Ch 3 - Awakening Ceremony

"So that's him. His face is expressionless as if he had no regard for others, just like the rumors say." Someone said in a sour tone filled with jealousy and envy.

"Hmph, if you were like him then you can also act like that!" Someone coldly replied against the person, hiding a sort of dissatisfaction.

However, Mo Bei had different thoughts at that time 'So this is Fang Yuan. He looks so ordinary. I can't even believe this person will cause huge tides in this world reversing Fate and facing the Venerables. His eyes are so deep. It feels like I will really go to abyss if I stare deep into into them'

Turning his face a bit, Mo Bei focused his attention on another person.

'The one behind must be Fang Zheng. They really look similar. However, he has a gentle and frightened look to him. That's definitely how I assumed him to be.'

Suddenly, Fang Yuan's eyes focused on him. Mo Bei felt breathless for a moment. It was akin to how a person would feel if a demon from hell would be watching him.

'He is definitely the one from 500 years in the future. The look says it whole. It feels like I am standing naked in front of him'

Fang Yuan reverted back his gaze and had a thought 'This guy seems to be afraid of me. Is this due to him thinking that I will have A grade talent? No there's something else to it. However, he is only a mortal and cannot interfere in my plans. I have already planned to leave Gu Yue Village after reaching Rank 3 cultivation. Hehe. As long as you don't get in my way, then you can go aside and scram, I don't need to care about you.'

Mo Bei finally felt life come back to him. With this experience, he was even more afraid after recalling all the future events, especially the Blood Skull Gu.

Blood Skull Gu is a Rank 4 blood path Gu that can help to increase the cultivation aptitude of the user by slaughtering their blood relatives.


Over a hundred 15 year-old youths gathered in front of the clan pavilion. The clan pavilion was in the middle of the village. Every generation of clan head had lived in the pavilion. This was the entire village's authority central.

"Good, all of you are punctual. Today is the Awakening Ceremony; it is your life's great turning point. I won't say much, just come with me." The one responsible at the moment was the elder of the academy.

"So he is the academy elder. I will have to be beware of him" Mo Bei mumbled.

Following down a constructed stone ladder, they went into an underground cave.

The underground cave was beautiful, stalactites sparkling with the colors of the rainbow. Much more beautiful that what Mo Bei had seen anything on Earth.

They walked several hundred steps. It got darker and the sounds of water were faintly heard. After turning around a corner, a 3 Km wide underground river greeted them.

'So this is the spirit spring, the source of Primeval Essence. It also contains minor amounts of Heaven's Will which is used to control all the residents of this world. There are few people in this world who know of this truth, not even Fang Yuan.'

"Alright, listen as I call your names. Those who are called must walk through this river to the opposite bank. Walk as far as you can, of course the further you go the better it is. Are you all clear?" The elder said.

"Gu Yue Chen Bo"


"Gu Yue Zao Xie"


Both had no talent to become a Gu Master.

"Not everyone has the natural talent to be a Gu Master. Generally speaking, it is not bad if five out of ten people have talent. I am lucky that I reincarnated into a person with B grade talent. Otherwise, there was no chance for me to survive." Mo Bei thought to himself.

The next moment, the academy elder called out the third name: "Gu Yue Mo Bei".

'So it's finally my turn to embark on the path to cultivation. '

Thinking so, he started moving forward taking steps into the river.

He could feel a layer of pressure on him. This pressure came from the spirit spring deep in the flower sea. The spirit spring produced primeval qi – because the qi was too rich in here, it caused the pressure.

But very quickly from the flowers below Mo Bei's feet, little lights made their way up. These dots of light enveloped his entire body before finally entering him.

'So these are the Hope Gu. They also made me recollect Legends of Ren Zu. Haha I can finally read the full legends of Ren Zu. I can then die in peace haha. Those MTL only losers would never get a chance to read this book. I am now a character of this story, a level above those RI fans.' Mo Bei thought with smirk on his face.

(AN : I also want to read Legends of Ren Zu T_T )

'The first thing I should do after going home today is to ask for a copy of Legends of Ren Zu and read it whole. It contains many knowledgeable details and the mystery to human path. If only I could cultivate the human path by reading it.'

He walked until he reached 36 steps before he could finally go no further.

"So it's the same, huh."

It was what he had already expected but he couldn't help but be disappointed. In the novel he read, to this date, there was no explanation behind the reasons of different aptitude and whether it could be changed or was set by fate.

At this moment, the Hope Gu had converged into a stream of light and had already entered Mo Bei's body. Due to the outside pressure they quickly gathered into his abdomen and collected into a group spontaneously, 3 inches under his navel.

He checked his naval area and inspect his aperture. Primeval Sea filled upto 72% of his aperture. This was an entirely new feeling to him. He felt that the control over his primeval essence in his aperture was similar to how he could control his fingers.

The aperture was mysterious and unusual. Although it was located inside Mo Bei's body, it was at the same time, not sharing the same space with his internal organs. You could say that it was endlessly huge, yet at the same time infinitely small.

The academy elder happily exclaimed, "Good, Gu Yue Mo Bei, B grade talent! Come here, let me see your Primeval sea."

Gu Yue Mo Bei walked back to the academy elder's side. The latter stretched out his hand and put it on the juvenile's shoulder, closing the eyes as he checked with focus.

Mo Bei felt like he was naked and that the elder could see everything inside his body.

Then the elder retracted his hand and nodded, recording down on the paper: Gu Yue Mo Bei, B grade, primeval sea measuring six by six, can be vigorously trained.

This special talent can be measured by four grades – A grade to D grade. B grade talent must be cared for. They often become a future clan elder because with 6-7 years of training they will become rank three Gu Masters.

In other words, as long as this Gu Yue Mo Bei grows up, eventually he will become one of the elders of the Gu Yue clan.

"However, I can't wait for 6-7 years. I must do something to improve my cultivation speed. Yes, there's that thing, that I can use." With this thought, Gu Yue Mo Bei had smirk on his face as he felt hope for his future.