My Own World

Alisa Daniels being the younger child of 3siblings of the Daniels family, is an introvert compared to her elder brother and sister. Though she was the youngest, their age difference was just 2years apart. Cyrus is the oldest followed by Jess. They love their sister but the fact of her being an introvert bothers them a lot since she mostly doesn't share her problems but Alisa doesn't see any problem with it.

It was a bright and beautiful morning with the early morning sun dancing merrily on it's slow and majestic but steady journey to the west as it's rays sneaked through Alisa's glass window, hitting her face.

She winced at the slight burning sensation, drowsily opening her eyes as she sat up checking the mini clock sitting on the drawer beside her bed. At that moment, she heard a knock on her door.

"Open up Alis..." said Jess on the other side of the door.

She winced with a hiss at her sister's intrusion as she glided out of bed, walking up to the door. Jess was staring at the closed door like she could see her reflection through it when it slowly opened revealing a blonde hair girl in front of her with a messy hair.

"Good morning sleepy head..."

"Good morning Jess."

"Mum and Dad are asking of you. Go freshen up and join us for breakfast and make it quick else you will miss the bus."

Alisa understanding perfectly what her sister meant, just cocked her head. Jess looked on with a smile.

"Alright then, I will be heading down stairs."

Alisa showing no interest in what her sister said, just nodded. Jess who did not want to bother her anymore after noticing the look on her face just traced her steps towards the stairs. At that instant, she heard her sister's door close behind her. She took a quick glance before continuing downstairs.

Alisa was not quiet happy with her sister's early morning intrusion. She sauntered back to her room looking grumpy. It was the first day in school after the long summer vacation. She checked her clock once again and judging from what her sister said, she was really going to run late. she hissed at her own stubbornness as she rushed into the washroom.

After some few minutes, she returned back into the room. She smeared some pomade on her skin and hurriedly got into her uniform. Gathering her hair into a bun, she picked up her glasses which was resting beside the clock and wore it.

She shuffled to the bed and stuffed her books into her bag. When she was sure that she have gotten everything, she raced to the door, walking out of it.

All the family were seated at the table with the exception of Alisa. Mrs. Daniels glanced at Jess who was busy with her meals and sighed.


"Mm....?" she mumbled, lifting her head from her meals.

"Are you sure you went to call your sister?"

"Yes mum...I did. I even reminded her of being late for college but you know how she can be at times. She just nodded with disinterest so I just left."

"Wasn't that a lean excuse Jess?" commented Cyrus and he received a glare for it but that didn't stop him from saying what he wanted to say. "You could have found a better excuse."

"Then why don't you try it. You are better at it than me, anyway..." she replied, taking a bite of her sandwich.

Cyrus chuckled, "Finally, someone admitted she is a loser."

"Whatever, ride on."

Mr and Mrs Daniels looked on as Jess and Cyrus teased each other. Mr. Daniels mumbled, clearing his throat in disapproval of what they were doing.

"I think I will go get her myself." said Mrs. Daniels about to rose from her seat when they heard foot steps descending the stairs.

"You can save yourself that energy mum..." replied Cyrus as Alisa descended the last stairs.

She strolled to the dinning table ignoring the gaze of her family.

"Good morning everyone..." she muttered, pulling the chair in front of the table as she settled in.

"Good morning Alisa, how was your night?"

"Just good Dad..." she replied without looking at her father as she reached for her sandwich with some difficulty.

"You can just ask for help dear..." Mrs. Daniels slowly pushed the plate of sandwich to her.

"Thank you Mum..." she took it, digging into her meals.

The Daniels family were not extremely wealthy but just an okay family probably in the middle class of the societal ladder. Jess glanced at her wrist watch as she put the last piece of sandwich into her mouth and sighed.

"I've got to go else my boss is going to give me an earful."

She slowly pushed the chair back and shrugged up, picking her hand bag from the floor beside her chair.

"Alright dear, take care and have a nice day."

"Alright mum..." she walked over to her father's chair and pecked his cheeks. "See you later in the evening Dad..."

Mr. Daniels smiled, stroking a hand over her cheeks. "Okay dear..."

Jess strolled off to the door wasting no time.

"Have a nice day Alis...."

"Mm...." she muttered as Jess slowly closed the door behind her.

"You should hurry too son. The workers needs your presence at the factory."

"Sure Dad..."

Cyrus being the eldest and only son of the Daniels family, was left with the responsibility to take care of his father's book production factory after University. He glanced at Alisa who was still enjoying her meals.



"Would you like me to drop you in school?"

"No, I will jo...." At that moment, the horn of the bus sounded. "Sorry, I've got to go now..., bye" she picked her bag which was hanging around her chair and rushed out. Cyrus and his parents looked on with concern as she closed the door behind her.

Alisa doesn't hate her family or anything like that but she felt she was old enough to take care of herself and doesn't need any baby sitting from any of them. She glided into the bus and it sped off.


It was around 9pm when the bus got to the school. HILBERTS COLLEGE is one of the top schools in Netherlands and not everyone gets the chance to be there. Most of the students had to pass series of tests before making it there and now had to maintain their scores or better it else they face being sacked.

From Alisa's timetable, she had geography as her first lesson for the morning. She got down the bus together with the rest of the students and hurried off to get her text books from her locker before class starts.

Just as she rounded the corner to the locker room, she got tripped off.

"Ouch..." she groaned, lifting her gaze to the culprit but was not surprised to see the piercing blue eyes glancing down at her with a smirk dancing on his lips.

Nick is the school's bad guy and bully. He is tall, handsome with a well built body. He has an oval face, lined with a pointed nose coupled with blue eyes just fitting for his face.

"Did you miss me Alisa?"