Solstice City.

Soon, 5 days had passed. Long Tian's University opens the day after tomorrow, most students visit the university a day before the opening to get to know the campus, meet new people, connect with dorm mates in case you're in dorms.

He will reach Solstice City in 2 hours by plane, he'll leave the car he bought for his parents. Tian was about to book the economy class ticket when..

Ring.. Ring..

Long Tian: Hello!

Feng Xueyue: When are you leaving for university?

Long Tian: In an hour or so.

Feng Xueyue: I've booked tickets for both of us, I'm on my way to come pick you up.

Long Tian: Great! but how do you know my address?

Feng Xueyue: ....

Soon, a black Mercedes pulled over in front of Long Tian's house. He packed his luggage and started to go out of the house.

"My dear son, take care of yourself. Make sure you eat plenty and have at least three meals a day." Long Tian's mother said with teary eyes.

"Tch.. your son is not going to some other country, Solstice City is a two hour journey by flight. He'll be just fine." Echoed his father.

His mother glared at his father and pinched him on his stomach and they started the usual couple bickering.

"I'll be leaving then." Long Tian said his goodbyes, finally came out and stood in front of the car.

The windows of the car slowly started to come down. Feng Xueyue was sitting inside, she looked stunning in a blue skirt

"You're here" Long Tian said without any emotion.

Feng Xueyue suddenly became agitated.

'Tch.. still no reaction, is he a eunuch?'

[Ding! The Host has yet again resisted Feng Xueyue's beauty, Charm +20]

Long Tian was first taken aback, 'Oh! That's nice.'

'But why does she suddenly look sour?'

In a moment, the butler came out and helped Long Tian with the luggage, now they were all set. The started to the airport.

"Do you plan on using the university dorm?" Feng Xueyue asked.

"No, I can cook, so food wont be a problem. So, I'm thinking of staying by myself. Renting a house would be too tiresome, maybe I'll buy a small place first" Long Tian replied lazily.

Feng Xueyue was shocked, 'He wants to buy a place in Solstice City?'

"Although you have earned 1.4 Million RMB, to spend all that on a place in Solstice City, you won't get any value for money. I suggest saving up and buying a house later, because houses that are under 2 Million RMB in Solstice City are not worth it." Fend Xueyue said.

Long Tian simply nodded and did not reply.

Long Tian earned 1.4 Million RMB from working as a chef, of which he spent 200,000 on clothes and the other million on a car. Then Fu Shiyi wired 10 Million RMB to his account, so he has 10.2 Million RMB and the sales of his song have just started, so the royalties will naturally flow in.

Soon, the airport arrived. The butler helped them with their luggage again and they were ready to board the flight.

"Come to think of it, aren't you guys one of the richest families in the country? Don't you have a private jet? Why choose a civilian flight?" Long Tian asked with visible confusion.

"What do you know? it's not cheap to maintain a private jet, each trip costs a hefty sum because of the price of fuel, add to that the cost of hangars. We might be rich, but money doesn't grow on trees. We only use the private jet for important business." Feng Xueyue replied.

Long Tian nodded in compliance, "Hmm.. makes sense."

Soon, they both boarded the flight.