Chapter 134: Verifying suspicion!

"Let's go back to the palace!" He said but Whittaker didn't move.

"Wait Elder, let me get that treasure!" He said while pointing at the sparkly gem in the middle of the bloody mess.

"Sure, go ahead!" Elder Zachary replied

Whittaker picked up the sparkly gem and gazed at it. At that very moment, Noah notified.

[Draconic Rapid Water Blast (C-rank) (Rare)

 Charge up cost: 400 Mana 

Cost per shot: 40

Effect: Fires a group of water balls that explodes on contact and deals water damage to the enemy. Water damage is weak against nature, wood, earth enemies but effective against fire enemies. Cannot be learned.]

‹Hint: If you want to learn it then upgrade Frost spellbook to S-rank Ice spellbook or sell the Rapid Water Blast book for a good amount]

"I don't need to sell it," Whittaker muttered while walking back to Elder Zachary.