Chapter 7 : Back to zero.

" Kuuya, we are going engage the enemy soon-" Ritami couldn't finished her sentence. The present that Kuuya bring with him made her lost words.

" Kuuya, don't tell me..."

" Yes, Ritami. This body is belong to General." said Kuuya.

Ritami shed tears. She managed to control herself and not let her emotions overwhelm her.

" I see, Kuuya. I shall take care of General's body. You go ahead inform The Great Sage about the situation." said Ritami.

Kuuya pass the body to Ritami.

" I will be back."


" It's a shame that General died."

I saw everything. I saw who killed General. I know how General was killed. I know everything.

" I didn't thought that he will assassinate General in this time."

" If I was him. I would let General be, since he will die anyway."

" !"

I stepped back a few steps. I sensed an entity.

" Show yourself."

Out of nowhere, a person suddenly showed up.

" Good evening, or rather. Good Morning." said a weird wizard. A woman to be precise.

" My name is Soka. An adventurer, who are you?"

" My name is Archon Syhia. From the Archon Clan."

" Archon Clan? Never heard about them. Either way, state your business."

" I want you to say everything that you saw regarding General's death." said Archon Syhia.

" Is that a threat? Or a favour? And why would you care about mere human being. He is just someone with the title of General."

" You mentioned your clan proudly, that mean your clan aren't any ordinary clan."

" Oh, you are quite smart eh?" said Archon Syhia.

" No need to flatter me."

" I need to know how did he died. Do you think you can share that little piece of information?" ask Archon Shyia.

" There's no reason for me to tell you."

" Aren't you an adventurer? All adventurer at the Mkuel Capital city was summoned to be on the frontline?" said Archon Syhia.

" Are you disobeying the Guild Master's order?" Archon Syhia is consistently harass me. What's the big deal?

" Excuse me, woman. The Guild Master didn't summoned all adventurer."

" Rather, He sent out a quest. That's mean you are free to do anything. You want to run away? Go ahead. You want to join the frontline? Go ahead. There's no such as order."

Look like this mage wasted her trump card. She really thought that the Guild Master summoned all adventurer.

" I'm The Great Sage. Archon Syhia, my authority is as powerful as the king himself." said Archon Syhia.

" I have to the power to make you speak." said Archon Syhia.

" Are you certain that you could defeat me? Do you really think you can make me open my mouth?"

" You are merely 8th circle magician."

" Also I think that you shouldn't be here with me right now. Your subordinate should be looking for you."

" Fine, this is my lose. You will pay the price later, Soka the Adventurer." said Archon Syhia. Her body disappeared in the blink of eye.


" Great Sage-sama, Great Sage-sama."

" You are permitted to enter." said Archon Syhia.

" Sorry for interrupting your time. However, I have an important report." said Kuuya

" Oh? Are you from the Knights?" ask Archon Syhia.

" Yes, I am." said Kuuya.

" Sure, let me hear your report." said Archon Syhia.

" How should I say this?"

" What's wrong, Knight?"

" I was looking for General since you ordered us to notify my superiors." said Kuuya.

" Continue on."

" I did found, my superior. However, his condition isn't appealing." said Kuuya

" I found his body. Dead body, literally leaning to the wall." said Kuuya.

Archon Shyia or The Great Sage already know about this. However, she needs to act like this is a completely something new.

" What a shame."

" Is that how you pity General? I don't care that your status are stronger than me or General. However, this is not how you pay respect, pity the deceased!"

" Silly boy, listen up. He is fated to die today. I couldn't do anything about. Do you want me to resurrect General? You want me to adjust a funeral for him?"

" What happened, happens. We on the present need to continue living on."

" Also read the atmosphere. We have an entire army of Fallen ahead of us and you want me to care about one dead body?"

" This is your first time participating a war. Sorry." said Archon Syhia.

" Tell Ritami. The General's apprentices to lead the army replacing the General position." said Archon Syhia.

" Sorry for being rude, but can I command the army?" ask Kuuya politely.

" Sorry, I couldn't do that. You are unstable. I don't want to make you struggle more." said Archon Syhia.

" Understood, I shall inform Ritami." said Kuuya


" I'm surprised that you are still here."

" I'm surprised that you came here back. Archon Shyia."

