Forget the World You Once Knew

David: "Before I start, forget everything you think you know about the world of magic."

Noah nodded affirmatively.

David: "The story I'm about to tell you will delve into the ideas of myth and legend, but keep in mind, what I say I fully believe to be true. A story has been passed down in my family for generations, one that attempts to confirm the idea of there being more than three types of magic."

Noah: "Does it have anything to do with Ellie's eyes?"

David: "No, her eyes being purple from presumably birth have nothing to do with this."

Noah was still very interested in Ellie's eyes, so this being irrelevant to that was disappointing, but he was still intrigued by David's tale.

David: "Anyways, it was hundreds of years ago when the people of the entire world lost the majority of their magic. There used to be enchanted objects and magic of many varieties. There even used to be mythical beasts."

Noah: "Explain more about the magic types!"

David: "Alright. Think of it like this, people used to be able to conjure and control water, fire, and many other things as well. There were many possibilities. Then one day, it was all taken away for some reason. No one knew why, but even people who already had magic lost their eye color and their magic. It was a strange phenomenon. Magic objects also started to randomly disappear. The times were extremely strange. It was like the world was being reworked. People tried to question the guardians of the world at the time, the Titans of Magic, but they had suddenly left as well. With no explanation, the people had to move on, and few thought to pass down the stories in hopes of someone solving this mystery. My family did pass the stories down though, and over time my family gathered information to try and solve the case at hand. I feel as if I have everything I need to do so as well. The Titans of Magic didn't truly disappear. They went into hiding. Do you know the ominous legend of Heaven's Peak Mountain?"

Noah: "I don't think so, no."

David: "People say there's a curse on the mountain. Whoever goes too far into the mountains never comes back. That part is true, and my family is likely the cause. Apparently one of my ancestors stumbled upon a dungeon of sorts on the mountain, suddenly a blizzard whipped up and he was back at the base. It left him surprised and he had lost his supplies because of that, so he had to wait before heading back up. He never did get the chance though, too many people going to the mountain never came back, and he knew that he did something he probably shouldn't have. Seemingly he had stumbled upon the dwelling of the Titans of Ice. Most likely they cursed the mountain to protect the location. At a later point, another ancestor decided to go to the mountains with the intention of meeting the Titans, and according to oral and written tradition, he did. The key to breaking the curse was the intense resolve and desire to find the Titans of Ice, anyone else who entered the mountains would be lost in an eternal blizzard if they went too far in."

This was a lot to take in for Noah, but it was all interesting, so he decided to stay quiet the rest of the story.

David: "It was also said that the Titans of Ice had a trial in place where one could gain the power of Ice magic if completed. That trial was a sword battle against a creature of ice that would be created by the Titans. That's the real reason I've been trying to be a great swordsman. I feel that I'm good enough to win in most fights, so I'm going to travel to their lair. This trial can apparently only be taken one time per person, so if I lose, I want you to witness the fighting style used by the creature I'll be fighting. It's a lot of pressure, but you'll be inheriting my hope if you so choose to. Even if you come and I fail, you don't have to try to win it. I'll leave that choice to you for when you're older. Know this though, to protect the people you love and will come to love, this country needs a hero, and I think you can grow to be one."

Noah: "Do you know about any other Titans?"

David: "No, my family found the Titans of Ice and focused on learning about them. I guess another thing to note is that they refused to give the information of why magic was taken away from people, but apparently if the trial is passed, they might give up that information. A lot rides on this. I want to be able to save this country so that you can keep at least some of your childhood, but it'll for sure be tough."

Noah: "I'll go with you, but it will probably be a long time before I'm good enough to fight."

Noah felt a slight bit of guilt, but he really shouldn't have. He was young, so there was no need for him to be rushed into a fighting position.

David: "Alright, it'll be a good experience for you as well. You'll be able to see more villages and even a big city on the way. I'll introduce you to some friends of mine as well."

Noah and David went back to Edna and Lawrence to describe the talk they just had.

Lawrence: "I trust you to keep him safe, so I'm fine with it."

Edna: "We'll take good care of Ellie while you're gone, so no need to worry about that."

Noah: "Thank you!"

David: "It'll be a couple months before we're ready to set out, but I'll let you know when the time comes. The trip should be a few weeks there and a few weeks back as long as it goes smoothly the whole way. I'd say a couple months at absolute worst."

Lawrence: "Ah, I thought you were already prepared to leave."

David: "Well, I need to get some proper clothing made for Noah now, plus I need him to be more physically ready for the trip. This also gives you time to settle in with Ellie more."

Edna: "Should I pay you back for the clothing you're getting for Noah?"

David: "The tailor is a close friend of mine, I'll be getting them for free most likely. At the least the gear I got from him was free of charge."

This was a great opportunity for Noah. He always wanted to see the world, but now he'll get to see a part of it few ever have before. Noah still questioned if he wanted to try and take on David's dream if the trial ended up being lost. Likely it would mean he would have to fight, and probably kill, to be able to save the country. It wasn't a resolve he had built up yet. His family being killed shook him to the core, he had Ellie to protect now, but he needed a bigger push to have him set his mind on becoming a hero. He would have to suffer something hurtful again most likely to be set on that path. He would have to overcome the trial. The trial that not even David might be able to pass. If he resolves to be a hero, Noah will likely end up a tragic one. He will be forced into the role that no one else has the courage to pick up.

A thought will always run through his mind if he chooses this path. "Am I actually going to be strong enough to save others?"