
(Kiyo's POV)

"K-K-Ku...Kushida? Wh-what's the matter?"

I squeaked.

Of course, I was completely flustered. It was only natural that I'd panic. I couldn't understand what was happening.


But Kushida didn't answer right away. She finally responded in a small


"I'm sorry. I...I just felt so lonely, I think,"

She whispered.

Her words hit me hard, like a fighter smacking me right in the jaw. I felt dizzy. Kushida buried her face in my chest for a few seconds longer, without saying a word.

Then she pulled away, flustered, as if breaking from a spell.

"S-sorry. I, um...I just hugged you so suddenly, Ayanokouji-kun. Good night!"

She stammered.

I couldn't make out Kushida's face too well in the dark, but she might have been blushing slightly. Kushida quickly scurried away before I could

speak. I stood there, hand on my chest, feeling the warmth that remained.

I already couldn't sleep, and after all that, I couldn't just return to my room. I decided to wander around the boat before heading back.

"Now that I've calmed down, I'm feeling thirsty."

There should've been a few vending machines on the first level, so I

decided to head there. But as I approached, I found an odd three-person group: Chabashira-sensei; the Class B homeroom teacher, Hoshinomiya- sensei; and Mashima-sensei from Class A.

The teachers were relaxing on the sofa. The area wasn't technically off

limits to students, but since things like izakaya and bars weren't open to us,

no one came around. I'd taken this route just for a change of scene, but had stumbled onto an opportunity. I hid myself and drew nearer.

"You know, it's been a long time since the three of us all got together."

"It is what it is. Fate. After bouncing around from one thing to the next,

we all chose the teacher's life."

"Enough. There's no point talking about that."

"Ah, that reminds me. You were on a date the other day, weren't you?

You've got a new girlfriend, huh? Mashima-kun, you're quite the playboy. And here I'd thought you were the quiet, unsociable type."

"Chie, what happened to the man you were with?"

"Ah ha ha! We broke up two weeks ago. I'm the type of girl who breaks it off once the relationship starts getting serious. It's just like, see ya later!"

Hoshinomiya-sensei said.

"That's what you'd usually hear from the guy."

"Ah, but I'd never do that to you, Mashima-kun. You're my best friend,

after all. I'd hate to ruin our friendship."

"Relax. I'm not worried about that."

"What a shocker."

Hoshinomiya-sensei poured whiskey into an empty glass. She downed

it in one gulp. Must've been a drinker. On the other hand, Chabashira-sensei sipped her drink like a cocktail.

"What are you planning, Chie?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? What'd I do?"

"It's customary to place all of the class representatives into the Dragon group, isn't it?"

"I'm not screwing around or anything. It's certainly true that as far as grades and attitude are concerned, Ichinose-san is number one. However, someone's true place in society cannot be measured by numbers alone. I determined that she needed a challenge. And besides, rabbits are just so cute, aren't they? The way they hop around. Doesn't that suit Ichinose-san?"

Hoshinomiya-sensei asked.

"I hope you're right."

"I think what you're saying makes sense, Hoshinomiya, but what are you getting at?"

"We wouldn't want you to base your judgment on personal grudges."

"Oh, are you still talking about what happened ten years ago? I thought

that was all water under the bridge."

"I wonder. I mean, you can't seem to stop yourself from running your

mouth. You're not satisfied unless you're one move ahead. That's why you put Ichinose in the Rabbit group, isn't it?"

"I genuinely thought that Ichinose needed to learn a lesson, so I removed her from the Dragon group. You know? By the way, Sae-chan, I couldn't help but notice you've been focusing on Ayanokouji-kun. Anyway, it's just a coincidence. Coincidence, coincidence. But..."

She stopped talking before gulping down another glass of drink.

"Was it also a coincidence that you put Yuki-kun in the Dragon's Group? I know the previous test, he managed to do something as a leader and has an excellent academic ability. The fact he joins a sports club also was something that can't be overlook. But, he's just an honorable students. He doesn't really have that aura like Hirata and Kushida. For Horikita, I can see her brother's shadow behind her. But, I don't see anything at all from the person with name Yuki Natsu. What do you want to say about that?"

"What is that all? You should focus on about your happy-go-lucky class. I knows my class very well."

Hmm, now I can connect everything including our conversation after the test with the placement of Ichinose and Yuki.





Chabashira-sensei leaned against the railing and looked toward the sky. As I'm about to go to my room, she stopped me with a question.

"Why you don't want to lead the class, Ayanokouji? Wasn't that much easier than hiding in the background?"

