15.Teaching with an assistant

After collecting dead bodies they place them together.

Earth Release: Moving Earth Core

Akira lowers the ground beneath the corpses. Seeing that the pit is deep enough. He weaves another jutsu.

Earth Release: Mudslide

The four walls of the pit burst into the mud and start flowing in the pit covering the corpses.

Pat! Pat!

Clapping his hand to remove dust he turns to his students. Seeing the look on their face he understands what is going on. He wants to solve their problem but before that, he has to do something important.

"You three. I know you must have a lot of things to think about and talk about. But all three of you climb that tree and sit on that branch" pointing at a tree behind him. The three students started walking vertically on the tree bark.

"So let me ask you a question. What is the safest place for a criminal to hide ?" he asked.

"Well with a lot of ninja guards?" Fuyo answered.

"Nope. Next"

"Unreachable" Ajisai answered.

"Philosophically good. Not practical. If the place is unreachable, how will you reach there to hide? Next"

"Unknown" Suiren answered

"Exactly. If the pursuer doesn't know you exist you don't get caught" Akira added," Now you understand why I gave you 8 points."

The three of them understood the situation. Fuyo even used her perception technique" Sensei below the centre house"

"Well, good job. Now let Sensei show you what it means to be a full-fledged ninja" Akira added. Placing his palm forward he first makes a Rasengan. Then use a small amount of wind chakra to push it forward. The Rasengan goes straight through the front door like a bullet impacts the floor of the house and blows up. Destroying the house with a 2-meter wide crater in the middle.

"I call this move Gran Ray cero" Akira explains

Ajisai raises her hand and says "But in the books, it is written raseng.."

"Gran Rey Cero!"


"Gran Rey cero!"

"Okay," Ajisai reluctantly agree.

"Sensei is trying to act cool. You shouldn't interrupt him" Fuyo acted like whispering in Ajisai but her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Suiren: "Childishness"

Ajisai: "Immature"

"Tsk" Akira showed his displeasure 'Kids these days, can't even enjoy a good banter with them. Always acting so mature'


From his left through dust three shurikens came directly toward Akira. Without looking at them he took Kunai in his left hand and deflected the shurikens.

Turning to his left he spoke in an annoyed tone"Can't you see I am trying to teach here. You should fight only after I finish speaking".

Although his voice and outer calm his thought were in a whole other dimension ' That was so cool. I Don't know how I did that. Can I do it again? Please somebody tell me somebody recorded it. Now calm! Breath deeply. We can be more stylish. Keep it up, Akira. YOU CAN DO IT'

"Who cares about it? I was gonna let you all go. You brought this on yourself" A rock shinobi walked out from the broken house.

"Look at this children. This type of speech manner is only used by two types of people either a mob or a super powerful person" Akira pointed at the rock shinobi.

"How to differentiate is easy in this world it's all about the look. If the person is good looking he is powerful otherwise a mob" Akira continued "Now who can tell me the traits of a mob?"

"You damn brat! Rock armour" the rock shinobi tried to deliver a swift punch to Akira. Akira seeing this first thought of defending himself but sensing the danger. He change his decision and dodged the blow. Catching the opponent by his wrist and arm he spun and threw the opponent back to where he came from.


Looking at his hand he could see some scratches.

'A rock armour that covers the whole body this got a little interesting' he thought and smiled.

"Well as you can see with his face. He is a mob. But this classification only applies when you are strong like me. For you, all these are the main villain's power level. Ok" Akira said while stretching his body to get ready for the fight. Taking out his tanto he ready to attack

The rock shinobi came out of the rubble unharmed. The two shinobi engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Akira dodged most of the blows. But his attacks were ineffective every time his tanto connected with the opponent it will create a spark like it was hitting a solid wall.

Seeing the enemy disregarding his defense Akira delivered a sweep kick making the opponent collapse on the ground. Akira held the tanto with his two hands and pushed straight to the opponent's torso.


The tanto still failed to penetrate. The rock shinobi started forming seals. Seeing the rock shinobi taking a deep breath. Akira guessed the jutsu. He kicked the face of the opponent toward the opposite side and placed his foot on opponent's cheek.

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

The fireball burned the grass to a crisp. Looking at the fireball burning Akira got the solution to his problem. He started performing seals. Taking a deep breath he jumped up.

