26. Rising Tensions.


At the hospital, people were rushing from place to place. The hospital was tightly guarded by numerous ninjas. The main reason for the security was the presence of the Tsuchikage, Onoki.

A doctor approached Onoki. Seeing his angry face, he gulped and said, "Tsuchikage-sama, we have completed a full check-up. Kurotsuchi seems to have lost her tailed beast, which caused her to fall unconscious. However, it is not life-threatening. She is expected to make a full recovery in three weeks."

"Hmm!" Onoki just nodded, looking through the glass at Kurotsuchi lying on the hospital bed.

"You can go inside and see her. She is expected to regain consciousness in a few days," the doctor continued.

"No need. What about the tailed beast?" Onoki asked.

"There is no sign of it breaking the seal on her. It's as if it just evaporated in an instant," the doctor answered.

"Something must have happened to Su Chen," Onoki guessed.

"It is possible. Since he gave her the tailed beast, maybe he had a summoning contract with it. So he might have summoned the tailed beast," the doctor explained to the audience.

Disgruntled with the explanation, Onoki flew back to his office. As soon as he entered, his assistant came with grave news.

"Tsuchikage-sama, we received a report from Akatsuchi regarding Su Chen's whereabouts." She handed him the message she had received.

While reading the report, Onoki's anger kept increasing. In the end, he ripped apart the report. Banging his arms on the desk, he said, "Those tree huggers. I will not let this slide. Call the council for a meeting."

After a few hours of explanation, the council was up to speed on the situation. The people in the council were astonished by Su Chen's abilities. The ability to give tailed beasts to people, making them jinchuriki, was a world-changing power. The fact that he called the tailed beast hidden within him the God of Earth was not as important compared to this.

"We need to make sure Konoha doesn't get his secret," an advisor said.

"Did they even capture him? Maybe he was killed."

"Even then, we need to get his body back."

"What about the people he gave tailed beasts to?"

"More importantly, we need to make an excuse for having an extra jinchuriki."

"Konoha has just lost their Hokage. I am sure they will return the prisoners in exchange for peace."


"Peace? Those tree huggers killed the future of our village and you are thinking of peace?" Onoki silenced the discussion.

"But Tsuchikage-sama, we can't fight another war now. And we don't know if they killed him."

"It would be best if they did. If captured alive, we will have to face Konoha ninjas with unlimited chakra."


His assistant handed him a report. Reading the report, Onoki got even angrier. He placed his hand on the table. "Konoha has captured two of Su Chen's escorts. As for Su Chen, they are still searching for his body around the battlefield in the Land of Rivers."

"We will make a camp around that area, and I will personally go there. His body shouldn't fall into Konoha's hands. Meanwhile, send a delegate to Konoha to get Kenzo and Kenji back as soon as possible," he ordered.

The Next Day


In the deepest part of the research institute, a thin body lay on the bed. The figure opened his eyes. The first thing he did was remove his oxygen mask. He looked at his hand, seeing an IV connected to it, and touched it.

"Don't touch that."

He looked at the blue-haired girl in a lab coat.


"Well, it looks like your memory is intact. You fell unconscious yesterday. Your students carried you here."

Yes, the figure was Akira. He tried to sit up but felt weakness throughout his body. He looked at his arms, which seemed thinner than before.

"What happened to me?" he said in a low voice.

"Well, that's what I want to ask. When did you become a jinchuriki?"


"Yeah. Did you think I wouldn't do a full scan on you? Whenever you became a jinchuriki, it was a stupid decision..."

Akira was already thinking about what she said about him being a jinchuriki. He remembered seeing the word "Darkrai" before falling unconscious. He could feel the cold chakra emitting and flowing through his chakra network.


He looked at Rei, who was waving her hand in front of his face. "Are you even listening?"

"Yes, I am listening."

Clearly not believing him, she continued, "In summary, the beast inside you contains extreme Yin chakra, causing the yin-yang balance in your body to be broken. Although it gave you genjutsu talent, it weakens your body too much. You might not even be able to walk from now on."

She sat beside him. Akira looked at her face. Her beauty couldn't hide the dark circles under her eyes. He could guess why that was the case.

"This is the time you give me the solution," Akira smiled.

Rei gave him a considered look. "Well, I have a way, but it might not work."

"Don't worry. If it's you, it will work."

"No, you don't understand! If it fails, the only outcome will be death." Rei had worked all night just to recheck if it could work, reaching only a 50% success rate.

Akira rubbed his chin and said, "High risk then. There should be a high reward, right?"

Rei hesitantly explained her method, "You remember the cells you gave me. I transplanted them into animals, but the cells were so aggressive that they all died. We deduced it was due to the abundant Yang chakra overwhelming the animals."

She drank a glass of water. "So I introduced some Yin chakra. But it only made the cells more aggressive. We tried many variations, changing time, the amount of cells, and the amount of Yin chakra. Many animals survived, but they didn't get much benefit from the process. It was decided to close the experiment until you gave me that magical coat. I tried another variation, this time making sure the animal reached the brink of death due to the cells and then introducing overwhelming Yin chakra to overwhelm the cells. And it worked."

"I sense a 'but' here."

"The subject had to let themselves be overwhelmed by the cells before fighting back. Only then could they gain the beneficial effects of the cells." She looked at him solemnly. "You will have to reach the edge of death if you want to get your leg back."

"Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's start," Akira said confidently. He knew he was talented but not talented enough to defeat his future opponents. He understood he got lucky in the fight against Su Chen, and next time he might not be so lucky.

"You... Just give me a few more weeks. I will be able to increase the success rate of the operation," Rei got up, but Akira caught her hand and pulled her into a hug.

"No, you will have to do it. Today," Akira said.

"Don't you understand? It will only take a few weeks. I am sure of it."

"It's not the success rate that is the problem but time. I don't think I have much time. The world is rapidly changing. I need to get out as fast as I can."

Seeing Akira, usually a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, getting serious was a first for Rei. In the end, she surrendered and agreed to do the operation.

Rei: "I will inform Koemi and Konan about it."

Akira: "Tell them about it after the operation."

"You know Konan will kill both of us when she finds out," Rei looked at him as if he were a fool.

"Then my dream of double suicide with a beautiful girl will come true." Akira smiled and pulled her closer.

"Sigh! I really don't understand what goes on in your head," Rei shook her head.

"Now, can you get up? You are causing me pain," Akira said.

"Oh! I thought you were enjoying it." Rei pushed herself toward him, pressing her chest against his, and kissed him. "Are you still feeling pain?"

"Well, the pain has lessened. I think a few more kisses should make it go away."

Seeing the familiar Akira back, Rei also got into her usual mood.

"Little guy, after this operation, your body will be reborn anew. As your doctor, I will make you test every function of your body thoroughly," she said, looking directly into his eyes.

"Every function?"

"Every function. Personally." Her hands traveled down his chest and reached the little guy's rising little guy. She used her chakra to calm him down. "Calm down, little guy. Give it a rest now. It will have to do a lot of work. My tests are rigorous."


📢 Advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

27. New Comrade.

28. Demerit of Handsomeness.

29. Night Of Passion.

30. Too Much Power.

31. New opponents.