Ch 23 - Conclusion

10 days later,

The fight was still going on strong against the wolf tide. There were even some casualties amongst the Rank 1 and Rank 2 gu masters.

Even the Rank 4 Lightning Crown Wolf had appeared in the battlefield. The clan head and all the other elders were busy holding it off and surrounding it so as to avoid further casualties due to it's powerful attacks.

The Lightning Crown was much more powerful than other Rank 4 Beasts. It was only after fighting it head on that Gu Yue Bo came to the conclusion that it was a mutated beast. Gu Yue Bo was really shocked since mutated beast were very rare and only heard of in legends. Even Fang Yuan had not seen many mutated beasts in his past life and was really shocked upon seeing this.

2 days prior, the Lightning Crown Wolf had carried out a fatal attack on Gu Yue Bo since it identified him as a major threat. Gu Yue Mo Chen was standing nearby and saw this oncoming attack. He knew that if anything happened to clan head, the Gu Yue clan might very well be exterminated since there was no successor to the clan head yet. Since, he was the closest to Gu Yue Bo, he went forward with his full power and fended off the surprise attack of Lightning Crown Wolf and even cut off it's left eye in exchange of incurring major injuries on his body. He immediately fell unconscious and went into coma.

The clan head saw this and picked up Gu Yue Mo Chen and started escaping towards safety. The Lightning crown wolf was not expecting the attack from Gu Yue Mo Chen and was stunned for a moment. It let both of them escape safely from it's grasp.

Currently, Gu Yue Mo Chen was being treated by the Healing elder and was barely kept alive with the Healing Gu worms available in the clan. He was brought back from being on the verge of death.


Underground place.

Gu Yue Mo Bei was currently in middle of breaking through to the Rank 1 upper stage. He was continuously refining his aperture for the past 12 hours with his 72% primeval essense storage in his aperture. Beside him were pile of primeval stones he used continuously to restore his primeval essense to continue his breakthrough to Rank 1 upper stage.

When he started cultivating earlier today, he had already felt that he was just one step away from upper stage.

A small amount of primeval essence was continuously being expended, turning into a small hint of invisible energy, penetrating into the water wall. The waves of primeval essense struck relentlessly, finally resulting in a change. The white coloured water wall shook suddenly, the originally mild white colour radiating an eye-piercing brilliance. The white light dimmed, and the original water wall of the aperture was gone, replaced by a layer of stone membrane aperture walls, where the light is condensed into a solid-state. The wall's surface was smooth with no impurities.

"I advanced to Rank 1 upper stage finally!" Mo Bei sighed in relief, opening his eyes. He could now understand how difficult it was to cultivate.

He had also been using Black Boar gu every day for the past 10 days and his strength had further increased.

Black Boar Gu allows a Gu Master to have the strength of a ordinary beast Black Boar. It also had extra ability called Beast Phantom, once a Gu master reached 100% strength of the Black Boar Gu, Gu Master could unleashed Black Boar Strength Phantom at anytime.

Also, the strength of Black boar would be additional to the strength provided by one's physique and other Gu such as White Boar Gu.

His current strength was enough to even face Rank 2 upper stage Gu Yue Chi Shan in one to one battle.

Mo Bei recalled the details about Chi Shan given in the novel, [ Gu Yue Chi Shan was very talented, having very great strength from young. At 10 years old he accidentally beat a family servant to death, and at 12 years old he could hold a heavy stone grinder and played it like a frisbee. ]

Later on, when River Swallowing Toad appeared near Gu Yue Village, Chi Shan was no able to move it and hence Gu Yue Clan had to rely on Fang Yuan for the strength. Fang Yuan was later on recognized as a hero in the clan.

'I will probably have to do it this time so that I can get the bitter wine to upgrade Liquor worm to Rank 2 Four Flavored Liquor Worm.', Mo Bei thought.

"Now is the time to use that Green copper relic gu and advance to Rank 1 peak stage.", Mo Bei was feeling that he had accomplished a major task.

He picked up the Green copper relic gu and started refining it.


In the battlefield.

The battle was leaning towards the wolves. Gu Yue clan members were repeatedly pushed back. Clan Head and many of the elders were busy dealing with mutated Rank 4 Lightning Crown Wolf. While other elders and Rank 2 gu masters dealt with Rank 2 & Rank 3 level wolves. Meanwhile, Rank 1 gu masters and Healing Gu masters provided support from the back.

If there were no surprises, the outcome of the battle was already set in stone ending with complete extermination of Gu Yue Clan. Given the power and speed of Rank 4 Lightning Crown wolf, no one would be able to escape it's grasp.

