chapter 10

Summers's P.O.V

A few more hours of work ,  it is my time to go home , I waited for Marcos in the kitchen. After thirty minutes he had not appeared  so I decided I would leave he was not interested in talking or making it up to me so I decided I would just leave. He is wasting my time.


Half way through the long hallway I felt an arm reach around my waist, I was immediately pull into a hard chest. I panicked thinking it was my boss but I quickly realised it was Marcos by his  Cologne. He breathing became heavy, his breath Fanning on my neck sent chills down my spine.

Marcos : " Where you planning running away from me Bambino?" he said as he nibbled on my ear I let a little moan slip. 

Marcos : " bambino answer me , were where you going hmm? "  He said , he placed small kisses from my ear to my neck. I tried to speak but all that came out is a moan.

Me : " mmhh....I ....." 

Marcos : " Bambino I'm waiting ." He says  as his hands travel into my shirt. Right then I decided it had gone too far we were still at my place of work I didn't want Mr grey seeing me with one of his clients.

I pushed him away.

Me :"  hhey I...I was going to wait for you outside "

Marcos :" it didn't look like that too me let's go Mio Amor" afteer the brief moment we had he lead me outside , we got in his car. I was about to ask him about my car but  he answered saying his men would come get it. I wonder what he does for a living . I hope his not in the mafia.


When summer was nine

Summer : "Mama why do I have to go with uncle Larry I'm want to stay with you and Papa"  a young asked her step mother in tears  she didn't see the us to be separated with her parents.

It's for your good mio amore ,  it's for training for the family business. " Her mother lied to her she could not build up the courage the tell a joint girl the reason of her taking her away from her family was because a arrangement that her own father made , she wanted he daughter to have a normal life outside the mafia and get married to the love of her life. Not to be married to the future second on command just to unite the already United family.

Summer : "Okay Mamá I'll make you and dad proud and train and come back to you Mamà"

After a few hours of crying in her mother's arms summer stood up and looked at her uncle Larry and said she was ready to go . With her head high she walked out of the huge Manson with one soul thing in her was on her mind she would  one back and take her father's place in the Mafia. Although she knew what the family business was she didn't know how to run it so she would take his seriously and only come back when she was ready to come back and the new don. They drove a few hours and they finally stopped at her uncles house it was a big house but not as big as her old house . From that point on she went by summer not to raise and questions and so use could go to school and train as hard as she could to make make her dad proud of the woman she will become.

End of Flashback

I was brought out of my day drama when Marcos's voice. From my day dream.

Marcos: " Mio Amore , we are here come let's go." He said as he went out o the car and open the door for me.  I got out of the door and saw the view of a large mansion. On the door way they was candles lit along the walk way .

Me : " Marco.....I..I" I was so speeches for the first time I had meet him. He took my hand and led me into the house the house was full of candles and it was so beautiful i was about to cry sure I was still a little angry at him for what he did with that redhead but this was beyond perfect.

My date with Marcos was perfect he was a gentleman all night long throh he is keeping something from me I will find out what it is. I know it has something to do with were he works causes his answer was vague and I do not know what he dose. I am just hoping he is not in the mafia because if he is. papa will find me before I've done my training I have to take over this year I know but my training is not yet done. It will hurt when I have to leave Marcos but at the end hopefully I can convenience papa to let me marry him and bring him into the business.