Body Morph.

After a nice sleep, Long Tian went to the bathroom to take a dump and brush his teeth, to his surprise, Long Tian was now taller than he was yesterday. His height now is 1.93 meters, that is 6 feet and 4 inches. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, he himself got scared.

He was just 1.72 meters before, i.e. 5 feet 8 inches.

"What the.. This is a humongous growth spurt isn't it?"

Then, Long Tian undressed and looked himself in the mirror again. His heart almost burst out this time.

His entire body was chiselled, his once plain belly now has 8 abs, his hands have triceps, his legs have some nice quads and a thicker Achilles Tendon with some complementary Calf muscles, his entire torso had become this butterfly shape. It was not overly bulky though, his build was more of a slender type, below 10% fat.


[Body Morphing Complete.]

[Host's Physical Body is now capable of exhibiting all his current stats.]

Long Tian gave a wry smile, it was good that there was no school. The Exam was the day after tomorrow, so today and tomorrow it's preparation holidays.

Long Tian made up his mind, if his parents or somebody else asks him what happened to him, he will say that he had a sudden growth spurt. It will be hard to convince them, but what else can he do? He's just as powerless.

"I must rest these 2 days and grind some martial arts, the MC's life is tough. He get's himself into some tricky situations. I must be prepared just in case." Long Tian pondered.

Two Days Later.

His Martial Arts grinding paid off.

[Boxing = Master Level]

[Kung Fu = Master Level]

[Karate = Master Level]

[Taek Won Do = Master Level]

[20+ Martial Arts = Master Level]

"Haha.. to think reading books about martial arts, some old scriptures and watching UFC can get me to Master Level of more than 20 Martial Arts, this is too OP."

[Ding! Congratulations Host.]

[You have leveled more than 20 Martial Arts to Master Level.]

[You have unlocked an achievment "Jack of all Martial Arts" and recieved the title.]

[When using Martial Arts, your strength will double!]

"Huh?, How come I didn't know that there was such an achievement."

[Ding! they are passive. There are many Passive Achievements, Passive Missions and also Passive Skills. You have unlocked the Passive Features, the host will be rewarded for what he completed fairly.]

The Martial Arts skills made his muscles even more defined. He was satisfied.

"Well that's fine."

Not paying it much heed, Long Tian brushed his teeth and took a dump. But what happened next made him faint.

[Ding! Butt Washing +1]

[Butt Washing = Beginner]

"System!!.. goddamn it all, Butt Washing skill!? what the hell is that?"

[Ding! Host's anger detected.]

[Butt Washing is a passive skill, you unlocked passive abilities, hence the reason.]

"Then I Brush my teeth too right, why is that not a Passive Skill?"

System: ...

Gritting his teeth, Long Tian started for the Examination Centre.

He checked his Hall Ticket Number and went to his respective classroom.

"According to plot, this is the part where I show off and complete the exam in 20 minutes and the mobs will laugh at me, then I'll get the highest rank and do some face slapping."

"But, I don't want that, I just want to get into a Prestigious University, ranking first is not necessary, it will bring me unwanted attention."

Long Tian made up his mind.

Although the paper was extremely easy for him, he just sat there and completed the exam slowly.

In fact, he deliberately made some mistakes in his answers.

4 Days later all the exams were completed.


"Phew.. finally the exams are completed, time for me to make some cash."

Although Long Tian hates the overused tropes of the system, he can't deny the fact that it can help him make excellent amounts of money. And hey, who doesn't love money?

"Plot says start a Cooking Stall or a small Restaurant, but I say let's go work in a reputable restaurant."

Long Tian straight up went to the best Restaurant in the entire county, The Fragrant Pavilion. It had branches all over the country and was very famous for it's high class food.