The lightning crown wolf was currently in battle with 3 elders.

The clan head Gu Yue Bo was really tired at this moment. He had several wound marks on his whole body. If the situation worsened further, then he planned to use the Trump card set by First Gen Gu Yue. However, the price to pay to use that Trump card was too high and Gu Yue Bo was still not willing to pay it.

Suddenly the Lightning Crown Wolf discharged electric attack towards all 3 elders at once, pushing all 3 of them back. Then it activated together both the Rank 3 Lightning Speed Gu and Rank 3 Wild Charge Gu on it's body and sped towards Gu Yue Bo. It also realized that once Gu Yue Bo dies or is incapable of further attacks, the wolves would win soon.

At the same time, Gu Yue Bo only had enough primeval essense to strike a fatal attack on the Lightning Crown Wolf speeding towards him. However, that would also mean giving up his life. He knew he couldn't escape and might survive if he focused fully on defending but that would make him inactive for the rest of the battle. He was feeling dilemma at the moment.

"Lightning attack!"

Suddenly, a powerful Lightning struck the Lightning Crown Wolf and stunned it in place for a few seconds.

"Brother Gu Yue Bro, now's your chance!", a middle-aged man with a circular face full of pockmarks spoke from behind. It was Jia Fu!

As soon as he had awoken and received news about the wolf tide, he had rushed towards the battlefield.

Hearing the voice, Gu Yue Bo left behind all hesitation and started activating his Rank 4 Killer move Piercing Golden Strike with Rank 4 Gold Moon Gu and Rank 3 Moon-Invite Gu as a base with all of his remaining Primeval essense.

A white colored whirlpool started forming around his hand with a pointed edge. Gu Yue Bo started sprinting towards the stunned Lightning Crown Wolf and pierced it's heart with his Killer move.

Blood spread all over the body of Gu Yue Bo. Rank 4 Lightning Crown Wolf knew that it was going to die soon. But instead of attacking Gu Yue Bo who was in front of him, it ran towards Jia Fu with all it's remaining strength. One could see a fierce and angry expression on it's face as it desperately tried to gain his revenge.

Jia Fu sensed the danger and quickly activated the Rank 4 killer move Blazing fire. The core of this killer move was Rank 4 Fire storm gu which Gu Yue Bo had seen earlier. Whole of the area lighted up due to the fire of incredible size which was blasted towards the Lightning Crown Wolf.

Lightning Crown Wolf's whole body was blazing on fire but it still persisted on rushing towards Jia Fu. It was afterall a Rank 4 mutated beast and not so easy to kill. Every Gu Master and even Wolves present on the battlefield were mesmerized by the wolf charging towards a man. The wolf trying to defy it's fate when each and every factor was against it.

Even Fang Yuan thought while witnessing this scene, "Interesting. This is how life should be, struggling against one's fate while charging towards one's goal. No matter who opposes, or even if the whole world becomes the enemy, one must move forward without any regrets."

Meanwhile, the Lightning crown wolf had only one thought in his mind, 'Kill'

The man in front of him was responsible for one of his biggest regrets. This man had killed his descendant while taking away it's one Gu worm which it needed to advance to Rank 5 Myriad Beast King. However, his advancement was interrupted in between by a group of puny humans leading to him mutating. Then after a long fight with the group of humans, it managed to kill them all except for one person who escaped towards this place with wounds on his chest.

Rank 4 Lightning Crown wolf was intelligent enough to understand that it could not singlehandedly kill this person since he hid inside a village. Hence, it brought forward it'd group of thousands of wolves to attack the Gu Yue Clan.

Finally, when this person came in front of it, it was dealt a fatal attack by one of the humans it was fighting earlier. The lightning crown wolf did not want to resign to fate and hence continued forward. However, it's heart was pierced and it's body was burning in fire. It's strength was continuously leaving him. Suddenly one of it's leg gave up and it felt on the ground with loud thud. Unfortunately, there was a pointed stone on the ground which again pierced it's heart. It growled loudly in pain. It seemed that heaven itself were against him. It looked one final time towards Jia Fu before closing his eyes forever.

The other wolves started retreating in choas since their leader was already dead.


The clouds had gathered above the battlefield and the rain started falling drop by drop. The fire was quickly vanquished and the view of the battlefield started clearing up.

There were countless bodies of wolves piled up one over other while many gu masters body were laying around here and there in pieces.

A particularly eye catching part was a huge body which was almost burnt laying in the middle of the battlefield. It was the Lightning crown wolf's body.