Chapter 234: Training (a)

‹Consumed 1000 Spirit Flowers to hasten Katherine recovery time›

‹ Task: Provide 1000 Spirit Flower 1000/1000. Completed! ›

‹ Rewards Obtained: Magic spell: Frost Healing Touch ›

‹ Magic spell: Frost Healing Touch has been stored in the inventory ›

The very next month, the first thing Whittaker did after waking up was to use the spirit flowers he got for Nina to hasten Katherine recovery. He had received the quest to help Katherine the very first time he came in contact with the Spirit Flower. Besides, he also wants to help Katherine, as she will be able to provide answers to a lot of his questions.

"Noah, how long will it take for her to wake up?"

Previously, Katherine needed around a year to recover and wake up from her slumber, but now it should take a lot less time for her to recover.