" I thought that you are going to run away after I found you." said Archon Syhia.

" Why would I?"

" I'm going arrest you. Are you fine with it?" ask Archon Shyia.

" Obviously not." I don't want to make an eye contact with her for me. The sight is more prettier. I don't have time to waste on a mere person.

" What's wrong with you. Don't your parents teach you manner?"

Soka immediately pull out his new spear that he got from the goblin and point the sharp edge to Archon Syhia's neck. Everything happen in the matter of a second.

" I'm warning you, Don't you dare mention my parents."

Archon Syhia fall back a few steps.

" Those eyes! Those eyes aren't normal!" That's what is going on inside Archon Syhia mind.

The eyes of a murderer. Soka haven't showered off his murderer aura yet Archon Syhia is certain that Soka is dangerous.

" With those eyes, are you sure you didn't killed General?"

" I'm a spear user. The one who killed General clearly used a sword."

" Oh, by the way. Are you certain that you could defeat the army of Fallen? They even got themselves a 10th Circle Mage."

" You gotta be joking right? According from my inspection, they are warrior type. No Mage at all."

I sighed.

" A 10th Circle Magic Caster have the ability to conceal their mana."

" There's no such record regarding that. Are you trying to trick me?" ask Archon Shyia.

" What benefits do I gain from lying?"

" Even so, I still don't trust you." said Archon Shyia. Look like she won't change her perspective towards me.

" So as you please. I have no reason to stop you. I'm just warning."

" I'm still going to arrest you." said Archon Shyia.

" What the f is wrong with this girl? Is she a flipping Karen?" Obviously Soka monologued that. No way he is going to say that out loud.

" You know what, Archon Shyia?"

" What?"

Soka put both of his hand on top of Shyia's shoulder.

" I think It would be appealing if I run first." and Soka left.

" If I continue to be on her side, I will undoubtedly be in danger." that's what Soka thought.


" Citizen of the Mkuel Kingdom! We are going to engage the enemy! Make sure you guys are prepared fully! Ritami, Itari and Kjell. Please lead your army to victory."

" Will do!" Ritami respond.

" You don't need to tell me, My men sole purpose is to serve the kingdom until the day the die!"

" Good! Now, People Of Mkuel Kingdom! Let's show those Fallens bastard the strength of Mkuel Kingdom!" Said Archon Shyia

" CHARGE!" shout Archon Syhia.

"CHARGE!!!!" shout Kjell. He charges first and followed by his man. This is also followed by Itari and Ritami.

" Kusalu-sama, reporting from the Mkuel's capital city situation. The Mkuel Kingdom decided to engage first."

" Good, Start the invasion if you please."

" Will do, Kusalu-sama."

" Kjell-sama, look like the enemy had started move. Any order?"

" Everyone! Start casting your long range spell!"

" Understood!"

Various type of spell was casted. Hitting the Fallen. Those spell wasn't affective, but at least it deals a little bit of damage.

" Mage Knight! Pull out your weapon! The enemy is ahead of us."


" Sorry for intruding, The Great Sage."

" State your business. I'm trying to cast some 8th level spell." said Archon Shyia.

" We just detected a mage among the enemy army. It look like the Mage is on 10th Circle. This is dangerous, if the Mage decided to attack we will certainly fall."

" What? 10th Circle Mage?"

" Yes, The Great Sage. We detected a 10th circle mage."

" Crap! That adventurer was saying the truth!" Archon Shyia monologued.

" What should we do? Should we retreat?"

" No need. I'm pretty sure everyone is ready to die. It's all or nothing. Give their best or they will die. This is Human's survival instinct."

The enemy suddenly stopped their movements. Nobody decided to go first. On the contrary, the human are already engaging and they are approaching the Fallen.

Suddenly a white light appeared from the Fallen.

" The Great Sage, it look like the enemy is absorbing mana (aura) from the atmosphere."

" What type of affinity are they gathering?" ask Archon Syhia.

" It's Light Affinity (Light=Holy)"

" How can a Fallen have the ability to control Holy aura?!"

" Sorry The Great Sage, I dont have any clue either!"


" Look like they are finally going to start it. But I'm quite confused. Why does it look like the Mkuel Kingdom is the one who is attacking?"

" Whatever, I was hoping to see General performance today . It's a shame that he was assassinated."

