23. First Boss Fight (Stage 3)

Groudon's yellow eye focused on Akira and the team. His eyes were full of madness, with no trace of intelligence left. Locking onto his target, his body heated up, and the glow of flowing red magma could be seen between his scales.

*Patter! Patter!*

The evaporation of a lot of water caused many clouds to form, bringing rain to the border of the Land of River. But the rain couldn't cool off the heat from Groudon.


With a stomp of his foot, Groudon used Earthquake. The ground started breaking apart, spider-like cracks spreading far and wide, destroying a wide area. The team had to jump away to avoid getting stuck between the boulders.

"Haku, do you have any chakra left? I have a plan," Akira asked while jumping on boulders.

"Only about 10%," Haku replied, struggling to balance herself.

"Everyone other than Karin, Haku, and me, try to distract the beast while we recover our chakra." Akira picked Karin up by her collar and placed her on his back. He teleported beside Haku and carried her by her waist.

"I'll leave it to Shikamaru," Akira said.

"Wait. You want to fight a Tailed Beast?" Temari complained.


"You bastard, stop squeezing my butt," Karin said, hanging on Akira's back.

"In my defense, you have a very nice ass," Akira said, giving it a few more squeezes. Feeling Karin's grip on his neck tightening, he stopped moving and placed the two girls on the ground.

"Now, I will lay it all out. I have a plan to defeat the beast, but Haku and I need full chakra, which only you can help with. If you don't want to, that's fine by me; I have a backup plan with a lower chance of success," Akira explained seriously to Karin.

Akira could have ordered her, but he wanted her to decide on her own. After seeing the power of one transmigrator today, Akira understood that he couldn't defeat his enemies alone and needed a team.

The first members he thought of inviting were sitting in front of him. Karin and Haku both possessed talent and the will to grow to new heights. He knew they would eventually surpass him in strength. Adding to the fact that they were incredibly beautiful made them the best candidates for his team.

"You say that, but you don't give me a choice," Karin said, keeping her head down. She could detect falsehood in his words, meaning the plan might not be as foolproof as he said. She unhooked the top button of her shirt to show her shoulder. Closing her eyes, she readied herself.

"Haku, you go first," Akira instructed.

Haku bit her shoulder.

"Aangh," Karin moaned.

Seeing Karin try to suppress her voice while Haku bit her shoulder to suck her chakra was a beautiful sight, and Akira refused to blink. After having her fill, Haku stopped biting. Karin looked at Akira, asking with her eyes what he was waiting for.

"Is biting you the only way?" Akira asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, have you tried anything else, like skin-to-skin contact while exchanging body fluids?"

It took a second for Karin to understand. Her cheeks turned red, and she gritted her teeth. "It only works by a bite. You pervert. Don't try anything else."

Akira rubbed the back of his head, making a hurt expression. "What has the world come to? I just want to help you, and you insult me."

Akira walked beside her and sat down. He got closer, making her close her eyes and flinch when his breath skidded along her skin. He spoke close to her ear, "Don't worry. I'll be gentle."

Feeling his hot breath in her ear, her face reddened. Akira went for the bite. When his teeth embedded in her skin, a vast amount of chakra started to flow into him. Akira felt like he was drinking a martini on a beach. In a few seconds, his chakra was full. He released the bite, licked the wound, and smiled.

"It was sweet."

Karin's blood pressure skyrocketed. She swung a punch, knocking Akira to the ground. His head got embedded in the ground.

"Concentrate on the mission, you pervert."

Akira rubbed his injury and sat up, smiling sheepishly. He then explained his plan. It was a combination of information on Pokémon moves and knowledge of optics.

When they rejoined Shikamaru's team, the battle was at a stalemate. Groudon was still standing in the center of the pit, the ground beneath its feet molten into lava. The water collected from the continuous rain was evaporating.

Shikamaru and Temari were hiding behind a tree. Kankuro was resting farther away. On the front line, Gaara was trying to use his wet sand to defend against Groudon's attacks, while Ajisai, Suiren, and Fuyo were trying to distract Groudon.

