. We just have to wait for her to wake up." a hint of hopefulness in his voice could be detected which calmed the fire built up inside Margret's heart albeit just a tiny bit.
"How long doctor? When will my baby come back to me?" tears threatened her eyes as she spoke.
"It's hard to say, it could be tomorrow or a year from now." the cold tone came back to his voice obviously hiding his own emotions. "That's the life of a doctor" Adelyn thought inwardly glad she had not become a medical professional. The doctor retreated towards the door when nurse grouch came barging in.
"I should have known" she sees the doctor and evens her tone a bit before turning to Adelyn "Come, it's time to go." Adelyn sulking with each long drawn out step toward the door she says her goodbyes and the room becomes quiet again except for the soft sobbing of Margret. The sound fades into the background as Adelyn is practically forced towards the lobby of the hospital. Arms crossed like a child throwing a temper tantrum she dragged her feet across the floor making it even more difficult for the nurse to push her around in the wheelchair. Their rival increasingly more evident with each passing moment. The nurse finally arrives at the lobby then just storms off so irate she couldn't care less as long as that woman is out of her sight and off her floor.
Adelyn pulled out her phone but to her dismay fifty messages from her boss suddenly chimed one after the other upon activation of her phones power button. Sighing loudly, she scrolled through the messages she passed at the last one which read: "You have not shown up at work for a week with no word! your fired!"
"whaaat!? No way I was in the hospital he can't fire me for that!" She storms off into the parking lot then realizes she doesn't have a car anymore. Quickly she pulls up Uber and places a request for pick up determined to waltz right up to her boss ....and explain the situation. She wished she had the guts to tell him off, but she needed the job to pay her bills, specially now with the hospital bills and the lawsuit filed against her by that sweet older woman Margret. "Ugh what a day" she exhaled and steeled herself for the upcoming yet necessary confrontation with her boss.
Arriving just before closing time she barged into the building and headed straight for her boss's office. Before entering she knocked on his door hoping to seem respectful while taking her outrage. "Come back tomorrow the office is closed" she heard a deep voice bellow. She concluded that she will just have to walk in and make him listen. Opening the door, she finds him in a precarious position with his secretary. "How cliché" Adelyn spat out.
"What the hell are you doing here, I fired you already!"
"Is this why you're such a dick? Because I wouldn't spread my legs to you!?" Adelyn's rage boiled to the top and began to overflow. The man stands up a mere five foot even just barely shorter than Adelyn but has arms the size of most people's thighs. "What I do in my free time is my business punk" just now he notices the sling Adelyn's arm is held in and then starts to understand the situation and little better.
"What happened to you, you look like shite?" feigning concern for an instant.
"I... I was in a car accident. I have been stuck in the hospital for the last week." exasperated she explained "You can't fire me for hospitalization!" her tone had a bite she had not meant to show.
"I can clearly see you have been through a lot, but I cannot give you your job back. You have been fired with a list of sound reasons such as tardiness, wastefulness, disrespect I could go on." he smirks toward the secretary whom of which was awkwardly trying to make herself scarce.
"You know what? I don't even give a shit, you're a horrible person that's why the turnover rate is so high!" Adelyn slams the door behind her as she walks out of the building collecting her last paycheck and misc. items from the front desk. Once outside she feels almost relieved to be done with that place.