Chapter 1


Tokyo 😍//

I woke up from my alarm going off, today was Saturday I rolled over my bed to look for my phone. I found it and check the time and it read 10:28 am, I got off my bed and walked over to my bathroom. I washed my face brushed my teeth and had a 30 minute shower. After I had a shower I got dressed in black nike leggings and a plain white top. I heard my phone vibrating indicating I got a text I went to pick up and it was a text from Sierra.

Slime🤮🥵😍//hey girl, what you up to today?

Me// nothing much just the usual wbu?

Slime🤮🥵😍// going to the mall, I'm coming to pick you up In 30 so be ready.


I went downstairs to see my family on the table eating. I walked over to the table a sat next to Jaeycone "morning beautiful" Jaeycone said to me as he pulled me into a hug. Jaeycone was the only person who cared for me expect for Sierra I love my brother so much and his also over protective. "Morning" I said while hugging him back as soon a I was going to grab my plate "you sure your not full because it looks like it to me" Fatih said while laughing and my mom along with her to "I think she need a gym membership card" my mom said. "That's it I had it with you two, I wish I was never born" and with that I got up and left "Tokyo" I heard Jaeycone say before I closed the door and got in Sierra car and we drove off. The car ride there was completely silent until Sierra broke the silence. "You okay tokiie" Sierra asked me, tokiee was a name she made for me short for Tokyo. "Y-yeah I'm fine" I lied. When we got to the mall it wasn't packed as I expected "Girl Lets got to forever 21" Sierra pulled to the store since there was a sale going on. "Should I get the black or white" Sierra asked holding up a off the shoulder dress that stopped above her knees. "White" I said smiling at her we walked over to the cash register to pay for our things we were at the mall for about an 1 hour. We went to the food court to grab something to eat. "Ay, Tokyo" I here my name being called I looked over my shoulder to see who was calling me "oh, hey Jaeycone" I said with a half smile "what you doing here you've been gone for an hour" he said looking concerned because of what happened in the morning "I was ju-" I was cut off when Tash smash her lips into Jaeycone lips. Tash is Jaeycone girl they've been together for 6 months, but when ever his not around Tash is just like Faith and my mom but whenever I tell Jaeycone he doesn't believe me he thinks she is a "sweet, joyful" girl but she's really not she's a bitch and a hoe for a fact. "Sorry I gotta Handel some real quick I'll catch y'all later" Jaeycone said in a rush before giving me a hug and kissing Tash on the cheek as soon as Jaeycone left Tash walked towards me and Sierra, sierra was not paying attention since she was on her phone all day "what you doing at the food court eating? aren't you meant to be at the gym?" Tash said chuckling with her hands on the table "aren't you meant to be at that nigga house u where are last night little hoe" Sierra also mentioned with her arms folded. Every day when me and Sierra walk to the park we seem to always see Tash walking in and out of some nigga house with a robe on while she changes in her car Jaeycone doesn't know 'bout that but I'll tell him when I get home. "First of all you need to mind ur fkn business just because I can get a man and you can't" Trash said low but loude so we can hear "I had it I'm telling Jaeycone when I get come" I said before leaving but I felt a tight grip on my hand witch made me stop and look back "tell him and something is coming your way and your gonnna regret it I promise" Tash said close up to my face I pull my arm away from her and walked off but I was still telling weather or not she likes it or not. It was now going on to 5 pm so I decided to take a little nap before I take a shower i was woken by my door being knocked I woke and opened it "ay sis It's 8 so dinner is ready in 10" Jaeycone said before he left I went to take a shower before going to eat after I shower I just put on a blue high wasted jeans with a orange crop top I got my phone and made my way downstairs I was about to sit next to Jaeycone when Tash hoe ass was there I rolled my eyes and sat next to my dad, my dad is just like Jaeycone. "God is great, and God is good, And we thank him for our food; By his hand we all are fed; Give us, Lord, our daily bread" my mother said the grace she says before we eat. While I was eating my dad was asking me questions "Yo Tokyo how was your da-" before he could finish his sentence Tash cut him off "she's was taking shit about my mother who passed away last year" crying Tash said while looking at me I was so confused on why she should say something like that because I have never talked about her mother once "are you serious you go out and talking shit about her dead mother, she might be right you must be selfish" Jaeycone said shaking his head holding Tash "I didn't eve-" I was cut off again "go to ur room fatty you are mad disrespectful " my mother said mad asf I went up to my room slammed the door closed I was so mad I changed into a pair of short and a top and I fell asleep .

