Chapter 147: Alias, Life Taker!

‹Guardian, it's better to create an alias before accessing the universal market as it will provide you with a great protective cover!› Noah notified.

'I know. If I don't use an alias then people will be able to tell what I am selling or buying, and this might cause me trouble if I sell something rare. It's better to use an alias," With Whittaker's intelligence, he easily inferred the uses of using an alias.

"I want to use an alias!" He said.

‹Enter alias› A screen with a keyboard popped up before him

"I'll use the most threatening alias to scare off anyone interested in my identity." The young boy thought with a smirk. He typed in nine words and his name appeared on the screen.

‹The user is registered as Life Taker. Welcome to the universal store›

At the moment, Life Taker was the most threatening name the innocent Whittaker could come up with. Plus, it shared many similarities with his name too.