Ch 12 - Fang Yuan vs Fang Zheng

Few days later,

Refinement path convention location,

"Heavens, he advanced to Rank 5 peak stage already!"

"He's just one step away from ascending to Immortality."

"The number one rising star, he is this generation's number one star of the righteous path!"

"I wonder how many precious resources were wasted for his cultivation to rise so suddenly."

There was an uproar in the crowd, many discussed and whispered to each other.

When Haru showed his Rank 5 peak stage cultivation, the whole audience went crazy. He recieved multiple looks of respect and jealousy. Elders of the other nine ancient sects felt very uncomfortable seeing this young man surpass them by leaps and bounds.

Haru received innumerable benefits and resources from people trying to make connections with him or trying to obtain his favor.

Haru had come here knowingly. His opponent was one of the very famous refinement path grandmaster. He knew that he had no hopes in defeating such a person with his attainment.

However, things does not always go according to one's plan. This round turned very special. While Haru was busy responding to the cheers, a figure quietly appeared. At first, no one paid attention, but when he stepped on the stage, countless gazes turned towards him.

Black robe. Mask. Rank five aura…

Fang Yuan!

'Why is he here?'

The whole venue was silent before being sent into an uproar!

Even his opponent, a refinement path grandmaster, who was originally confident in his win was now feeling a bit nervous. He was just a Rank 4 after all. The difference between each rank was like heaven and earth. Facing two rank 5 peak stage made him have a sliver of doubt in his victory.

"Fang Yuan, why are you here?", Haru frowned and asked in a hostile tone.

"My dear little brother, it's none of your business where I choose to participate. I can see that you have gained some attainment in refinement path reaching till this round. Let's see how good it is.", Fang Yuan sneered back. He knew Fang Zheng had a deep hatred for him but one of his goals today was to capture Fang Zheng and take him back to the Hu Immortal Blessed Land. He was even more interested since his little brother had reached Rank 5 peak stage, only a single step away from Immortality. He would possess him if he couldn't find a way to get rid of immortal zombie body. He can also make Fang Zheng a blood deity to be used in the future.

"Fang Yuan, you are too arrogant. I bet 100 grams of Heaven Metal. It is a material on par with Rule eye blood. Do you dare?"

"Hahaha, my naive little brother. This amount is too less to move my heart. I bid 10 litres of the immortal material, blood of the sacred elephant."

"I do not have the materials to match your bid."

"Hmph. Just big words but cannot match it with action. I will be generous. Come work under me for a year. You might even get to learn a bit under me."

Haru shook his head, "No can do. These gu worms and materials are just my end of the deal. If you win, you can take them. I don't require anything from you."

Saying so, Haru headed to his seat without looking back. Fang Yuan could see the hatred in his little brother's eyes. He decided to along for now.

A few seconds later, something flew out from Haru's back towards a particular direction. Haru had a stern expression on his face as he started preparing for the possibilities.

Soon, the round started. The task was to refine three Rank 5 Shine Back Spike Gu. It was a defensive type Gu. Multiple recipe were provided to all the participants.

Competition started and very soon the 9th round results came in. Fang Yuan was the winner by a huge margin. The Rank 4 gu master was left dumbstruck while Haru had already anticipated it.

As he expected, Haru lost this round miserably. Fortunately, Zheng Shan Chuan was able to defeat his opponent by a very a small margin and advanced to the next round in the other arena. As a disciple of Fang Zheng, he was still considered a part of his faction in the Immortal Crane Sect and hence there were currently 2 members of Immortal Crane Sect which had advanced to the next round: Fang Yuan and Zheng Shan Chuan.

People had also started noticing the similarities and difference between the brothers. Both were Rank 5 peak stage and pursued refinement path. One was very reserved, cold and scheming while other was very open, righteous and friendly.

As soon as Haru left the arena, he saw a figure standing near the gate. Fang Yuan was waiting for him with his arms crossed.

Haru took out the materials he bet as well as a specific gu worm and sent it over to Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan caught it and put them inside his blessed land. Gu Masters who saw the same had their eyes brighten and were sighing at the fortune in front of them. 'If only I could get my hands of them', this was the thought many of them had seeing the immortal materials.

Haru called for his flying crane. Hundreds of cranes were flying above him when suddenly one of them came down and stood beside Haru.

"I will take my leave then.", Haru didn't want to stay here for another second.


"Dear naive little brother. It seems you have too many resources at hand to give away for free. I feel bad to just take it from you. Why don't you come with me to Hu Immortal Blessed Land? I will provide you guidance and check on your cultivation and even help you with practicing refinement path. Not everyone gets the chance to get guidance from a grandmaster."

Although, Fang Yuan said so on the surface, he had already activated wisdom path gu worms in his aperture.

Fang Yuan waved his hand, he was going to attack Fang Zheng in public!

'He really attacked!'