Ch 25 - The Path to Future

Mo Bei was very shocked to see the scene displayed in the Elder's Hall especially when he saw the gu master of the Gu Yue village. He recognized him to be Jiao Fan.

During the past five months that he had spent in this world, he had put together several times all the events that occured in Book 1 of the novel and filled in the parts which weren't mentioned in the novel.

He had noted down all the important places in Gu Yue clan like clan head's pavilion, wine shop, inn, etc. He even observed the people and tried to recollect them with the help of their characteristics mentioned from his memories of the novel.

One of the persons that had caught his attention was Jiao Fan. Seeing Jiao Fan's lifestyle and hearing his backstory, Mo Bei had the suspicion that he was the original founder of Flower Wine Monk's Inheritance. Jiao Fan matched the description of alcoholic who was only a D grade Rank 1 gu master.

Seeing him dead along with Jia Jin Sheng on the screen shown by Jia Fu, gave Mo Bei a huge shock. He did not know what happened to Jiao Fan in the novel but seeing Jia Jin Sheng dead was definitely something he found shocking.

'So it is probably due to me stealing Flower Wine Monk's Inheritance that led to this event. This Jiao Fan instead left the Gu Yue Clan and went along with the caravan and somehow died alongside Jia Jin Sheng. Although, I don't understand why they would go to such place, there are many possibilities behind it. This aligns with Fang Yuan's first life where Jiao Fan got the inheritance and hence he didn't leave the clan and also the Fang Yuan's second life after 500 years where Jiao Fan might have left the clan but Jia Jin Sheng was already dead.', Mo Bei felt enlightened.

'But that ceremony in which the lightning crown wolf was advancing to Rank 5 was very unusual. It seemed that there was someone involved behind it. How come there was no mention of such a character in the novel. If it happened in this life, it should have happened in the novel too since my butterfly effect does not reach that far. Did a random Gu immortal suddenly get involved in this? If this is true, then the situation can change drastically and all my plans will go to waste. Alas, I can't do anything with my strength. Rank 1 peak stage is nothing in this grand mechanism of fate.', Mo Bei very well knew his situation.

However, there was no way he could have figured out involvement of Lord Sky Crane since there was no clue regarding this at the current point.


By this time, Jia Fu had completely explained everything that happened before he reached the Gu Yue clan.

Suddenly, a Gu appeared on his hand. Everyone understood what it was since they had already seen it earlier.

That's right. It was the Rank 4 Lightning Thunder Gu. One could see how powerful it was just by the crazy amount of lightning floating around it. Jia Fu had already fully refined it before coming to battlefield and attacked the lightning crown wolf with this gu, the same gu that he had stolen and led to the wolf suffering miserable backlash.

Everyone now knew that Jia Fu had told them the complete truth with this.

Right now, Jia Fu was feeling very complicated. On the one hand, he had achieved the Rank 4 Lightning Thunder gu which was a significant contribution in the future but on the other hand Jia Jin Sheng died.

Jia Jin Sheng had journeyed with him together, and now that he was missing, it was Jia Fu's fault for not taking care of him! Since he did not take care of the fact that his brother was missing for a month from the caravan, he had to give his father some answer.

He as well as the other elders of the Gu Yue clan had found problems with the lightning crown wolf's advancement but he did not knew the root cause or if there was someone involved behind it. He had an idea that his other brother Jia Gu might have set it up to trap and kill Jia Jin Sheng but the possibility of that was low. Also Jia Fu could not blame anyone without concrete enough proof. If only he could find out the culprit behind Jia Jin Sheng's death, would he be able to answer his father.

However, he did not want to make Gu Yue clan members a scapegoat since they saved his life and suffered from wolf tide due to him. If news got out, his fair and just reputation he tried hard to maintain will be washed away.

After a few days of rest, Jia Fu left the Gu Yue clan heading towards Jia clan.


In the academy.

Every student were currently seated on the desk except Mo Bei and Fang Zheng. Academy elder was standing beside them.

"We are here to celebrate the win against the wolf tide as well as the advancement of 2 of our students. Chairman Gu Yue Mo has already reached Rank 1 peak stage. While Gu Yue Fang Zheng has also reached Rank 1 upper stage."

Every student except Fang Yuan caught their breath in a startled gasp of shock.

"How is this possible?!!"

"It's only been five months since we attended the awakening ceremony. What's more, Mo Bei is only a B-grade talent. How did he surpass Fang Zheng?"

"Is he really a B-grade talent. Seems like he has hidden the fact that he is A-grade!!!"

"No he was definitely B-grade. We even saw his awakening ceremony."

The students started murmuring amongst themselves. Some girls even started giving Mo Bei seductive and shy gazes. Mo Bei immediately withdrew his eyes upon seeing this.

Meanwhile, even Fang Yuan was thinking about the situation and analyzing it, 'Before my rebirth, I definitely remember that Mo Bei was not a Rank 1 peak stage at this point. Also, the wolf tide that was supposed to happen around next year August appeared now. I heard briefly about the gu master who died along with Jia Jin Sheng which led to this wolf tide. He was the same gu master who inherited the liquor worm and the Flower Wine Monk's inheritance from Mo Bei. So are all these changes happening due to the butterfly effect I have caused after my rebirth?! But this is too much. This can cause many changes to my plans. I need to be more cautious.'

'Also, I don't understand how Mo Bei advanced to peak stage. Even the liquor worm can't help him reach peak stage so fast. He should be upper stage at best. When I compare our cultivation, It is more like he's a 500 year old immortal who has reborn in the past rather than me.', Fang Yuan chuckled at the thought. He did not suspect Mo Bei at all since he had spent many months observing Mo Bei. He knew Mo Bei was very inexperienced and did not any experience of the outside world. However good Mo Bei's acting was, he could not have fooled Fang Yuan for so long unless he had the legendary immortal Gu named 'Attitude Gu'.

However, Fang Yuan already knew the name of the person who carried the Attitude Gu. It was a Gu Immortal named Fairy Black Moon. She was the one who had attacked Imperial Court Blessed Land in the Northern Plains in Fang Yuan's first life.

Mo Bei was seeing everyone's expression and hurriedly clarified, "Since Wolf tide came suddenly, I was lucky that my Grandfather Gu Yue Mo Chen provided me with a Green Copper Relic Gu. I used my time during the wolf tide to work hard diligently and advance to Rank 1 upper stage. After advancing, I used the green copper relic gu to become peak-stage Gu master."

"So that's it!"

"He's so lucky."

"Hmph, even I could do it if I was the Mo Family young master and had a Liqour worm with me."

It was already revealed that Mo Bei had received Liquor worm from the gambling rocks.

"Why don't I have such luck, sigh!" Gu Yue Chi Chen who was a fake B grade talent sighed deeply in his heart.

Many students sent Mo Bei looks of jealousy and envy.

Fang Yuan also thought, 'Interesting. I want to see how the path the future changes.'