"That's impossible. First of all, even if I will help you to reach Class A, I still don't want to give up my freedom as an average students. Besides, I don't really like attracting many attention."

"Is that so? Then, you just going to leave everything to Hirata as a leader?"

"I hate when our own homeroom teacher doesn't have any confidence in their own students. I'm guarantee you that they are more than capable to lead the class now. And a little more time, Horikita and Yuki also will be able to be great leaders along with Hirata."

She raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm? I understands about Horikita's hidden talent. But, Yuki Natsu. Are you sure about him?"

"Sensei, do you forget about his deduction capabilities on the S-system? He was one of the earliest student to notice about it."

"Is that so? I have no confidence in him, though he impressed me that time. And about other things?"



Yes I'm very curious but it doesn't mean that she will answer even if I ask. The fact she said it in vague words shows that this is a privacy matters.

"I'll just gives you a hint. If you think he was a a capable leader, then he is really good in doing business."

Soon, I vanish from her views.

"Business, eh?"

(Flashback end)




"I see."

Mashima-sensei nodded as though convinced of something.

However, he then strictly addressed Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"There's no rule against this, but I want to be clear. Stop spying on other colleagues' classes."

"Agh, it's like you don't trust me at all. Well, I'm not the only one to blame. Sakagami-sensei is part of the problem, too. If we evaluated the Class C students properly, another student should've been placed into Dragon. But they threw Ryuuen in there. And you also did somethings right."

"That's certainly true. This isn't your average year. The students seem

rather special."

With this newfound information, it was about time for me to head back.

If I stayed any longer, I might be seen.

Just knowing that Ichinose had been

sent to spy on me was enough for this little reconnaissance. Apparently I was under heavy scrutiny.

I sends a message to Yuki that sounds like;

"My group. A spy"

With his ability, I'm sure he knows what in trying to say. I can't do anything much in this test. With that I headed to my rooms.

(Kiyo's POV end)


(Kushida's POV)

"Let's not mess around, Ryuuen-kun. I don't want people to find us meeting here secretly."

"Kukuku, don't worry, Kikyo. No one can see us here. In fact, there's no one here. So you can relax. But, if someone see us, just say that we're secretly dating."

I glares at him, clearly don't like what he says even though it's just an idea. I don't want to risk everything that I've built these past few months.

"I likes that eyes of your. It's much better than the one you always use. You should use it often."

Ignoring him, I get on to our objective. The more time I spend with him, the higher the risk of me getting exposed by someone.

"So what information do you want?"

Only a few handful people knows about this hidden side of mine. Horikita was from the same middle school as mine, so she probably knows about that event. Then this person in front of me, which can read people like a book. Even so, he is the best person I can get helps from to aids me in humiliating Horikita and get her expel.

The plan was already in motion since the last test, I've almost get her to fall into despair after break her plans again and again. But, the plan failed. And now Horikita and the other guy's charisma and credibility has slowly rising due to that.

The other guy's Yuki Natsu. But I've a full control over him. Just I never had a time to persuade him alone. He's pretty smart avoiding me since that test. And everytime I try to call him, he never answer it and all my messages has been ignored by him. I'm getting frustrated now.

But, relax. The time will come. Last but not least, Ayanokouji-kun. He did something unique on our first mid term exam by bought the exam's paper. But after that, he never shows anything special about him. Although he saw my secret, I had make sure that he will never exposed me by blackmailing him.

So, my obstacles at the moment are Horikita and Yuki-kun. I'll get both of them to be expelled. The faster the better.

"Class D's VIP. You should know about that right?"

"Who do you think I am? My reputation aren't just for show, you know. Before I said anything, you have to promise me that you will help me, right?"

"Expelled Horikita and her goons, right? Kukuku, don't worry. I've planned to crush them for a while. Especially that red hair guy."

"Yuki-kun? Well, I don't care. As long as you help me I'll help you."

After that, I sends him an email contained the name of VIP from our class.

"Kukuku, now things will get interesting from now on."

I looks at Ryuuen grinning at his phone. Something suddenly comes to my mind.

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Why do you want to meet me like this when in the end I can send you an email? You should know the risk of anyone seeing us is severe, right?"

"Kikyo. I just want to see your face and expression when you meet me. I have to make sure that you don't lie even a single bit. Whether you contact me like this or through phone, the risk I carry is pretty high, you know. I don't want to make another mistake like last time."

"*sigh* Okay. It's hurts that you don't trust me, well as long as you----"


"Who's there?!"

