Ch 4 - Controlling the flying cranes and flying to the skies

Hours passed by as Haru kept sitting in the meditative position.

His eyes slowly opened. Light shined in his eyes as he understood his situation much better.

He had spent hours recalling each and every details in the novel.

He sighed as it was too easy for him to go through 1000+ pages of content in few hours. He started to understand difference between his previous life and his current one as a Gu Master.

Gu Masters who can reach Rank 5 were outstanding geniuses who can easily comprehend stuff. It was not a big deal to read the whole novel in a few hours.

'So that's how it is huh. Although, it may seem that I have a carefree life right now, I am actually in great danger.'

Although he recalled the novel, there was a major disadvantage. It was mainly focused on Fang Yuan for most of the part. Only a scant focus was provided for Fang Zheng.

He did not know inside details of how Fang Zheng lived his day to day life.

'For this, I need to rely on Lord Sky Crane. He still doesn't suspect me. I should use this time to feign memory loss and get as many details as I can from him.'

"Master, I am feeling much better after cultivating for a few hours. However, it seems there are some gaps in my memories and I am not able to recall many things. It seems there was a side effect of overburdening my soul by using Failed Blood Demon Flower Gu in excess."

Voice was transmitted directly into his head, "Disciple, I can arrange for some guts gu for you so that you can recover your soul to the original extent. Till then, I can help you out in any issues you are facing."

"Thank you Master. This disciple has a few questions. I am not able to recall this : While using the Blood Sense Gu, I am unable to understand... While controlling 51st flying Crane, I faced an issue that was... "

Three days later

Immortal Crane Sect officially announced the news of Gu Yue Fang Zheng waking up.

Gu Yue Fang Zheng appeared in front of the disciples again, outrageously having rank five cultivation.

In the morning class, Immortal Crane Sect's leader publicly announced Gu Yue Fang Zheng as an elder of Immortal Crane Sect.

To assist in capturing Hu Immortal blessed land, Immortal Crane Sect's Gu Immortals forcibly raised Fang Zheng's cultivation to rank five. The identity of a disciple was no longer suitable for Fang Zheng.

Haru was adapting to the new reality. In the past 3 days, he obtained lots of valuable information from Lord Sky Crane. He now knew his daily schedule and life in Immortal Crane Sect. He even practiced controlling groups of Flying Crane. Till now, he was only able to control 10 cranes at once.

Lord Sky Crane was shocked seeing Fang Zheng facing difficulties in only controlling 10 flying cranes.

'Controlling Flying Cranes is simply too difficult. They are not tools but actual living things. They have their own wills and making them perfectly obey the orders is simply too difficult. I am only able to control 10 of them because I have experience in playing multiplayer games with too many different controls to operate at the same time. I will need to understand their mindsets before being able to control them much more effectively. Sigh'

It took original Fang Zheng years to get close to these cranes despite having such a good talent. It was simply impossible for Haru to catch up with the proficiency in such a short period.

While he was thinking so and walking around the sect, every disciple he met would bow to him in greeting, among them were many elite disciples older than him.

Haru had never experienced such a feeling in his previous life so he was really enjoying it. Although he knew that the same disciples may be plotting against him, it didn't matter to him.

Many beautiful female disciples frequently flocked around him, some looked at him with watery eyes, while some sweetly called him Elder Fang Zheng.

'These female disciples are really cute. Even their intentions are obvious. Although, I don't mind playing around a bit since I don't know when I would be able to relax again.'

Haru was very happy to 'help' these female disciples. However, he received jealousy and hatred from all the male disciples. Some even wanted to challenge him on the spot but held themselves back.

"Elder Fang Zheng, how are you doing right now? Have your injuries healed? Tell me if you need anything."

It was the Immortal Crane Sect's leader.

"I am fine sir Sect Leader. I am delving my hands into refinement these days and need these materials. I would be grateful if you could provide them.", saying so Haru handed over a list to the Sect Leader.

He had made this list with the help of Lord Sky Crane. He squinted his eyes for a second and asked, "Ahh. Are you preparing for Refinement Path Convention? Young lad, you never fail to surprise me. Don't worry about these materials. I will provide them in your room."

Yes, Haru had been preparing for Refinement Path Convention which was supposed to happen soon. He already knew the contents of the exam.

Thinking of it, he recalled : Refinement Path Convention was a grand event occasion that occurs only every 100 years in Central Continent. It also concerns the infallible inheritance. As long as Gu Masters have skill in the Gu Refinement aspect, or experience and insight, Gu Masters can participate the Refinement Path Convention.

His major reason was to go there was to meet the main characters of the show : Fang Yuan, Feng Jin Huang, and other refinement geniuses.

"Thank you Sect Leader. I will take my leave."

On the way back, Haru visited the Flying Crane grounds.

Till now, he had only controlled the flying cranes while staying on the ground himself. But this time he was going to try something new. He was going to control a single flying Crane and fly on its back. One mistake and he may end up losing his life.

He touched the head of one of the flying cranes. Seeing that flying crane submissively bent his head and body so that he could sit on it's back, Haru showed a satisfied smile.

He jumped on it's back and gave it the order to fly up slowly.

The flying crane flapped it's wings in a gracious demeanor. One would fall in love with it's elegance. The flying crane slowly started rising up along with Haru.

Suddenly it received an order and it sped up towards the cloud. Cold winds brushed past Haru's face as he looked down towards the Fei He Mountain and Immortal Crane Sect, a novel feeling enveloping him.

"Hahaha one day I will control all the flying cranes and become the king of the skies!", Haru shouted out loud with renewed vigour.