One Day

It was a cocky introduction, but an effective one, at least for a young Noah. David stood there in embarrassment for his friend. His boisterous introduction wasn't far off the mark though. Clayton was as talented as they come.

Clayton: "Another fun thing about me..."

Clayton lifted a cover from one of his eyes. He revealed himself to be a user of Creation magic.

David: "I hope you don't do that with everyone that you meet."

Clayton: "Of course not, but I know this kid is trustworthy, otherwise I wouldn't have to make mountain clothes for him. Speaking of which, I have them in the back here. Though I wouldn't mind talking a bit before you grabbed them and left."

David: "That's fine, once we get to the city we planned to rest anyway, so exactly when we get there tonight doesn't really matter."

Noah was interested in talking to Clayton, but there was someone else who grabbed more of his attention.

Noah: "Who is she."

He said this pointing to the girl peeking out from behind the door post that leads to the backroom.

Clayton: "Oh, of course, that's my daughter, Lynn."

David: "And your future bride as well."

Noah: "Wait what."

Noah's face grew extremely red at what David had said, as did Lynn, who retreated a bit farther behind the door post. Clayton laughed a bit.

Clayton: "Ah hah, now that's an interesting idea. How about it kid?"

Noah grew even more red.

David: "Well that's enough teasing for now anyway. Noah, go and actually try to talk to her, I want to talk with Clayton for a bit.

Noah: "Okay."

As David and Clayton sat down at a table in the front, Noah went to the back to meet Lynn in a more proper manor. The two stood in the back, both of them still a bit red in the cheeks after the teasing they had just been given.

Noah: "Hi.... I'm Noah."

Lynn: "I'm Lynn..."

The teasing proved to be too awkward for them to get a proper conversation started immediately. Lynn eventually broke the silence.

Lynn: "I'm not marrying you."

This relationship was off to a rocky start. Clayton and David did much more harm than anticipated.

Noah: "They were just teasing. It isn't like I actually want to marry you."

Lynn: "Then why did you get so red!"

Noah: "You did too! Don't put it all on me!"

The two started to laugh together. Though they started off badly, that was quickly changed. Fighting fire with fire, and teasing with teasing.

Noah: "Do you have magic too, or just your dad?"

Lynn: "Watch this!"

Lynn took a cover off to reveal her golden eyes while sticking out her tongue to taunt Noah for not having magic.

Noah: "Does your mom have magic too?"

Lynn fell silent for a few seconds.

Lynn: "My mom left when the king started hurting people with magic. She left us to try and get to another country. I don't know if she made it."

Noah: "Oh..."

Noah hung his head down, slightly guilty for brining it up, even though he had his own problems. Lynn quickly took notice though.

Lynn: "No, no, it's fine! It doesn't bother me much anymore. Don't feel bad."

The two continued to talk and laugh for about twenty more minutes or so before David called for Noah.

David: "Alright Noah it's about time to go!"

Noah: "Gotcha! Coming!"

Noah got up and started to walk towards the door when suddenly...

Lynn: "Wait!"

Lynn grabbed Noah's hand before he could get to the door.

Lynn: "Make sure you stop by when you come back so we can play together. And even after that you better visit often."

Noah: "Yeah, sure, I definitely will!"

As Noah started to leave again, Lynn ran up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Just as fast as she ran up to him, she ran to the stairs in the back room and retreated to the second floor of the shop to hide her embarrassment. Noah was just as red as earlier. Lynn seemed to have gotten the last laugh in the teasing battle.

Finally, uninterrupted, Noah made his way through the door.

Clayton: "Almost forgot, I need to get your clothing. One moment."

Clayton ran to the back and soon came into the room with some warm looking clothes for Noah.

Clayton: "I put a lot of care into making these, I hope they work well for you!"

Noah: "Thank you!"

David: "Really, thank you, it means a lot that you're helping me out with this."

Clayton: "Well, I'm hoping you'll be a great hero after all! Even if not, this kid better be what you're making him out to be. Though based on what you've told me, I'd say he shows promise."

Clayton stared blankly for a moment into the distance.

Clayton: "Kid, let me tell you something."

Clayton turned towards Noah.

Clayton: "If David ends up failing, don't let that discourage you. I've heard you've been through a lot, so I have no doubt that you know how cruel the world can be. I don't know what my wife is up to, or if she's even alive right now, but I do know things can't stay like this forever. If David can't save us, I hope you do. You don't actually have to get married to my daughter, though admittedly it would be funny and interesting if you did, but if you can, I want you to save her. I want her to be able to grow up peacefully in this world, but I'm not strong enough to do that. The best I can do is support David, and if not him, then I'll give my all supporting you. It's a lot to ask, but one day save my daughter, save this country, and maybe save this world. I'll be behind you all the way if you so choose to do this. You're a young kid, so this is obviously a lot of pressure I'm putting on to you. It honestly feels silly to make a seven-year-old my hope, but I have faith someone can do it. I really feel like that someone can be you, Noah."

Noah had no response for Clayton other than a nod.

Clayton: "Well then, I haven't poured out my feelings like that in a while. Back to cheerful me I go. So, Noah, are you actually interested in my daughter? I'll let her marry you if you want!"

That was the final straw for Noah, who red-faced, walked out of the shop.

David: "You call him your hope and then do that to him. You're horrible Clayton.

Clayton: "Perhaps."

And with that pit stop out of the way, Noah and David went back on the road to the city. The city they were heading for was named Evergreen. Winterguard was known for its snow fall each cold season, but the city of Evergreen received much less than anywhere else, leading to its name. It took until sundown, but Noah and David eventually arrived at the gates to Evergreen. Every city in Winterguard had walls erected around them, with guarded gates as entry points. People leaving and coming in had to be inspected by guards. Noah and David approached the west gate.

Gate Guard: "Stop real quick. Let me see the eyes of both of you."

The two complied. David then told the guard a fib story about traveling the country and learned where in the city they could find a place to stay at for the night. After getting all the information they needed to and after being approved by the guard, Noah and David finally entered the city.

When they entered, there were still a large amount of people on the streets, likely most of them returning home from work that they had. Noah had never seen this many people in a single place and the crowd started to overwhelm him. His heart rate increased considerably, and so did his breathing. Soon after, Noah passed out, David catching him before he could fall.