"I got it. Haku, explain the plan to them," Akira said, running straight to fight Groudon. He summoned a shadow clone. While running, he and his clone started forming a rasengan. But this rasengan was different; it looked like a golf ball made of spinning water.

Groudon turned to face him, breathing in air. Akira's instincts screamed of an unavoidable attack. Groudon sprayed a literal sea of flame, shocking him. Since the start of the fight, Akira thought Groudon could only use Pokémon moves. Seeing the incoming wall of flames, Akira decided to pierce straight through it.

He dispelled the clone and placed the rasengan forward. Using it as a spear, he broke through, suffering some burns on his arm. Seeing Groudon, he aimed the rasengan at its chest. Groudon placed its arms to block the attack.

"Compressed Water Prison Rasengan," Akira shouted.

The rasengan started cooling Groudon's scales.


The piercing effect of the compressed rasengan started breaking the cooled scales, reaching the human arm underneath. The rasengan broke apart its arm and went straight to its chest. Feeling the pain, Groudon roared. Particles of light started gathering in its mouth.

Seeing this, Akira knew it was time to get out. He used the second stage of his rasengan. The rasengan started expanding, attracting water from the rain and growing bigger and bigger. It swallowed Groudon whole, lifting it from the ground. The fast-flowing water made Groudon spin in the whirlpool.

Jumping out of the pit, Akira looked at his "washing machine" ninjutsu. The roar of water spinning at a rapid pace eclipsed the sound of rain. Shikamaru walked up to him, looking at the sphere.

"Do we still need the plan?" Shikamaru asked.

Akira looked at him with a shocked face. "You... How could you? I thought you were smarter than that."

"What did I do?"

"You set up a flag, smartass."

Akira looked back at the sphere, which was shining like a light bulb. Alarm bells started ringing in his head. He looked at Shikamaru and kicked him away to safety.


A beam of light shot out from the sphere straight toward him. The continuous beam started spinning everywhere due to the spin of the sphere, vaporizing everything it touched. The attack continued for a few seconds, but the damage was extensive. The ground sizzled due to the heat of the blast, but the downpour seemed to increase to counteract the heat.

"Akira-sensei!" the team shouted.

Akira opened his eyes to the voices of his students. Lying on the ground, he looked around to see white mist everywhere. He tried to move but felt his body drained of strength. He tried to call out to them.

"I am here."


All the team members appeared by his side. He looked at their drained faces. Seeing none of them injured, he cursed his luck, thinking it was no better than that of a background character. Ajisai kneeled beside him and started bandaging him.




Looking at her worried face, Akira knew the gravity of his situation.

"Okay, give it to me straight."

"Your right leg below the knee is totally gone. I can't control the bleeding. It's heavy."

"Anything else?"

The others looked at him as if he was stupid. He just smiled and said, "It's just a leg. As a matter of fact, it's always the leg. Now, Ajisai, take this scroll and unseal the frying pan in it. Disinfect it, heat it up, and use it to seal my wound."


"Do it fast. We still have a fight ahead of us."

The team did as he told them. They used a fire release jutsu to heat up the pan. Ajisai looked at the red-hot pan in front of her, hesitating. Apparently, hurting people she knew was harder than killing unknown people.

"Do it, Ajisai. It will be over in a second," Akira urged.

Ajisai nodded and placed the pan on the wound.


With the disgusting smell of burning flesh, the wound was cauterized. The process caused extreme pain to Akira, but he didn't make a sound. To make sure his student wasn't traumatized, he decided not to scream. When the process was finished, Ajisai looked at Akira's tear-covered face, but he was still smiling.

"Sensei, are you crying?"

Akira lifted his face to the sky and said the line he had been waiting to say for a long time.

"No, it's just the rain."


📢 Advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

24. First Boss Fight Ends.

25. The Coolest Pokemon.

26. Rising Tensions.

27. New Comrade.

28. Demerit of Handsomeness.