Chapter 246: Portals to Grizzly Bear Mountain Range

What is this?

What's the test about?

What is happening?

The students were as confused as a horde of chicken being slaughtered. They looked at the mystifying symbol on their hands before staring at the head examiner for answers.

"You all have been bounded with the Recall formation. You will be teleported to safety when you're about to die in the grizzly mountain range. The medical team will provide you the best care and heal you of all your injuries, no matter how worse they are. However, in that case, you will undoubtedly lose all your points upon teleportation so try your best if you want a better grade." Lazarus explained as his eyes turned into a smile.

The students finally understood what's happening.

"Oh, I finally get it. Those who left the training ground because of cowardice and the unwillingness to get hurt or die failed. While those who remained to take the test even after knowing that there is a chance to die passed."