13. New jutsu scroll

The research institute was located beside the hospital. It was made to find new jutsu and medicine but ended up being a place to research solutions for problems that happen in the village. It also acted as a temporary base for Orochimaru for the time he spend in Akatsuki. Most of the researchers learned some way or another from Orochimaru. However, Akira had to imprison a few of them because they changed their loyalty but all in all the effect was good.

Entering the institute he went to the receptionist, who directed him to the lab. At the edge of the lab, a blue haired woman was sitting writing some kind of Fūinjutsu on a paper.

"Come here Akira-Kun, let me show you my work" seeing him she called him out.

"You called me here, are you ready to be my girlfriend" he wrapped his arms waist face to face. She placed her arms on his shoulder.

"Little guy aren't you afraid of being eaten by this big sister"

"Being eaten by a beautiful girl is way up in my top way to die list along with being killed by a yandere, a double suicide with a beautiful girl among other things. I am not afraid of small things"

"Ha! Ha! Are you afraid of me knowing about your little kiss with your receptionist girlfriend"

"How come everybody knows about it?"

"Ha! Ha! let me make this equal". She leaned in and kiss him deeply their tongues were intertwined. After separating from the kiss a strand of saliva bridged between their lips.

Gasping for breath she asked, "So who was better me or her?"

"I didn't get a good taste why don't we do it again" he shamelessly suggests.

"Cheeky" she smiled and got in for another kiss.

After a few minutes, they separated not going any further than kissing. She took him to her lab. The lab had a cage full of mice she took one out and took out the paper.

"Do you know why nobody was able to make a scroll for storing medical ninjutsu while you can almost seal any other jutsu in a scroll" she asked while making a small cut on mice with a chakra scalpel.

'While I know something but let's just say no. She seems so excited to explain.' he thought.

"No idea" he replied

"Let's take this mice as an example while using healing jutsu, I have to concentrate on which blood vessel to connect. If I use a scroll the connection will be indiscriminate you might connect the wrong veins with each other. You understand?"

"HAI! Sensei"

"Well, I present you the solution this scroll fills the chakra system with healing chakra and let the body heal itself faster. It can also restart the chakra circulation if it stops for a few minutes. I also added a small thunder jutsu so as to restart the heart incase the heart stops."

She put the scroll on the wound pour some chakra into it. He could see the green chakra being absorbed by the mice. In a few seconds, the damage started closing.

"Wow, that's amazing. It will save many lives."

"So president aren't you going to award me for this" she put her hand on his shoulder.

Akira looked at Rei. She was one of the few of them who were able to learn under Orochimaru without much change in loyalty. Although she acts all coquettish with him his instincts would always tell him she is a little crazy.

'She might be a little crazy. But any chance for a crazy beautiful scientist girl to be my lover I would like to bet my life on it' he thought. Looking at her he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"So what do you want"

"Why don't you surprise me like you surprised your girlfriend with the hairpin?"

"Oh, I didn't know Rei could be jealous" he looked at her with a smile.

"No but it decreases the chance of me becoming your wife " she whispered in his ear.

Looking at her he couldn't control himself and went in for a kiss, she react proactively. After separating from the kiss.

"Now how are my chances?"

"Much better"

They went on for another few minutes of kissing. After separating Akira asked her for her lab coat.

"Not now, it's still early for us" she replied clutching her coat and acting all pitiful.

"Just give it" he asked while being amused by her acting.

"I didn't know you had this kind of fetish. I wouldn't mind if you smelled my clothes" she handed him her coat.


[Item: White Lab coat(Common)

Owner: Rei (Temporary: Akira)

Properties: None ]






Upgrade Failed....

[Item: White Lab coat(Common)

Owner: Rei (Temporary: Akira)

Properties: Sucess rate +50% ]

"Here, it is your surprise gift" he handed her coat back.

"What did you do to it" she curiously looked at the coat. She saw him pouring chakra into the coat but now she can't feel chakra in the coat. She tried to pour in her own chakra in clothes but it wasn't conducting it.

"Tell me"

"Well, you are a researcher you can figure it out. I can give you a clue you should focus on the use rather than the working" he said.

"Do you have some extra of those First Aid scrolls" he continued.

"First Aid is a good name. I will name it that. Let me make one for you". She went to work, in just ten minutes she gave him the scroll.

"Oh can you help me make a new jutsu ?.It should be a fire style jutsu I want it to be like a pillar of flame sprouting from the ground under the enemy feet"

"Um, It can be but it will require user to be good in both earth and fire style. I will look into it"

"I can always count on you" Akira kissed on her cheek.

"It's gonna cost you more than this"

"Well I will make sure the reward is worth the work. See you later"

"Bye. Take care"


After Akira went out she got back to her work. She saw a white butterfly tapping on the window. Opening the window she let the butterfly in.

"So how was he today" the voice of Konan came from butterfly.

"Well his confidence was pretty high . No shy away from physical affection. That girl did more to his confidence than you living together with him"

"Hm." Rei could imagine Konan face in displeasure.

Amused by the reaction of Konan, Rei said " So what's the deal with this Koemi girl. Why is she after him"

Konan: "She is from the newly joined Chinoike clan. Heard about Akira while working as a receptionist. The old heroes saving the beauty she might have fallen him for that. Well her house is full of Akira's photos and all the information about him. I think she seems to be the so called yandere"

Rei: "Yandere! Akira has rubbed on you"

Konan: "Shut up"

Rei: "So what do we do with her. She seems crazy should we kill her"

Konan: "She is not the first crazy girl he had dated."

Rei: "Ah! I am just caring about him. You know how easily he trusts beautiful women"

Konan: "Don't worry she is not strong enough, Akira can handle her"

Rei: "So are we gonna invite her to our little group"

Konan: "Not now let's just observe for a while"

Rei: "Look who is jealous. We let Hisame join and she haven't even kiss him"

Konan: "Well she is his assistant and can provide information.And knowing him, she will get the qualification soon enough"

Rei: "What about his three students"

Konan: "They are too young for him"

Rei: "The three of them are good looking and they might be more beautiful in future. Knowing him don't you think he is gonna go for them. As if he has no experience in teacher-student forbidden relationship"

There was silence on the other side.

Rei: "Okay I will contact them. I have some work to do. Bye"

Konan: "Bye"

The paper butterfly burned itself to ashes ending the conversation. Akira was happy in blissful ignorance not knowing about group of women that will decide future of him and the ninja world. Not so much as the latter one but more so of the first one.


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