No way, is there someone here? Did they hear anything? I can't let them go away like that.. But where...

"Calm down, Kikyo. That person wouldn't go far away yet."

"But, where could he be hiding? There's no place to--"

"No, there's one."

Ryuuen then stare at a bench that's about 10-m from us. Other than that bench, there's no other place to hide. I hasten my steps towards that bench and there I saw no one.

Was it my imagination? No, even Ryuuen heard that sneezing sound.

Where that person run?

Or where can he hide?

Damn it!!

"Ahhh, so annoying!"

My voice was so low from my usual self.

"It's seriously annoying! God, how irritating…"

I grumbled to myself, cursing this shitty situation I'm in.

"Ah, she's the worst! She's just the worst, the worst, the worst! It's because of her, Horikita, you're so annoying! You're so damn annoying! Now my reputation will fall apart if this news comes out."

"Kukuku, now wasn't this getting fiery up, Kikyo. You hold your popularity like your own life. Now, it's going to break. There's nothing you can do now."

"Ryuuen! You set me up!"

"Don't quickly jump to conclusions, Kikyo. Even if that person knows or record about our meeting, your words hold more value that even if this situation is spread through the school,  a few words from you and they will instantly believe you. Don't worry a bit."

"Just create some lies and you'll be fine. And as times flies by, we will smoke the person out."

"You better walk the talk, Ryuuen. We can't meet like this anymore. Then, farewell."

I bites my own finger nails worrying about what to do. But what Ryuuen said have some truth in it. So, for now I have to act like Kushida that everyone trust.

(Kushida's POV end)


My sleep has been disturbed due to the non-stop ringing from my phone, many times.

"Oi, Yuki-kun! Wakes up. There 10 minutes more before the discussion starts, you know!!"

"Okay, Ike. I'll..*snore*"

Slowly, I open my eyes and looks at the clock that displays the time currently.

"How the hell you can sleep for 12 hours straight?!"

"Shut up, Ike. I'm trying to wake up now."

"You better hurry. Everyone has gone already."

After that, he steps out from the room, leaving me alone. I takes my phone and check my phone notification.

"12 missed calls!! And 20 unread messages? All from Horikita. Damn, I'm in trouble."

After a quick wash, I wears my uniform and head to the discussions room with 2 minutes left. I'm glad that I'm still made it in time.

"Pardon the intrusion."

I just barge through the door and it's suddenly feels tense inside here.

Maybe I shouldn't comes here? But then, the school will punish me. With a heavy sigh, I takes a chair and sit near Horikita.

"Why are you late?"


Maybe its related to all those missed calls just now.

"Well, nevermind. There's something I want to tell you. Ayanokouji-kun and I met Ryuuen this morning and he said something interesting."

Ryuuen's name has piqued my interest as I looks at her Horikita's face. She then fiddles her phone before put it at my ears.

"I've already gotten a handle on the

fundamentals of this test. Depending on how things go, Class C will win by

an overwhelming majority."

"That's what he said, right? So, do you believe him or..."

I wanted to know Horikita's decision regarding what Ryuuen said just now. Knowing him from the previous test, I can said that he really can pull off this test. Waiting for Horikita's answer, I glances at someone in the group that keeps staring at us.

"I don't know how much of what he said is true, but I have to wonder. I can't say I'm 100% sure. But…there's a possibility. I don't think we can keep up this test much longer, though."

She said. This means that she doesn't really underestimate Ryuuen capability but she still has that confidence in herself. That's good and all.

"How about Kiyo?"

She said that she was with Kiyo. I wonder what his answer.

He doesn't say anything cause Ryuuen left his phone, trying to record our conversation. You knows right if Ayanokouji-kun said something, it'll raise suspicion on him."

"Ah, if that's the situation then there's nothing he can do about that. Haha."

After that, both of us do whatever we want. I'm busy hearing a few songs from LiSA while Horikita just observing everyone. She probably wanted to get the as many information as possible due to what Ryuuen has said. She must feeling panic at the moments.

Then, I got a message from Kiyo. He messages me something that was quite unexpected.

"I want information on Karuizawa. Do you have it?"

If I'm not mistaken, she's in his group. There must be something urgent if he wants information about her. But...

"Do you forget what between me and Karuizawa?"

"I knows. And that's why I want information after you have been "caught red handed" by the class."

A vein of anger popped at my forehead.

This bastard! You're the one who set me up, thank you soo much about that. I subsides my anger and tell him what I knows.

