Chapter 1 : The Start of Everything

" Congratulations, Hero. You have finally finished your main task. Therefore, today I'm declaring that Soka the Hero no longer have the right to use his old title."

What? Was I expelled?

I smirked. I expected that this day will arrive. The day when peace is finally on our hand, I realize that I will become useless to the world.

" Insolent! How dare you smirked in the presence of Kusalu-sama?!"

Oh damn, look like the goddess clan really do have some temper problem. Perhaps, Superiority Complex? I don't care.

" Tell me, Soka the Hero. What is your last wish? You are no longer needed in the world, No longer carry any value inside. However, your sacrifices will always be remembered throughout the earth. As the sign of appreciation, I shall grants you, your wish."

The one in front of me, sitting proudly at his throne is Kusalu. The leader of the Goddess Tribe, I feel bad calling them tribe. Let's say clan.

They said Kusalu-sama is the selected by the god to bring glory to the earth. Or rather, acting as the representative. What type of God would left his people?

" Thank you Kusalu-sama, for giving me such a rare opportunity. Regarding of my wish, I do have a wish in mind."

" Oh-ho? Then, let us hear it."

" I want to be an immortal."

The whole goddess that joined the ceremony is severally surprised.

" No way? Even the goddess got their own lifetime. Only a few selected goddess are blessed with the ability to remain forever."

" And a mortal, dare to ask to be an immortal? You should be thankful that you were born in the first place."

This is why, I didn't want to say my wish. But if I don't spout my wish, it will be considered as rude. Like it or not, I have to say it.

" Oh? What an interesting wish. Could you perhaps tell me the reason why you want to stay in this realm?"

I already expected that this type of question will be asked. I prepared a few acceptable answer for this.

" Kusalu-sama, I put my life in the line in order to bring peace that every clan and tribe wished for, would it be unacceptable for me to enjoy the peace that I tiredly tried to obtain?"

" I already expecting that type of answer from you."

What? Kusalu-sama also predicted this? No way.

" Since the day I invited you to become the Great Hero that the earth need the most, I already knew what you desired the most. Therefore, I already prepared to grant your wish right here and now."

What? Kusalu-sama knew my intention? Could it be? He can read minds?

Suddenly, I was surrounded by white particle (aura). Soon the white particle(aura) condensed forming a ball form. Later, the ball went inside of me.

Life Force Essence? What is that white particle? Is it Holy Mana?

" Are you satisfied, Former Hero, Soka?" Kusalu-sama smiled. Yeah he is indeed a creepy guy, you never know what type of dirty shit in his mind right now.

Satisfied? Wait, am I actually immortal now? No way.

" Kusalu-sama, what was the white particle earlier?"

" It was Life Force. I'm not sure if the Life Force is enough for you to become immortal or not. Either way, if you needed more Life Force. You can see me."

Wait, am I really immortal now? Wow wow wow wow. I'm an immortal!

" Former Hero Soka, Please leave the ceremony right now. I'm busy with some business."

" As you command, Kusalu-sama. I shall take my leave."


How many years had it been?

Who am I?

What was my purpose of living?

My eyes suddenly attracted to a spear. Who's spear is that? Why do I have it?

The Spear suddenly reacted to me. It came into my side, with my reaction I grabbed the spear.

" The Sacred Spear."

Yes, this is the spear name. Not only that, I'm the owner of this spear.

" Soka, Please continue on. Bring success to the earthling..."

Memory that I forgotten suddenly came back into my mind. I remember it now. I used to be the Hero. I participated in some sort of war.

Fear and despair. The only aura that you feel in the atmosphere, every single clan and tribe almost gave up. They lost their families, relatives, friend and soulmate. Giving them negative effect. Thus this negative effect infected their mind.

" If I lost everything, then what is the purpose of me living?"

Some tried to suicide, Some gave up and offer themselves to the grim reaper.

But there is a positive effect from it. Some started to generate hatred, Some move on and become stronger. With the hope and strength that they gained, the formed and alliance.

I was chosen as the hero. Funny right? How come someone like me became a hero?

" I fought so hard to bring peace to this earth. Perhaps, I should go out a little bit."

I remember it. We won the war, but the casualties was no joke. Every single clan and tribe have to accept the casualties that generated from the war.