I was awoken but my alarm going off at 7:30 am I got up brushed my teeth and had a shower after I did everything I got a text from Sierra saying she was outside waiting for me I got my books and bag and left we arrived at school at 8:21 we said our goodbyes and walked into our class but before I waked into class I bumped in the last person I wanna see Faith"watch where your going fatty" she said and everyone was laughing around her I got up and picked up my things and walked to the back off the class I had English first so the class wasn't that full today. "Okay class we have a new student that will be attending our class today, his name is Trey" Mr.greg said to the class, I didn't pay attention to the front I was looking at my book the whole time 20 minutes passed and I feel someone staring at me when I turned around it was Trey "Hey ma' I'm Trey" he said with his hand out "I'm Tokyo" I replied shaking his hand and smiled, Trey was light skin he stood about 6'1 he has black hair with brown highlights and he was sooo fine. "Ma" what you doing after school" Trey asked with a smirk "nothing just the usual" I said " ight ma' ca- he was cut off by the bell, I got up and left I was walking with Sierra into the cafeteria for lunch we found a spot and sat down when Trey comes up to as "ay Tokyo do u mind if I get your number" he asked with a smirk "sure" I got out my phone and we swapped our numbers when Faith comes up to the table we were on "hey Trey why are you giving your number to this fat bitch" she said with a smirk "because I think she is beautiful is there a problem?" Trey asked with a confused face "yes she is ugly fat and I'm perfect for u" Faith said up in his face and touching his shirt, I got up and left with Sierra behind me "Tokiie wait" Sierra said running behind me "come on I'll take you home get in" after we got in the car we were driving for about 5 minutes when we saw a black BMW flowing us so we stoped to see who it was the person got out and walked towards us I rolled down my window to see who it was "Tokyo why tf did u slap Faith" Jaeycone said mad "what are you talking about I didn't even touch her" I said looking lost asf "then why is she crying talking about u slapped her? Hah?" He was getting loud so I told rolled up my window and told Sierra to drive off when we arrived at my house it was 3:30 "Tokiie I gotta go my mum needs help with something bey love u" "love u too" and with that she left I walked into the house and I fell right to the floor holding my face, I looked up and see my mum standing over me "WHY DID YOU HIT YOUR SISTER? HAH? IS IT BECAUSE OF SOME DAMM BOY THAT DIDN'T TALK TO U" she yelled at me "mum I didn't touch her and what boy are you talking about" I said holding my face and crying, I really couldn't believe this first Tasha now faith what did I do to deserve this I felt unwanted "Girl you know that boy TREY!! don't play dumb, who wasn't you? Your fat and ugly haha" she said laughing and still standing over me I got up from under her and ran to my room I slammed my door and I heard my mom says "don't u dear close my doors like that stupid fat bitch" I walked over to my bathroom and stood in the mirror looking at my bruise face I ran the cold water on and grabbed and cloth patting on my face "Tokyo I jus- WTF HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!!!" Jaeycone run to me holding my face and looking shocked "um mom slapped me because apparently I hit Faith at school" I said crying "omg let me help you and I'm sorry Faith was lying I didn't mean to come at you like that" he said patting my face with the cold cloth "I'll go talk to her okay" he said before giving me a hug and going out the door, after that I felt tired so I had a quick shower I laid in my bed watching Netflix I feel my eyes getting heavy so I fell to sleep.