"Well, her mouth and every words that comes out from her makes me want to slap her. Actually, I did slap her. After that, she suddenly turns pale and somehow afraid of me before Hirata cut me off. And another thing, she said she will try fulfill one wish for me anytime. Was that enough?"

After a while, he replies back.

"It's probably turn useful. Don't forget to delete all the messages."

Why don't you just said, it's a useless information?! And where is the gratitude?! Sighing heavily, I ignore everything and delete all message that related with him.

One hour has passed and as usual I quickly get up to step out from this room. As I'm about to touch the door knob, Ryuuen finally opens his mouth.

"Well, I have an interesting

proposal for this group,"

Said Ryuuen.

All of us are just dead silent hearing that. Either they are curious about what he has to say or don't know what else to say.

"At the moment, the one who's currently at the top is Class A. All of us that at the bottom have to fight against each other while they enjoy spectating our war without worrying too much about falling down."

"What are you getting on, Ryuuen?"

Of course hearing his class being mentioned out from Ryuuen's mouth, Katsuragi can't just let it pass.

"Kukuku, it's literally what I have said. The reason why you bunch act like this further justify my statement. Or am I wrong?"

Ryuuen was right. Class A taking defensive approach because their overwhelming lead at the moment.


Katsuragi doesn't say anything after that probably due to 2 valid reasons. He doesn't want to acknowledge Ryuuen and the more he talks, more information can be collected. Katsuragi is a very cautious yet wise students.

"You're method is applaudable and highly logical for Class A. But, there's a major weakness."

Wearing his creepy smile, he continues.

"Your class will never know the identity of the leader cause you never try to know. You'll be dead last behind other classes."

"That's if and only if you manage to identify all the VIP."

"Don't take me so lightly! I have hold the essence of this exam. And with one order from me, Class C will be the victory while your class will succumbed lower to the bottom."

"This is getting nowhere. I'm going now."

"Yes, run away Katsuragi. Class A. Like a coward you are. And for others, this is where I'm trying to get."

Ryuuen then glances to Class D and Class B.

"A proposal to crush Class A. All of us will work together and crush them. I don't think that's such a bad plan."

"This is just plain stupid. I'm going now."

Refuse to listen Ryuuen's talk anymore, I stepped out from the room before I saw Ayanokouji and Ichinose waiting together in front of our room.

"Kiyo and Ichinose? What are you doing here?"

"Ah, Yuki-kun. Hello there. We're just waiting for someone."

Knowing her, she probably has frustrated with how Class A that doesn't cooperate in this exam just like other students that had met with Katsuragi. And Kiyo's here maybe he wants more information.

"Ah. So that's the situation."

Nodding my head, I takes my leave and headed to the restaurant. I still haven't eaten yet so I'm quite hungry now. Or should I takes a bath?

Well, hygiene is important but food takes priority.

As I finally find myself a seat, I saw Karuizawa standing in the corner alone, while appears to chat with someone through her phone.

"Wasn't Kiyo wanted information about her more? I can get them if I uses "that" and hopefully Kiyo will owe me more in the future. But should I? Hmm.."

"Ah, Ishikura-san. Ehhhhh!! You're not coming? Sonoda-san too! But, I'm already.. Oh, is that so. Then, there's no helping it. Bye."

She frowned a bit maybe because she has already planned and arrives early but her friends are busy with something currently. I should take this opportunity now.


I waves my hand and called her name as she was about to leave. She turns her body and her face turns to...relieve?? It's a bit weird but I just snubbed it.

"Yuki-kun, are you perhaps alone?"

"If you want to look for Hirata, I think he's still discussed with the others."

"Ah, no. That's not the problem."

Hmm? Wasn't Hirata hers boyfriend? Sure they doesn't have the flirty or lovely mood when they're together but the news about them being a couple has been widely spread.

"Can I join you for lunch?"

"Hmm! Ah, no problem. Have a seat."

I gestures to the seat in front of me for Karuizawa to sit.


After she ordered her foods, the table becomes awkwardly silent. It's weird because Karuizawa always the type that just says whatever she wants but this time she just fidgeting there which I find really cute and her face is beautiful.  Her reaction maybe due to the underwear case last time still in her mind where I slapped her face quite powerful.

Why I suddenly felt guilty now?

"Karuizawa. Can I know why do you want to lunch with me? Wasn't it bad that it'll cause rumours since you currently date with Hirata?"

"Ohh, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I just want to ask something."

"Yes, I'll try my best to answer."

