Chapter 33 (editing)

Third Person Narrative

Blake eyes fluttered open, he blinks a few times to clear his blurry vision, after his vision has gotten back to normal he realizes his head was throbbing from pain, with beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "What's going on?" He thought out loud, realizing that he's strapped to a bed in a white jumpsuit.

"Subject is awake," A female dress in a lab coat with a recorder in her hand entered the compartment.

"Where I'm I?" Blake manages to choke out, slowly losing consciousness because the pain was agonizing.

"You're at the post office," The female admitted while taking ahold of his arm, after finding a vein she injects him with a needle, letting out all its content.

"What did you inject me with?" He asks groggily.

"Uπóλοιλο Θξμα Αυτο Θα τξλξιωσξι Συντομα." The female softly said in ancient Greek, while running the back of her hand down Blake's face.