Chapter 218: Corrupted ones

Ashley left her legacy somewhere in the land of water before she died, but it was meant for only the descendants of the divine battle king. Except for her husband, the person she trusted the most was Elder Zachary. Ashley knew the greed of her husband, as he was the emperor of water and a man with ambition. She knew that her husband will try to obtain the legacy meant for a Devansha for himself or the children of his other wives. Thus, Ashley handed the key to her inheritance to Elder Zachary for keepsake.

Now that the key has been handed over to Whittaker, Elder Zachary has completed one of his life's last two tasks. He gently gazed at Whittaker continuously. He was wondering when and how he is gonna hand over the "King Feng" title and the authority of his Palace to Whittaker.

Whittaker, on the other hand, curiously examined the pendant of Devansha held in his hands.

"Noah, why is this pendant eerily similar to the pendant of the night?" Whittaker asked.