"What will Yuki-kun do if some weak people ask for help from you?"

Hmm, it's quite an interesting question... Was she related to this?

"Well, my father always say and reminded me many times that strong people should protect the weak. So, I'll do my best to help that person. If I was in mood."

"So, are you in mood right now?!"

I was perplexed a bit when Karuizawa just place her face really close to mine.

Too close! Too close!

I distance myself from her a bit showing that I'm not exactly comfortable with the situation. Seeing that, Karuizawa turns to her original position with an apologetic gesture.

"Karuizawa. Just spill it already, what exactly you're worry about?"

"Huh! How did you knows--"

Karuizawa quickly shut her mouth with her hands but it's too late. From that reaction, I deduce that she's the one in trouble.

"Yu-yuki-kun, th-the thing is,*gulp* there's something I want to ask. But, can you promise me not to tell anyone about this?"

"I'm okay about that but.."

I glance towards my surroundings that almost crowded with people. Karuizawa who saw that realised what I'm about to say nodded.

"I'll tell you later after we have our lunch."

As we are eating our food, I have lost in thought.



"How can you be soo smart?"

"Is that what you want to ask?"

"No, I'm just wondering how you can get such a high score in every examination that we took even though you're mostly late to attend those exam."

"Ahh, about that. Well, my mom was a lecturer in the Tokyo University. She always taught me all kinds of subject since I was 7, especially on my final year at middle school. She's really good at teaching."


"Oh, about that.."

Did I need to tell her?

There's no reason to tell every single detail about it, right?

"Well, she has retired and wanted to spend time with us family."

"What about your dad? Was he an athlete or something that you have those high athletic ability?"

Why she suddenly curious about me? Can I use this opportunity to dig information about her, in exchange for a little bit of mine.

"Nope. My father is a chief inspector. He not good in teaching me about sports but instead he trained me to have a good physique and body that will work for the sport that I like."

"Wow, you're family is quite a good one, right!"

She said that with a serious shocked expression. Was it really that something? I thought mine was a normal life.

"How about your middle school's life?"

I guess it's my turn to ask some questions. But, her reaction to mine was quite unexpected. Her eyes widen along with her body that shaken a little that you can't notice it if you're not focus enough. But she quickly recovered in a second.

"Well, you can say that my school's life is a normal and average like everyone. There's nothing interesting about it. Hehe."

She let out a fake laugh. But with her cute face, she can hide it pretty well.

But, what does Karuizawa wants to say. It's a secret that she doesn't anyone to hear about it but at the same time she ? I wonder why...

15 minutes has passed as both of us has finished our lunch. When Karuizawa wants to say something, I received a phone call.

"What does she wants from me? Ah, Karuizawa. Can we postpone what you wanted to talk after the next meeting? This is kinda urgent. I'm sorry."

Without giving any rooms for Karuizawa to say her piece, I stepped out from the restaurant and answer the call.

"Yo, Kamuro. What do you want?"

"Can we meet?"

"Haha wasn't that will look suspicious if someone from Class D meets with student from Class A? You know well that right."

"You're right, but this has something to do with the test."

"Just wait for a bit."

I move my location to a vacant spot where no one can eavesdrop our conversation.

"So, what is it?"

"It's about the identity of the VIP. I at least know one from our class. The person is--"

"Wait! Wait! Wait! This is too sudden. Why you want to give me all this information that will be a downfall to your class?"

"Well, it's Sakayanagi's order. She says to give Katsuragi some hard times for this whole vacation. Nothing else."

Wow! Never had I thought Sakayanagi will go to that extent to get rid of anyone. Even it's will be a disaster for her own class. I can't mess up around her perhaps. Need to keep the mental note.

"Well, I'm more than happy to have more information. Okay, so who is it and the member of their group?"

"Yahiko, Pig's Group. I'll forward the list name after this."

"Okay thanks, Kamuro. Appreciate it."

Should I ask her about Karuizawa? No, there's no point doing that. Kamuro isn't really a social person. So, she will never get that information.


She's quiet and doesn't say anything. I'm thinking about to end the call before she says something.

"What are your relationship with Karuizawa-san?"

"Eh? What's that?"

"N-no. Nothing. Goodbye."


She ended the call, leaving me hanging.

"What's up with her?"

I put my phone back and head to my room with a new information. I'm thinking about giving this info to Kiyo but cancel that idea, instead I told him about Karuizawa's meeting with me. He was being targeted by other class, it's certainly has limited his action.

I jump to my bed lying down, exhausted.

"What to do now?"
