Future plot (2)

What I planned as a future direction for this story was for Mo Bei's plans to get entirely wrecked where he would confront a life and death situation with Fang Yuan in the Gu Yue Village. (Fang yuan would bypass the Poison Vow Gu restrictions somehow and tries to extract info and kill Mo Bei )

Mo Bei as a last resort, to survive, calls upon Heaven's Will.

It would go something like this..


Mo Bei was lying on the ground. His body was full of cracks and blood was pouring out from all the pores. He was in so much agony that he couldn't understand what was happening to him. He had thought everything was under his control but Fang Yuan suddenly attacked him when he had just used up his stored primeval essence.

Mo Bei was feeling betrayed but he knew that this outcome awaited for anyone who tried to deal with Fang Yuan. He had forgotten the fact that in front of him was not a 15 year old kid but a 500 year old demon who if given a chance, would devour him without even leaving his bones.

For the first time, Mo Bei felt that things were totally out of his control. So what if he read Reverend Insanity 100s of times. He was still a naive teenager who had been influenced by Fang Yuan's ideology. He could never become Fang Yuan or dream of defeating such a person. It was a foolish presumption that he could predict Fang Yuan.

Even if he read RI 1000s of time or tens of thousands of times, it wouldn't make much difference. Even if he knew the location of each and every Gu Immortal Inheritance, it still wouldn't make a difference. He was weak. He knew that he wouldn't be able to survive the cruel world on his own. Loneliness was not his strength. He wanted to roam the Gu world on Fang Year's coattails.

Fang Yuan was watching Mo Bei coldly. He didn't plan to kill Mo Bei yet. He was formulating plans on how to extract information from Mo Bei. After his rebirth, he always felt that something was seriously wrong with Mo Bei. His suspicions had been increasing event after event. He recalled the event where Mo Bei said and did something which was totally impossible for Gu Yue village member to know. Fang Yuan knew that Mo Bei was hiding some big secrets and also suspected Mo Bei to be a side effect of his rebirth such as gaining future memories.

Fang Yuan would not hesitate to take risks but he was not a person who liked taking risks. If possible, he would prefer a safer path. He would eliminate Mo Bei after figuring out his secrets.

Mo Bei knew this was the decisive moment after seeing the Fang Yuan's cold calculative eyes. His mouth had not been tied up since there was no one within 5 kms of the area in which they were right now. Even if he shouted with all his strength, no one would hear him. Mo Bei was on the verge of death due to the blood flowing from the wounds caused by Fang Yuan.

'So I have to use my final card. Even though this is really risky and chances are that I will have a 10 times worse situation than now, I can't give up yet.' Mo Bei's eyes became resolute. Even though he was in such pain that dying would be 100 times better, he didn't want to give up yet.

Mo Bei shouted with all his strength.

"I know you are watching me!"

"I know it was you who brought me to this world. "

"I must probably be your backup. But I cannot face the challenges with my current power. Please help me and give me another chance!"

"I promise to repay back the favor in future with all my strength."

"Please. Please. Please. I know you're listening. Just give me one chance."



Nothing happened.

"...", Fang Yuan

"...", Mo Bei

Mo Bei's expression changed to that of Utter despair.

"Hahahahaha I am fucked. Hahahahaha", Mo Bei started laughing crazily.

Fang Yuan still didn't react but the words Mo Bei spoke put him deep in thought. 'Heaven's Will? Is this some sort of prank or the name of some Gu immortal who guided Mo Bei secretly. Why haven't I heard of it in my 500 years though? Something is odd.'

"Hahahaha so it has abandoned me, a chess piece. Well, it's reasonable given that I have no use to it now. Hahaha", Mo Bei continued laughing hysterically.

After some time, Mo Bei stopped laughing as realization and despair crept up to him and fury started to fill his face.

"So it is. Since I have no other choice, then let the whole world be damned.", Saying so a smile crept up on his face.

"Fang Yuan, do you want to know the truth of this world?"

Fang Yuan felt that everything would change if he were to hear the story. He felt a sense of danger. His intuition was telling him to run away as far as possible. But he stay put. He had to know what was going on. He even prepared to use his Spring Autumn Cicada in case things went awry.

"Fang Yuan, you are just a pawn."

Fang Yuan maintained his cold expression while continuing to listen. He felt that Mo Bei knew him very well.

"Fang Yuan, your 500 years of life was just a setup."


Intense thunder resounded.

The facial expressions of Fang Yuan turned from Expressionless to Shocked to that of Brutal.

'He knows! He really knows!! How?!'

He readied his strongest attack to kill Mo Bei at moment's notice. He also started to make sense of words Mo Bei spoke earlier.

"This world is.. ", Mo Bei continued.

BOOM! Intense Thunder sounded once again. Fang Yuan also lost his patience and ran towards Mo Bei.

"controlled by... ", Mo Bei kept speaking.


Thunder resounded twice.

"... the will of Heaven."

Fang Yuan couldn't make out what Mo Bei's last words due to loud noise of thunder booming in the background. He wanted to escape together with Mo Bei so that he could understand the whole truth. He also wanted to know if anyone else knew about his rebirth. His only clue was Mo Bei, the person is front of him.

"This Gu World is a... "

Fang Yuan was just about to reach him when a blinding light shot out from Mo Bei. Fang Yuan couldn't help but close his eyes.

When the blinding white light disappeared, Mo Bei had already vanished. Fang Yuan passed through the spot where Mo Bei was previously sitting.

He was feeling bewildered at the moment.

'This world is controlled by ____. This Gu world is a ____.'

Fang Yuan pondered on last two sentences heard by him. Along with the previous words spoken by Mo Bei, he felt that he missed something very critical in his past life. But he couldn't figure out what it was.


Mo Bei was still speaking when he felt blinding white light coming out of him. He finished the sentence in his mind


'Fang Yuan, this world has been published as a novel on Earth. We are just some insignificant characters just for the purpose of enjoyment of some teenagers on Earth. Haha, we are nothing more nothing less.'

However, Mo Bei had already vanished and there was no way Fang Yuan would be able to hear this.

'It was fun while it lasted.'

Mo Bei closed his eyes with a serene smile on his face.

'Goodbye, Readers'