Ch 30 - Beast Skin Map

Mo Bei and Fang Yuan once again entered the secret cave the next day.

Mo Bei observed that Fang Yuan's right ear was a bit different than the original one. He quickly understood that Fang Yuan had already used Earth Communication Grass gu. He personally wouldn't be able to withstand the pain of his ear being cut.

This time, they did not enter empty-handed, but Fang Yuan had caught a deerling outside and tied its four limbs together. He used a steel contraption to bind its mouth, and then used the Stealth Scales Gu to hide his presence and brought it to the rock door.

As they reached the rock door, Mo Bei could see roots coming out from Fang Yuan's right ear. His right ear was becoming slightly fat, the ginseng limbs growing out of his ear almost half a metre long, the roots having sentience. They extended to the rock door, and stabbed in rather shallowly.

Fang Yuan suddenly pushed open the rock door after listening for a while. He had a frown on his face. Fang Yuan then untied the deer he had caught, and tossed it into the tunnel.

After a while of observation, Fang Yuan came to Mo Bei and spoke, "Inside the tunnel is Rank three wild Gu worm, Chainsaw Golden Centipede and an army of centipedes! Golden Centipede is the worm king in the centipedes, the true killer in the centipede cave that we have to bypass using the Earth Communication Grass Gu. We are currently too weak to face it so the best idea would be postpone our exploration till we both reach Rank 2 middle stage."

Mo Bei shared similar thoughts. In the novel,

"Anyway, The deerling has already alerted the entire colony and it would take ten days to half a month for these centipedes to calm down. We should take this time to focus on our cultivation. I will keep your Liquor worm for now."

Mo Bei nodded and they both left the secret cave.


Mo Bei was currently walking through the roads of Gu Yue Village observing the clansman and the aftermath of wolf tide while thinking about the description of Qing Mao Mountain described in the novel.

[ Qing Mao Mountain has three mountain villages. Gu Yue village, Xiong family village, and Bai family village. The Xiong family village was on the fore mountain, the Gu Yue mountain village was at the mountain waist, and Bai family village was at the back mountain waterfall.

Other than the three villages, there was also tens of tiny villages at the mountain foot, all being inhabited by mortals.

The three mountain villages split these small villages among themselves, being the ones controlling them behind the scenes. Once they lacked family servants, they would pick from these small villages.

This world was heavily sided towards bloodline, and holding power among relatives was the political stability that the clan needed.

In order to expand in size, many mountain villages had adopted outsiders into their system. Eventually their power flowed out and caused internal conflicts, thus causing the entire clan to breakdown or weaken.

No matter the world, political power was still based off military force, this is the truth.

And troops are the brute force department, representing strength. By controlling strength, one gains status and authority.

Of course, the clan's rules are not ever constant, they also adopt new blood. Every year, there would be outsiders marrying into the clan, leaving their servant status, and the children they give birth to would be a Gu Yue, a new generation clansman. ]

While Mo Bei was headed towards his home, Fang Yuan was currently headed towards one of the tiny villages below Qing Mao Mountain.

At this point of time in the novel, Fang Yuan had slaughtered Wang Family, a family of hunters, for a beast skin map. However, he did not knew the family had one more surviving member, Wang Da.

Wang Da had already become a Rank 2 demonic gu master while refining Rank 3 Gu Love Life Seperation. He later took revenge during Mid year assessment on Fang Zheng mistaking him as Fang Yuan.

"I should not interfere with this event. During the exams, I will try to ensure Fang Yuan's safety early by leading him to boar King's nest or somewhere else. Anyhow, I also want to take a look at that beast skin map. I wonder how would I convince Fang Yuan to show it to me. Should I have taken it by myself? No, that would sully the reputation of Mo Family if it ever came out. I also don't have what it takes to kill those mortals. At this point when Gu Yue Mo Chen is in coma, if such situation were to occur, the other factions will take advantage of us trying to confiscate our family resources. I am still too weak to defend again such conspiracies. I can only let Fang Yuan handle this and let it go according to the novel.", Mo Bei contemplated the situation.

Some things, even if troublesome, had to be done. In a person's life, those who did not actively resolve problems due to fearing trouble, would always face a dangerous predicament at the end. Fang Yuan had understood this logic from his previous life of 500 years. However, Mo Bei himself was not strong willed enough to face the troubles. Only time and experience would test and improve his will.


2 weeks later,

Fang Yuan and Mo Bei were currently cultivating in the Mo Family Manor.

"Fang Yuan, you have roaming around the Qing Mao Mountain a lot lately in search of wild boars for White Boar Gu. It seems you have found some sorts of map.", Mo Bei pointed out. He had been waiting for past 2 weeks to say this. He had secretly checked out the village and confirmed that Fang Yuan had indeed killed those mortals.

Fang Yuan gave him a look but didn't speak anything.

"So how is your White Boar gu cultivation coming along? When do you expect to gain the strength of White Boar?", Mo Bei knew he wouldn't get an answer for above question hence he changed his question.

"I had much weaker physique than yours at the start of its usage. It took me more time than you to completely use it. I will need 1-2 weeks more to gain the strength of White Boar."

"That's great. Black Boar gu that I am using right now will also take a similar timeframe to fully let me get the strength of Black Boar on top of my original strength and the strength provided by White Boar gu. I will then give you my Black Boar gu to cultivate."

Fang Yuan's eyes couldn't help but light up. He wanted to grow his strength faster to get the best advantage of his future knowledge. Getting help from Mo Bei at this stage was proving to be invaluable.

"Thanks brother Mo Bei. I feel ashamed for taking advantage of you."

"Haha you're being modest. Just take me with you on your trip to hunt wild boars. I can use some experience as well as see some new places."

"Okay!", Fang Yuan agreed.