28. Demerit of Handsomeness.

After changing into his clothes, which were washed by Rei, and ignoring the fact that she might have been the one who undressed him while he was unconscious, Akira and Rei walked to a nearby training ground. Akira did some stretching exercises before showing off his power. The training ground contained some wooden logs for target practice and even a lake. Looking at Rei, who had already placed a chair, table, and umbrella, Akira walked to the dummy to test his strength.

He used his full force to punch, adding the chakra enhancement. The wooden dummy broke apart, and unable to control his strength, his punch went straight to the ground. The punch caused the ground to break apart, and the spider-like cracks expanded rapidly, even causing Rei's desk to fall.

"Damn, now I will have to name this punch. Let's call it California Smash," Akira said, looking at the destruction he caused.

"Repair it, will you? Others use it too," Rei's voice came from afar; she had already repositioned herself a little farther away from him.

"Okay," Akira made hand signs and placed his palm on the ground. "Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp." He turned the damaged ground into a swamp. He started to make hand signs again and placed his hand on the ground, "Earth Release: Hardening Technique."

The swamp mud hardened to form a plain ground.

Rei teleported to his side and stood under her umbrella. "Looks like your physical strength has improved too rapidly. You will have to train a little more. As for your jutsu, how do you feel?"

Akira felt his chakra. "Looks like I can do the ninjutsu more efficiently. As for the chakra, I pretty much have all of it left."

Rei put her finger on her lip and said, "It might be because of your increased affinity due to the wood release chakra in the cells."

Hearing her words, Akira remembered the main reason he gave her the cells: to find a way to get wood release. He tried to remember the hand signs for wood release jutsu but remembered Hashirama could do any jutsu with just a clap of the hands.

"Don't even think about trying it," Rei knew him well enough to know he might be thinking of using wood release. She continued, "I will observe your Yin and Yang chakra production. Before that, don't use both of them. Meaning no genjutsu, medical jutsu, and wood release."

Looking at how easy it was for him to use large-scale jutsu, she decided to increase the difficulty; otherwise, she wouldn't know his limits. She walked a few steps to the edge of the lake and said, "Why don't you use fire jutsu with all your might?"

"Okay," This time, Akira made hand signs in slow motion. Since he was wearing his original coat, he thought it would give him a style bonus.

[Item: Waterproof Black Cloak and Face Mask (Common)Owner: Akira

Properties: Fight in Style]

[Fight in Style: The more stylish you fight, the better you fight.]

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation."

He took a deep breath and then spat out a literal sea of flames. The flames moved like a wall of fire, burning vigorously on the surface of the lake. After he couldn't breathe out any more air, he stopped. The fire stopped instantly, but its effect was just getting started.


The steam wave was rolling toward him. Seeing this, he teleported beside Rei and used 'Wind Release: Great Breakthrough' to blow the steam wave back. He looked beside him at Rei, who was still nonchalant about all this, and felt a little hurt.

"How much chakra did you use?"

Hearing this, Akira's mood brightened, and he proudly said, "Only 5%."

Rei thought for a moment and murmured, "At least a tenfold increase in chakra."

She wrote her observation into a report and said, "Let's go to the gym to test your physical limits."

Just as they were about to walk back, another person appeared beside them.

"Konan!" Akira froze in his place. Konan flew toward him and hugged him.


Akira couldn't react, but feeling her crying on his shoulder, he became speechless. He felt that he would rather face Konan's wrath than her tears. In the end, he could only hug her back, his hand patting her back. He kept whispering, "Don't worry, I am alright."

After a few minutes of consoling her, Konan felt better. She slipped out of the hug and cleared her face.

"You okay?" Akira kept his hand on her shoulder. Konan nodded while keeping her grip on his arm.

"Sniff, let's go home," Konan grabbed his arm to drag him away, but suddenly he stopped. Feeling resistance, she turned to see Rei holding his other arm.

"What are you doing?" Konan coldly asked her.

"You can't take him. I still have tests I want to perform to know his capabilities," Rei replied.

"He just went through a life-changing operation. I don't know much about medicine, but I know he needs to rest now to recover." Konan knew Rei's obsession with science. There was no way she was going to leave him under her care. She had already seen Akira's new leg and could guess that he got a pretty big surgery without even telling her.

"Yeah, but I won't be able to track his progress. Only a few physical tests are remaining. It will only take a few minutes." Rei was not going to let him go. He was the first test subject who survived the operation all on his own. Moreover, she still hadn't found the limit of his enhancement capability.

"I knew it. You only care about your research..."

While the girls were arguing, Akira, who was being pulled from both sides, was in bliss. Feeling the softness on his arms, he felt like his dream had come true. Two girls were fighting for him; although one of them was mostly interested in his body and abilities, she still counted according to him.

'Sigh, me and my handsomeness. What a sin,' he thought.


On the other side, ninjas from Konoha had already established a temporary base surrounding the ground zero of the fight. The base was under the command of Kurenai Yuhi, who was listening to the report sent by the scientific team.

Kurenai: "Is it impossible to reach the base of the hole?"

"Yes, the ground is too hot for the mole technique, while the constant pressurized steam emitting from the hole makes it impossible to reach." an officer reported.

Kurenai: "How about any tissue of the enemy?"

Officer: "We have found many different blood samples, but it will require detailed testing to know which blood belongs to whom."

"New orders from Konoha." A purple-haired Anbu entered the tent. Kurenai asked her to continue.

"A team from Iwagakure will be reaching this site by this evening. If there is no way to retrieve the corpse by then, it is ordered to blow up the hole entrance to bury the hole. During this whole process, no fighting against Iwa should occur as long as they are outside the Land of Fire's border."

Hearing this, Kurenai knew she had to decide now since they would have to start evacuating well before the arrival time of the Iwa force. She looked at the scientific officer and asked, "Do you have any way to retrieve the corpse?"

The officer showed her the only plan the team had come up with. Looking at the plan, Kurenai understood it would take a lot of time to implement it. She ordered the evacuation. Walking outside the tent, she looked at the hole in the center of the crater spewing out constant steam. She could smell sulfur in the air, and looking around, she could see flowers and grass growing all around the pit.

"With all these flowers and greenery, it could have been a good place for a house. Pity such a fight happened in such a beautiful place," Kurenai murmured.

"It was not a beautiful place; it was barren when we came here yesterday." the purple-haired Anbu told her.

Kurenai looked at her with a confused face and then her expression morphed into shock.


📢 Advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

29. Night Of Passion.

30. Too Much Power.

31. New opponents.

32. Who will be Kazekage?

33. World Wide Situation.