The Leader of the Goddess, granted me a wish. My wish to become immortal.

" The sun sure is bright." After a long time, finally I get to feel the wrath of the sun. The sun really like to show off his brightness.

" I never existed from the cave since the last worldwide natural disasters occurred. I do not know anything about the terrain and territory anymore."

I wonder how the civilization look like right now. Before that, I need to get the heck out from this forest.

" Oh where exactly am I?" Well look like I found a cliff instead, What the hell?!?!

Oh I remember, I used to live in high attitude places like mountains due of low air pressure. A nice little practise for my breathing. Anyways, the fog are disturbing my sight. I cannot see what's beyond the fog.

" Observations!" A magic circle pop out. In the middle of it, showed an eye icon. This spell allow me to see clearer in any type of situation.

" A kingdom, eh? I wonder if my tales still exist there. Amazing! Now I know my next destination. What am I waiting for?!" Yes,I'm crazy. I talked to myself loudly but I don't think that would be a problem,thou.

I jumped from the cliff. I like to make drastic decision, it makes adventure much fun and exhilarating! Oh my gosh, yes! This air pressure, How long haven't I experienced this?

Right before I landed, I used my wings to deny Newton law. Don't worry, my wings are created by my magic, thus making it not having a physical form.

I landed perfectly. I just get the f out from my cave for a few minutes, yet I feel like my life is completed.

" Talking about life. For some reason, I remember something about the kingdom I just saw... it doesn't look that much different from the kingdoms in the past."

The mana in the world is also reduced greatly. I remembered the day when earth used to be rich with mana. Oh well, I guess the war really give a huge impact.

" Scout that area, I pretty sure I sensed something." A random voice. Sound like someone who is responsible for an organisation or something, either way. I need to hide myself, what happen if they are up to something?

" What's up with our general? Why is he suddenly forcing us to scout this area? Didn't we scouted it already?" a...teenager male voice I suppose? It sound kinda girly.

" Don't mention it, we need to secure that this place is safe and clean." oh, this one is obvious. The owner of this voice is a teenager girl.

" We already checked this location, there are no reason for us to check it again."

" Precautions measurements are essential. We cannot let our guard down, there's a humour saying that demons start to appear in this world." said the girl.

Demons? What the heck, I thought I ended their career.

" That ancient creature? Aren't they supposed to be extinct creature? No way an extinction creature suddenly appear out of nowhere." said the boy. He sounded like those spoiled kid.

" Humour or not, Precautions still need to be accomplished."

What a crazy girl. Maybe I could achieve something by observing them... That make me feel like a stalker, either way. I'm pretty sure there's no law regarding stalking,yet. The world pretty much messed up before. There's a lot of major disaster happened. The civilization must at least need to restart once.

" This place seemed clear, thou. Maybe we should head back." said the boy

" Wait, I have to do something." said the girl. She stands still. I wonder what is she trying to do. Judging from their clothing, they could be a knight.

" Vision!"

" !!!! "

" Look like, there are really nothing here." said the girl.

" I told you, Ritami. You should use that spell more frequently. They are convenient." said the boy

" Ridiculous, the spell 'vision' cost me a lot of mana and you know the price of running out of mana." said Ritami the girl.

" Fine, let's head back."

Oh ho? Are they really a knight? They cannot detect me even though I don't use any prevention? Weird, or perhaps they are letting their guard down???

I shouldn't start questioning. Better I found it out myself!

From tree to tree, I used to follow those pair of human. I need information before I do anything. They are the source of the information, they could provide me useful information that I needed.

" Kuuya, Done scouting that area?"

" Yes, General! I even had Ritami used her 'vision' to make sure there isn't anything suspicious."

" Great, now I can rest assured."

Oh-ho. If he really is the general, that sentence are fake.

" How do you explain this?"

" !!!! "

My body is exposed. He marks me with a light mana.

He really caught me here. Well, I didn't anticipated to be able to observe them for a long period.

" Who are you? Were you following us?" it's normal for a girl to get anxious. I stalked her, well not due of I sexually attracted to her. I just want the information.

" Well, I indeed followed you." I hoped down from the branch. I could run away but that would make me look kinda sus.

" Who are you?"

Oh ho, the general draw out his sword. As well as his...under-man?

" My name Soka and I'm a traveller."