7.It's always the same excercise

While Akira was making the manga his clone had reached the village after talking to the client they went to the farm to harvest banana.In the ninja world animal and trees are disproportionately big.That is why you see ninjas jumping on the tree branches.Same is true for these banana trees.

"Well we have two ways do this job first is you use shurikens second is this" as he said he placed his foot on tree trunk and started walking perpendicularly on the tree trunk."or you can do this you will have to use chakra on your soles and use it to stick on the tree surface " after jumping and landing on the ground on his feet."This will be your training for today it is called tree climbing exercise ".

While the three tried to complete the exercise the clone sat and start reading one piece .The newest release was about whitebeard death and shanks entry.'Although It is exactly the same as anime but reading it after so many years still feel pretty good' he wipe a small tear from the corner of his eyes.

Seeing the three disciples trying to climb "What are you doing" he questioned.

"Well sensei we are training as you said" Fuyō looked confusingly

"You also have to complete the mission.You are now genin training and mission will be side by side from on." Clone Akira said.

After three discussed , Ajisai first try to climb after reaching she slashed the banana with kunai and did a flip and landed smoothly while Fuyō caught the berry (A/N: yeah banana are berry I googled it).Then Suiren climbed and did the same while Ajisai became the catcher lastly Fuyō tried the climb and suiren became the catcher. The three kept this routine .

'Well this works too' he said and started concentrating on the manga.

Gasps ! X3

After 3 hours of work the three had completed there first mission.Clone Akira looked at three of them they were sweating heavily .Their legs were shivering most likely from all the landing after the fall. "Well it's time to take a break. Come and eat some food" he opened a scroll.

Unsealing technique

He took four bento from the scroll 'I accidently took the lunch of original also.Well it's his mistake he should have not given this scroll to me' he thought.

"Sensei I want to complete the excercise I think with a few extra minute I will be able to do it" Ajisai said while gasping for breath.

"No we are going to stop training here look I even make a bento for you all " Clone Akira orders.

"Okay sensei" Ajisai dejectly sit to eat.

"Sensei did you really make it for us" Fuyō asked visibly surprise at how the latecomer sensei can be so considerate.

"It's just some lentil curry and cumin rice " Clone Akira told 'Well it was basic food in my previous life but after the upgrade in talent in kitchen it has become way more delicious .Well perks of transmigation I guess' he thought.

"How is it? " he ask

"It is delicious" three of them replied while eating heartily.

"Well eat slowly.I also have more " he showed them fourth bento 'I am a clone I will just dispel in one hour'

"Sensei are you not going to eat any" Fuyō asked curiously

"Well I had my lunch before I came to meet you all" Clone Akira answered 'Sorry original you can take care of this mess well I got him a date. It should be balanced by it'.

Three of them looked at him in annoyance.They even distributed the fourth bento among themselves.After eating food they started their journey back to the village. Reaching the village Clone Akira took them to buy some clothes.

"So go on select some clothes.I will buy it for you. Mind you,you will wear them for mission.So nothing too stylish" clone Akira informed the genin.

"Sensei why are you buying us clothes" Ajisai asked while Fuyō and Suiren was already selecting clothes.

"I am very good at fuinjutsu.So I am going to do some addition on clothes to make your training better" Clone Akira lied through his teeth.

Ajisai looked at him not believing any of his nonsense.Seeing her not believing him clone Akira gave a thumbs up with a smile and said "Believe it!".

Ajisai knowing she will not getting an answer made a solemn face and said seriously "If you do something weird to our clothes I will report it to HR".

"Don't take me as a pervert. Also you all are too young for my taste" Clone Akira said disdainfully "Well go on select some clothes for yourself".

"Sensei I have already selected this one" Fuyō said excitedly.

"It's only one. You each have to at least by 5 sets" Akira told them.

"Really sensei " while Fuyō and Suiren excited about it Ajisai looked at him increasing wariness.

After buying clothes which turned to be really long 'Well what to expect I ask girls to buy clothes' he thought."I will be taking it and will return you tomorrow" he took the baggage ignoring the reluctance in the eyes of his students.After submitting the mission report he got 5000 ryō from which he gave 1500 ryō to each of the three students keeping 500 ryō.

"Well here is your first income. You can continue your training at training ground No.5 there are some broken walls there.Remember not to overdo it we have to go for a mission tommorow morning.Same time time as today at 10'o clock in morning. Don't be late." He said while walking away.

"We should say that to you" X3.

"Yeah...Yeah..." Clone Akira said while laughing it off. He went to the weapons store to buy some weights for himself and his students. He reached his home around and found a tired Akira sleeping on his chair while his desk was filled up with drawings.Putting the scroll containing luggage down he kicked the chair "Hey wake up!" clone spoke loudly.

"Ah I am awake " he woke up while yawning seeing the clone standing "Ah you are back.Wait let me change my clothes before you dispel"

He went to the bedroom and he took two set of clothes from wardrobe 'Which set should I use' he thought

[Item: Basic Clothes set(common) Owner: Akira Properties: Mental strength +200% ]

[Item: Basic Clothes set(common) Owner: Akira Properties: Recovery speed +200% ]

In end he selected the recovery one.He dispeld the clone and slept on the bed.After sleeping for 3 hours .Around 9'o clock he had dinner with Konan.

"Today I make a special dish Nihari Mutton it's mutton cooked for 4 hours" he said while setting up the dinner table.Konan looked up at him suprised.'Well I only place it on the stove I slept for 4 hours' he smiled inwardly.

"You look happy" Konan looked at him."Well I told you about earning money.Well I wrote a manga I think it's good I will show you .Also I am going on a date tomorrow" he told.

Konan looked at him coldly "With who? ". He smiled at her ignoring her cold gaze "She is koemi, a receptionist at mission hall.Are you jealous sensei? "

"No. I was just curious" Konan said while making a puff face showing her anger.'Sensei is so cute. Sorry Inori Yuzuriha now you can't be No.1 girl in my heart this spot belong to Konan now' he thought. "Don't worry Sensei Although I might be a little bit pervert , may have a dream of harem, but right now in my heart you are only one present. " he said while offering her food.

"Humph" she snorted but she ate food heartily visibly her mood was better."Well If someone else enter my heart I will tell you" he added.

"Ouch! Ouch! "

Konan hit a paper fan to his head using paper manupulation "Teasing your sensei your courage has increased a lot".

"Okay Okay sorry Konan. How about we enjoy the food now it's going to get cold.Tell me your opinion It took a lot of effort to make" he apologized.

"It soft and melts in your mouth,it's also mildly spicy overall good" she smiled softly.'Well it's all worth the effort as long as Sensei remains happy'.


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