Ch 1

[New fic started from here] (will update the other fics later)

The matter of time-travel has long been commonly heard by everyone. Web-novels, TV series, movies, anime, and various other carriers are all depicting the beauty of time-travel to us.

Therefore, there are many people who are attracted by the beauty of time travel and long to experience it once, and I am one of them.

However, I have never seen a time travel or reincarnation story where the original owner is replaced, the original owner who himself is a transmigrator, and the one who has undergone reincarnation into the original owner's body.

But I have this experience myself now.


I am talking about transmigrating as Fang Yuan. According to the original story, he is the person who had reincarnated into the Gu world and time travelled 500 years using a special means within the Gu World. But now, I somehow possess his body.

I was originally playing the game of the same name adapted from the novel Reverend Insanity.

Then the computer suddenly malfunctioned, the screen went black, and then I lost consciousness. By the time I regained consciousness, I had already passed through.

In order to confirm my current identity, location, and surroundings, I left the room and took a walk outside.

The first is where I am now. The place where I live is a village. The people in the village are all from the same clan. My current age is fifteen years old, and my name is Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

Anyone who knows Reverend Insanity knows that this is the name of the protagonist in the novel.

I thought that it was a coincidence at first that I had the same name, but after collating all the information I got, I knew it wasn't the case.

For example, there is a twin brother named Gu Yue Fang Zheng. For example, both the parents have died, and I was raised by the uncle and aunt. For example, this village is called Gu Yue clan, and for example, this mountain is called Qing mao Mountain.

With so much information, and after all the information is gathered, the answers point in one direction, do I still deny myself?

After confirming my identity, I am more concerned about the time point I am in now. What are the recent events?

Just recently, I came to know that there is a major event happening, and it is also the thing I care about the most. Awakening ceremony is held every year, and all fifteen-year-olds will participate in it. It is a major event which will decide the future of my life.

And this year's Awakening ceremony will be held tomorrow.

I can still recall this plot in the novel now, not because my memory is really good, but because I confirmed that I have obtained one of the time-travel benefits, complete memory.

As for other time-travel benefits, such as the system, I didn't see the shadow of it, I'm afraid there are no other benefits.

Even if there was a system, I wouldn't trust it. It would probably be an experiment of an Gu Immortal or an arrangement of the Venerables. Neither will end well for me.

The title Venerable signifies that a Gu Master has reached the pinnacle of the Gu world's cultivation, Rank 9. In the whole of time and space of this world, only ten such existence have reached this level. They were the absolute peak during their time and even after their death, their arrangements have continued to affect the whole of Gu world.

Even in the game, the appearance and details of these existence were concealed. During the parts they appeared, thier figures was blurred and the details of their moves were unclear.

I don't know whether I am connected to any one of such existence. However, what I need to confirm right now is, at what point in time am I in now, when Fang Yuan first crossed into this world? I replaced him at this time?

Or was it when Fang Yuan used the Spring Autumn Cicada to return to Qing mao Mountain again in five hundred years? I replaced him at this time?

You must know that there is a big difference between him at the two times, that is, whether there is the biggest cheat or not, Spring Autumn Cicada.

Without Spring Autumn Chan, the vital Gu can only be a rank one Gu, the best is the liquor worm, and the worst is the moonlight Gu, and it will cost a lot of materials and primeval stones to ascend to higher rank.

But if there is a Spring Autumn Cicada, then the vital Gu is a rank six Immortal Gu, which is enough until I become a rank seven Gu Immortal. Besides, the Spring Autumn Cicada can also help me refine the Gu worm below rank five Gu. The following Gu worms only need to release a hint of Spring Autumn Cicada's aura and they can be refined immediately.

But it will take a while to figure this out.

I slept and woke up and it was already the next day. When I got up to take a shower, a girl came in to serve me and rubbed her chest against my chest while helping me get dressed. Although she didn't say her name, but according to the description in the novel and the game, I can recognize her. She is Shen Cui.

When I walked out of the house after dressing up, I saw young men and women walking together in twos and threes on the road. After seeing me, they began to mutter about me. Occasionally, the words that came into my ears were full of envy and jealousy.

In the end, more than 100 teenagers gathered in front of the main pavilion.

"Very good, we're all here on time. Today is the enlightenment ceremony, which is a major turning point in your life. I won't say much more. Come with me." The elder lead the boys into the patriarch's pavilion.

However, instead of going upstairs, he went down through the entrance of the lobby on the first floor.

Following the built stone ladder, we entered the underground cave.

The underground caves was beautiful, and the stalactites exude red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple brilliance.

Looking at this beautiful scenery, the teenagers exclaimed in amazement.

After walking for hundreds of steps, it was getting darker and darker, and the sound of water was vaguely heard.

Turning the corner, an underground river with a width of more than three feet appeared in front of everyone.

The colorful light of the stalactites here has completely disappeared.

But in the darkness, the river water exudes a faint blue light, like a galaxy in the night sky.

The river water flows from the dark depths of the cave, and it is extremely clear. You can even see the swimming fish, aquatic plants, and sand and stones at the bottom of the river. On the other side of the river, there is a sea of ​​flowers.

This is the moon orchid deliberately cultivated by the Gu Yue family. The petals are like crescent moons, showing a delicate and elegant blue-pink color. The stems of the flowers are like jade, and the hearts of the flowers are shining like the warm brilliance refracted by pearls under the light.

At first glance, in the dark background, the riverside flower sea looks like a large blue-green carpet, dotted with countless pearls.

"So beautiful."

"It's beautiful."

"Okay, listen to my instructions next, and I will call the names of people to cross the river to the other side, as far as they can go. Of course, the farther the better, can you hear clearly?" The elder said at this moment.

"Understood." The teenagers responded in succession. In fact, before they came, they had heard from their family members or elders that they knew that the farther they went, the better their aptitude and the greater their achievements in the future.

The academy elder took the list and began to call out the names one by one, and the people who were called walked through the underground river one by one.

This opening ceremony can only be held near spirit spring, because a lot of Hope Gu will be born near spirit spring, and Hope Gu is the only Gu worm that mortals need to open their aperture.

Ordinary people will feel an invisible pressure when they are close to spirit spring within a certain range. The opening ceremony starts from the edge of the pressure. The starting point of the ritual of the Gu Yue clan which is on the other side of the river.

During the awakening ceremony, you have to keep moving forward. During this process, hope Gu will continue to be put into your body, forming a light group in the Dantian position. After the pressure reaches the limit, the light group will explode and form an aperture filled with primeval sea and air.

Gu Masters are most interested in aptitude in cultivation, and aptitude is divided into four grades from top to bottom.

Below ten steps, there is no cultivation aptitude, between ten steps and twenty steps, it is a D-class qualification, between twenty and thirty steps, a C-class qualification, and between thirty and forty steps, a B-class qualification , forty steps to fifty steps, is a A-class qualification.

A young man with D-level aptitude can be promoted to a rank one peak stage Gu Master after three years of training, becoming the cornerstone of the family.

A young man with C-level aptitude, after two years of training, most of them can become a second-rank Gu Master, the backbone of the family.

A young man with B-class qualification should be taken care of. It is often necessary to train as a future clan elder, and after six or seven years of effort, one can become a rank three Gu Master.

As for the A-level qualifications, even if there is one, it is the luck of the whole clan. You have to take care of them carefully, and use resources to nurture them. They can become a rank four Gu Master in about ten years, and then can compete for the position of the patriarch!

The descendants of Gu Masters are more likely to be Gu Masters, and the founder of the Gu Yue Clan used to be a rank five Gu Master at the top of mortal world, so most of the descendants of Gu Yue village are Gu Masters, but Gu Yue Village has already existed for nearly a thousand years, the bloodline has long been thinned.

The form of expression is that there are fewer and fewer clansmen with Gu Master qualifications, and even lower high-level Gu Master qualifications.

For example, at the beginning of this enlightenment ceremony, three people walked three steps, four steps, and five steps in a row. They were mortals without Gu Master qualifications.

The people who walked latter are basically D-level qualifications, C-level qualifications, and no qualifications.

Only Gu Yue Mo Bei took thirty-six steps and measured 66% of Aperture's B class aptitude.

Gu Yue Chi Cheng, who came on the field next, also took thirty-six steps and was considered to have a B-class qualification.

However, Gu Yue Chi Cheng's actual situation is that he only has C-level aptitude. It was his grandfather Gu Yue Chi Lian who helped him to cheat, so he showed B-level aptitude. However, only the party involved, Gu Yue Chi Cheng, and the mastermind, Gu Yue Chi Lian, and I know.

If this thing works properly, it should bring me some benefits, but that will be in the future, and the most important thing at the moment is enlightenment.

"Gu Yue Fang Yuan."

Soon the school elders reported my name.

I came out in response, and in front of everyone's eyes, I walked across the river step by step and set foot on the other side.

Immediately, I felt a layer of pressure.

This pressure comes from the spirit spring in the depths of the sea of ​​flowers. Spirit Spring produces vitality, because the vitality is too rich and abundant, which leads to pressure.

But soon, from the flowers at my feet, a burst of light rose.

The spot of light flickered, enveloped my body, and finally plunged into my body.

Every single point of light is a hope Gu.

After Hope entered my body, the pressure was slightly reduced, and I took a step forward and kept moving forward.

Every time I take a step, there will be hope Gu flying out of the sea of ​​flowers one after another and pouring into my body.

But the person in charge on the other side frowned.

"The number of this Hope Gu seems to be a little small." Many elders who have been secretly watching the enlightenment ceremony can't help but sink in their hearts when they see this scene.

The patriarch also frowned, this is by no means what a A-class aptitude should have.

"In the original work, Fang Yuan C class aptitude was 44%. He took twenty-seven steps. I've taken twenty steps now."

"Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three... Twenty-seven, eh? The aperture didn't burst out?"

Surprised, my footsteps did not stop. After taking another two steps forward, I seemed to hear a bang, and the light mass between the two kidneys in my abdomen had accumulated to its limit and suddenly exploded.

This explosion only happened in my body, and outsiders couldn't notice it at all, only I felt a kind of earth-shattering mystery in an instant.

Immediately, all the hair on my body stood up, my pores were closed, and my mind was suddenly tense like a bowstring that was suddenly pulled open.

My mind was suddenly empty, and the whole body was soft, as if it fell into the top of the cloud, the heartstrings were relaxed, the hairs were smooth, all the pores of the body were opened, and all of a sudden, a layer of sweat appeared on the whole body.

This process is a bit long to say, but it is actually very short, it comes quickly, and it goes very suddenly.

I lost my mind for just a moment, and then I regained my senses. I secretly looked into the body, and found that below his navel and in between his two kidneys, an aperture had formed out of thin air.

Awakening Ceremony was a success!

This is my hope!


Meanwhile, on a far-away continent,

An old man was sitting on the leaves of a ten-thousand year old plant. The leaves were dreamy and illusory, changing from real to fake and then to real again. Any immortals who saw this scene would be shocked beyond belief.

His eyes were closed and he was sitting peacefully. Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

"The change of this era has begun. One of my arrangements have taken place."

His profound gaze wandered at the vast empty lands stretching for thousands of miles in front of him for a long time.

There was a total still in the surroundings with no movements of any beasts or any living object. Even the wind and the sky were as still as a statue.

"It's time for me to reappear in the world."

Saying so, he disappeared into thin air.

The winds started blowing again and there were noticeable movement all around. The whole place seemed to have come back to life.

The old man and the dreamy plant were nowhere to be seen. Only some words forming a beautiful and sad poem were left behind which resounded in his original place.

"I once saw there's a golden star,

Unreachable but still not far.

I held out my hands to hold it close,

when from the firmament it rose.

A bright moon, white and cold and fair,

and filled with magic was the air.

Forgotten was the golden star, the dream of Immortality,

Forgotten was the original goal, the original path,

Forgotten by self, Forgotten by the Great Dao, and Forgotten by the world.

Only a single wish remain,

To know where the end of my path lay."