Maybe I should visit his corpse. Not like I want to pay respect or whatever. I just want to loot his body.

" If I remember correctly, his body is currently inside those General's apprentices tent. Their names were Ritami and Kuuya right?"

The camp is really quiet. Everyone left, no guards? Or they were confident that they camp won't be looted?

" I believe General was sent into this tent." I opened the tent.

" Poor you General. Your apprentices were really looking forward to fight side by side with you on their last battle." I place my palm directly on top of General's forehead.

" Evaporate!" Like how the spell was named. The spell evaporate everything. The effectiveness of the spell depends on the caster. If you suck. The spell effectiveness will be suck too.

What left is only a book.

" A technique?" I just grab the book without looking the cover since I sensed something dangerous.

This pressure. This feeling. The atmosphere. No way.

I take a look to the direction that I thought where the source is.

" There's no way!"

" This is High Tier Holy Magic! HOLY SMITE" My eyes grown big. If my thoughts is correct then... I don't know perhaps I'm going to be furious? Sad?

That is not important right now. What I need to do is, I gotta run the fuck away from here.

I pulled out My Sacred Wing and I send insane amount of power into it so I fly really fast.

" I have to safe him! I need him!" I flew really fast since I know what will happen if I failed.

" All troop! Retreat! There's no way we are going to block that spell!" Archon Shyia's voice are really loud and clear. Even though, I'm flying with an insane speed. I still be able to hear her voice.

" Oh, Mother Nature. Please protect us, the weak with your mighty power. Protection!"

At the exact time when the protection magic was casted. The Fallen done collecting mana then, it released it.

The spell 'Protection' wasn't able to stop the spell 'Holy Smite'.

" Uh, so this is the end for me." said Mkuel Kjell. Since he is the first one to charge the enemy it make sense that the spell Holy Smite will hit him first.

" MKUEL KJELL!! YOU ARE COMING WITH ME!!" Soka grabbed Mkuel Kjell and immediately lift him up.



" Am I dead?" said Mkuel Kjell. The moment he opened his eyes. The first thing he sees is the sky and oh boy. The sky really looks like the earth

" I see so, the Earth and the AfterLife have no differences. They look alike."

" Good morning, Kjell."

" Oh! A Fairy is approaching me. Perhaps you are my soulmate." Kjell stand up and he was surprised that he sees the face that he thought that he won't see in the AfterLife.

" Master Soka? Why are you with me?"

" What the hell are you talking about? I saved you. And one more thing, you didn't die."

" What?! I was certain that I was hit by the enemy attack " said Kjell

" Hey, I'm a former Hero okay? Don't underestimate my ability."

" I see. Thank you Master Soka for saving my life."

" Not a problem, I saved you because I believe you are valuable for me. That's all."

" Oh, I see. You only save me?" ask Kjell

" Yep, Only you."

" Why you didn't save the other?" ask Kjell.

" The spell was really strong, it called as 'Holy Smite' for a reason."

" What? The long lost spell, Holy Smite?!"

" Sorry for doubting you, Master Soka. Holy Smite is undoubtedly a strong spell. The history once said nobody have the ability to withstand the spell Holy Smite, it also rumoured that it can annihilate the Demon Lord."

" Why don't you check your Kingdom and see the casualties?"

" Nah, I'm not going." said Kjell.

" Why?"

" I don't have any energy inside of me. Gimme food or something."


" Holy shit, this is insane." surprise, surprise. The place where the war took place formed a U shape and half of the capital city were reduced to ashes.

" Bruh, either way. Do you perhaps have any future plan, Kjell?"

" I don't." said Kjell.

" Why don't you follow me a little bit and teach me a things or two."

" If Master Soka insist."

" Good. I really need you so bad."


" Kusalu-sama."

" You are allowed to speak." said Kusalu.

" Mkuel Kingdom no longer exist. According to the observer, there are no survivor whatsoever and even all record that Mkuel Kingdom possess was entirely annihilated."

" Good. Good. Good!"

" Regarding those Fallen that you dispatched. What are we going to do about it?"

" If possible make them move around and destory everything in the patch. Suggest them to destory man made stuff and kill any human they see."

" Oh, The same style like before?"

" Yeah, the same style like before."