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

The minute he touched the ground the opponent launched his close combat.

"Do you think I don't know what your plan is? Now burn with the fire you made" Rock shinobi smiled hideously.

Akira could only try to dodge. As every touch with the hot armour would burn his hand. Looking back he could see Fuyo sitting on the branch while his other 2 students standing. He took a deep breath and weaved hand sign.


With smoke opponent's vision is disrupted. Akira came ahead and held the opponent's burning arm. Another Akira came on the opponent's side weaving sign.

Looking at Akira holding his hand and another trying to use a jutsu. Rock Shinobi guessed the shadow clone to be the hand holder. He swung his left fist to hit the clone intending to dispel it. The clone tried to dodge but the punch end up hitting his headband.


Looking at the blood dripping from the headband the rock shinobi couldn't believe it he hit the real 'Damn what kind of idiot is this ninja'

"Surprise?, I couldn't let you get away easily you know." Akira smiled and increased his grip.

"DAMN BRAT" Rock shinobi roared. But the clone had reached very close to him, the clone took a deep breath.

Water Release: Water Bullet Technique

The torrent of water hits the rock shinobi on the chest. Akira releases his grip and the opponent goes flying colliding with a tree and breaking it apart continuing the flight he crashed into another tree stopping his flight.

'That jutsu was stronger than normal. Looks like I have collected a lot of style points increasing my strength. All hail new equipment.' Akira thought

[Item: Waterproof Black cloak and face mask(common)

Owner: Akira

Properties: Fight in style]

[Fight in style: The more stylish you fight the better you fight]

Making a Rasengan again he ran to the opponent. Hitting him straight in the chest with a Rasengan.


The rock armour broke and the Rasengan connected to the opponent's chest disabling him. Looking back he gave a V sign to his students.

"Sensei!" hearing the shout of his three students. He swung his tanto back cutting the neck of the rock shinobi attempting to perform a suicide bombing with the intent to blow him up.

Packing the deceased head into a scroll. He used body flicker to reach his students. Looking at the three of them he checked them for injuries. Other than a hit to Fuyo's face all the others were okay.

Taking three of them to the nearest riverside. He gave three of water bottles "Drink it"

While the three of them drink he mobilised his chakra to perform illusion and said "Blood, organs"

Fuyo, Suiren and Ajisai remembered what they have done and all the memories started pouring back in. The three of his students start vomiting their food out. Started cleaning out their hands and face. Fuyo started crying.

Rubbing their back one by one "Yosh, it's okay. Let it all out"

Ajisai turned to him and ask "Sensei was it necessary to kill them all"

Looking at the three students looking at him "Well they looted the caravan. There was no survivor. So you can decide if it was worth it."

Ajisai asked "Is being a ninja all about killing people"


Akira hit Ajisai on her head with a light karate chop "Don't say such depressing stuff. For me being a ninja is all about protecting what's precious to me. It doesn't mean you have to follow my way, though. You can be a ninja in your way".


"Now let's go back. Fuyo gets on my back. You are injured" Akira told.

"Sensei. I…" Fuyo was embarrassed

"Oh, I understand" Akira took a small bottle from his shinobi jacket. Opening its lid it was a spray. He sprayed a bit of perfume on Fuyo.

"Well now you won't smell"

"That wasn't the thing I was worrying about.."

"Oh! I understand. You don't have to worry. I have no interest in your body. You are too young. Now get on or by tomorrow everybody will know that you got beaten up on your first mission" Akira got down to let her climb.

After placing Fuyo on his back they started their journey back.

"Sensei if we don't find our ninja way" Fuyo murmured.

"Well, then I will stick with you. Until you do. But don't worry you will find your way." Akira calmly answered. Hearing his assuring word the three felt relieved.

"Not because you are talented or anything but because you have the Great Teacher Akira as your sensei" Akira laughs.

"Sensei" Fuyo hit his back.

"Now... Now don't do it. You will slip" Akira moves his hand to try to hold her steady. He felt touching something soft.

"You have a good ass" Akira accidentally comments

"SENSEI. I am reporting you" Fuyo's screamed in his ear.

"I AM SO SORRY" Akira apologised while continuing to jump among tree branches to reach back home.


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )