Chapter 26 - Finally

An ominous feeling washed over me as the two started at each other. It seemed to bubble all over when mother gestured for him to come closer. He moved closer, despite how he obviously sensed danger. His little hand trembled beside him, yet he still marched forward.

I moved to stop him, but suddenly my feet weren't on the ground anymore. Two large hands held me and lifted me off the ground.

"My apologies princess but you shouldn't interfere".

"Let go of me!" I tried to pull away. Kick him wherever my little legs could, but that wasn't far at all and barely made impact.

The man himself seemed to be a guard which means this wasn't a spur of the moment type of situation. This was planned.

A maid that stood near us lured Victor away and just before the guard who grasped me could leave, mother stopped him with a smile. Her hand waving as she giggled.

"Let her stay for a bit Jule. My little daughter should know what happens when she ruins her future plans that her poor mother spent days working on", she gave me a cold smirk that sent shivers down my spine, "but of course I can't hurt her can I? Or that little devil boy will come. So I'll just have to think of another torture method, won't I?" Her head snapped from myself to Lance in an instant. Her nails digging into his face.


"Let him go Mother!! Please!!!" I started. My throat became dry and my body began to shake.

"Oh? To think it was so effective? I haven't even began yet though", she ignored my shouts,

"P-Please mother!!!" I once again shouted. Still thrashing about against the cold armour that held me.


Lances right cheek was bright red.


It was now deep red.


"Stop it!!"

Blood dripped from his lip.

He didn't cry. Or wail.

He just stared at mother. As if he could see through her.

Mother became unnerved by the staring it seemed because soon enough she stopped, "this child? What a creepy gaze!"

"Mother please! I'll do anything!" I didn't know I would regret my words so soon.

Her head turned towards me.

"Well then, what a surprise! Now what might a child I can't even use to relieve my stress on be able to offer me?" She stood up, pushing Lance away and strode towards me.


She grabbed my face like she did Lances. Her nails digging in painfully.

"An ugly, plain little girl. My poor poor unfortunate child. Do you know what becomes of an ugly girl with high status? Only a man hungry for power would be desperate enough to marry them. And then when you become a wife to such a man he'll gradually bring another woman home and you'll be forced to smile and pretend everything's okay. Because that's your fate".

My heart seemed to thump loudly. Blood rushing through my head as my mouth wanted to argue. To tell her it wasn't true! But a small part of me knew full well it was.

Is this how Mallory became a villainous? Because of her mother?

She wasn't done though.

"Do you know how long it took me to convince the Baron Reftin to agree to that engagement. With that connection we could've easily obtained a share in their merchant guild but that Harlow boy happened to mess everything up!" She dug her nails deeper. The painted nails seemed to look glossy while I groaned in pain.

"M-Mother that's enou"-.

"Oh that's it! I could get that Harlow brat to take responsibility for you! Of course I should've thought of it sooner!" She suddenly smiled. Her changes in expression resembled that of an insane person.

My heart sank.

This was impossible.

I-I can't escape it.... I can't escape Mallory's fate.

H-How naive of me.

I felt hot tears stream down my face. My body that once resisted seemed to completely give up.

If it wasn't for the fact that mother began to suddenly fall backwards I might have completely given up.

Her face morphed into surprise and then horror and my own just stared in utter confusion.


Behind her I saw Lance.

"Kyaaa!" She screamed.

Before she could actually fall, the knight holding me loosened his grip to grab her. This meant leaning so forward that I ended up tilting so far off that I slipped off his arm.

Ruby appeared as always and caught me. Setting me down securing before attempting to run off, but before he could I grabbed his sleeve.

"Ruby! Please take Lance away from here!" I pleaded.

"But princess I only guard"-

"Please Ruby!"

He sighed and turned to Lance who seemed to be beside me, watching Ruby with curious eyes. That's right... he just saw Ruby appear from basically nowhere. Something I am still trying to make sense of.

"That's not right" he shook his head and point at me, "you should take the princess because she's just a baby".

As logical as the reasoning was. It wasn't the time.

"Nobody's going anywhere!" Mothers stood up, looking madder than ever. Her hair seemed to become undone after tumbling and with all the pins still trying to hold it all together it became a total mess.

It was almost as if her inner self was truly out to be seen.

"Forgive me, but if you lay a hand on the princess and this child then you will be an enemy to the Brennus", Ruby warned.

Mother scowled. Her eyes landing on Lance as she shook her head, "why would the Brennus king protect a street rat like him?", she snorted.

I smirked when I caught sight of Ruby's smile.

"Because this child is the special guest of the Brennus people" he smiled widely.

"What nonsense?! A guest? He's living in my palace!" Mother's voice raised higher with each word.

"Well it seems like it's about time your guest leaves", Ruby looked out of the window just as a black feather fell slowly from above. There was no mistaking that as anything other than a crows feather.

A knock sounded on the front door.

"It seems you have a visitor. It would be rude to keep them waiting", Ruby's taunts were brilliant. I had to congratulate him when I get the chance.

"Madam, should I get the door?" A footman approached the doorway nervously. He seemed to grasp the situation.

"Yes". She answered. She was staring down Ruby with a cold glare as she spoke. "Let our guests in".

When she finally left, I turned to where Ruby stood with excitement, but was disappointed to see him gone. Leaving Lance and myself alone.

"Y-Your mother is scary... are all mothers like that?" He turned to me with a scared face. His hands still seemed to shake. He was holding it back.

"Hey" I winced at his bruising cheek and patted his back slowly, "No that's just how my one happens to be. I'm sorry she hurt you".

"I-It's okay- I'm just a - a street rat anyway" he scoffed but he cradled his hands with a pitiful expression.

"Lance I have to tell you something".

I couldn't just leave it in the air, otherwise he'd freak out. And so I told him everything, expecting him to bitch slap me at any moment and being ready to willingly take it, except... he never did attack me. Instead, I watched his face stare at me like I was the most strangest thing he had ever laid his eyes on.

"Y-You planned all that?" He stammered. "For me?" He pointed at himself in disbelief, "but why? I'm just a common street rat? You're a princess".

I frowned again at his cheek, wondering why being a princess even mattered at all.

"Where you're born doesn't determine whether you should be treated with decency. Mother had no right to snatch you off the streets like you were at her disposal. You deserve to live your own life. I'll make sure of it!" I grasped his little hands in my smaller ones and smiled at him.

His eyes stared at me with a surprised look before they became tearful. I didn't expect him to hug me so tightly and cry on my shoulder like that.

I wish my words didn't mean so much to him. That the adults around him weren't so horrible. That his circumstances were so much better. I wish... at least... in a few years he would have heard such words enough that he would be satisfied and would smile at the sound.

My arms circled round him in return and patted his back.

When he finally let go, the door had opened to reveal a soldier. His armour was black. Complete and utter black. The only thing that wasn't black was the skin on his face, other than that, his eyes and hair were pitch black and if he hadn't given Lance such a bright smile I would've ran for it.

"You must be Lance".

"Yes", Lance cautiously replied.

"Then it is an honour to meet you child. I heard our future queen treasures you deeply and wishes for us to take you under our wings. We would be great full to welcome you into our territory", he held out his hand for Lance to take.

Lance turned to me, he looked rather unsure.

"Princess. Will we ever meet again?" He asked. He looked scared.

Before I could answer, the knight spoke up.

"Princess?! "The" princess?! Where? Where is she?!" He started frantically searching the room, eyes passing over me dozens of times as if I was just a part of the background.

It was until Lance pointed directly at me that his eyes settled on me.

"Eh? You-you're the princess that the prince can't stop talking about?" He looked shocked. "I didn't even notice you there..."

Talk about rude.

"I wonder why?" Lance spoke up. He looked genuinely curious, "I notice her really easily", he smiled at me.

That melted my annoyance like sweet tea on ice cream and I managed to grin at the knight.

"You have to bring him here for Victors birthday every year!" I reminded him.

"Of course, princess! This knight treasures the words of the deeply beloved princess!" He declared.

Though the answer as to why he was saying that to the chair was a mystery. Guess he must've lost sight of me.

"Then there's no time to lose. You must leave before mother comes back".


The Brennus had kept their word when they promised to raise Lance with good nature. Every year he came for Victors birthday he bought gifts and a healthy glow with him, although it seemed like he and Luka didn't have the best relationship he was pretty happy otherwise.

He had taken up some kind of training and would take any chance he had to show them to the rest of us. For some reason this drove Edmund up a wall. I could barely get a compliment out for Lance before the silver haired boy would shoot me daggers.

Despite that, everyone would have a good time.

Jirael and Adrian would visit frequently. Clinging to me like head lice. The relationship that was written up as sour was that of a nephew and uncle.

And at times, when I would daze off into the distance. Out of the corner of my eyes I'd spot peculiar purple tips, watching from a far.

Just like that six years flew by...