1.Just another day

Konoha year 78

In country of rain,as always it was raining.In a dark room inside a tower only sound of writting is being heard.

Between a pile of papers a youth was sitting and writing on piece of paper.

This youth name was Karan,now it's Akira .He was reincarnated as child in amegakure 15 years ago.


[System begins loading 95% ..... 98%...100%]

[Attributes system online]

"Finally it is back system tell me about your functions" the youth thought.

A row of information suddenly appeared in his mind."Ok so it's give rewards attributes to the things basis on its quality, history and function.Well there goes my plan of beating Madara and kaguya left and right and having a harem of beauties as wives like all transmigration MC in fan-fic do " Akira thought.

"Status"he spoke

[Name: Akira


Chakra: Jonin level

Abilities: Intuition (A-level),Five elements affinity

Techniques:Sealing jutsu (D -level),Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave,Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique etc.

Creations : none]

Suddenly there was a knock on the door..

Knock!... Knock!

"Come in"

From the door a Lady with blue hair and orange eyes entered.

Akira: Konan-sensei are you here to help your most favourite discipline in doing this paperwork.

Konan looked at him with cold eyes.

Akira: Ah! Don't worry there is no zetsu around us.

"Still you have to act careful around me you know our situation well" Konan replied helplessly.

She still remember the first time she met him.She was helping the children from orphanage when she found him in alleyway watching the orphanage.The bright orange hair and face similar to yahiko with mature thinking like an adult. She asked him about his family but found they were all dead.So ,she recruited him taught him basics of a ninja and gave a job in the village logistics department.Who knew just with his abilities he climb up to top as a ninja and became her formal students.

Akira: What are you think about is it time for final test where I fight you after defeating you You will say,I can't even defeat my disciple what is the use of this kunai, and I will say,I will use it to protect you, and then there will rain of flowers and..

Smack ! Smack!

Akira:Ouch .. Sorry sensei..

Konan:If you energy to make up all these stories.You should concentrate on work more. Here look at this map these areas are flooded and need repair

Akira: Okay, Sensei. Well how did konoha collapse go.

Konan:Same as you said third hokage died. Orochimaru is injured and sand invasion failed.Your Intuition is very scary if not for that I would have thought you could see the future.

Akira:If you are going to complement me so much It makes me think you are ready to marry me.

Smack! Smack!

Akira: Ouch Ouch sorry sensei

"Ah!"Konan replied tiredly."I have sent Itachi and Kisame for investigation what do you think about it"she continued.

"Well I am not feeling any warning signs so it should be okay"Akira told

Konan told"Ok you should complete all these work early and come home and make dinner tonight"

"Yes sensei"Akira replied.

"See you tonight"She replied and left.

"Let's see my system power first use it on ninja headband"Akira thought

[Item: Rain Ninja headband

Owner: Akira

Properties:None ]


[Item: Rain Ninja headband

Owner: Akira

Properties: Chakra+1]

"That consume only small amount of chakra.Then let's upgrade it few more times"





Upgrade failed:additional materials required

[Item: Rain Ninja headband

Owner: Akira

Properties: Chakra+4 , Perception+1]

"looks like it requires chakra metal to upgrade beyond it" he thought

"After wearing it feels like chakra has become more and let's try perception , it's only 5 meters and feels like only chakra will be detected.Huh it's completely ineffective against zetsu and obito but still pretty useful. Let's go I have to inspect the new pipeline constructed for drainage" Akira murmured.


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )