Chapter 1: Reincarnated

My Mother, Leanelle De Peir was the most beautiful woman you could ever see. Her Golden hair complimented her Emerald colored eyes, she also has plump lips and Rosy cheeks. Her body structure is immaculate. We could just say she has a figure '8' type of body, Maybe that's why my Father fell in love with her.

My father, Alastair Von De Peir was the number one War God in this kingdom. He defeated 1 troop with 200,000 knights by himself. His first war started when he was only 10 years old, and Won with zero casualties. My father's looks aren't behind my mother, De Peir Families were blessed with looks and capabilities that no other families have. That is also why the Royal Family are afraid of De Peir Dukedom. Our dukedom is feared by many, that is also why a lot of families tries to please nor tries to build some connection with us, but because our family doesn't trust anyone easily, most of them failed their attempts. My father being powerful that can take a whole country, begged and kneeled on that sly bastard, it won't happen again in this lifetime.

And I, Chantelleia De Peir were born by their love, I am almost a replica of my mother's image, the only thing that was different are my eyes. I had my father's violet eyes that symbolizes the De Peir Blood line. I am the sole heir of our dukedom, that is also why i am always in between of life and death because of assassination attempts by many. I fear none, because i am capable enough to kill nor frighten them. To bad, i was killed by that bastard of a son.

"Leia, are you okay? I was told that you stopped breathing!" Mother claimed while looking at me with horrid eyes. I looked at her face while smiling. She never changed, she was still as beautiful as i remember since that day occurred.

"I am fine Mother, maybe Maria saw it wrong. I was actually sleeping peacefully, i slept like a new born baby" i giggled as i made that kind of excuse

"I don't believe you, I'll call the Royal Physician to check on you. And besides your still a baby in my eyes." Mother exclaimed

Royal Physician? You mean the same Physician that treated that bastard when i stabbed him?

"No Mother, don't call the that Physician. I am fine, i'll just drink herbal medicines." I, again made an excuse. Who's in the right mind to ask for your enemy's presence once you reincarnated?

"No. I'm calling the Royal Physician Hosh, I cannot risk anymore time. I need him to check on you" Mother retorted, she was a woman of word. Whatever she says, it will be final. I didn't retort back. No matter what i'll say, it will not change her mind.

"Okay Mother....Can i ask what is the year,month and date today?" I questioned Maria

"Sniff...sniff...It's July 23 year 505 My lady.....sniff....sniff" Maria answered. Her eyes are still red from crying, her nose was red as a rose. I cannot help but laugh, she looked like a wild cute baby rabbit that has been cornered by a wolf pup

" is- is there something wrong my lady?" She questioned

"You look cute. Stop crying now, i told you, I am fine." I assured her, she did not believe me, instead looked at me with complicated eyes somehow asking " i saw you stopped breathing for quite sometime, do you think i would believe that kind of excuse that you have made, My Lady?"

"Stop giving me that look Maria, I am really fine. Besides I'm talking to you well aren't I? hahaha."

"I cannot help but overthink, My Lady. What if you didn't wake up!? I know I'm still young but I can guarantee that I am capable enough to take care of you. It would be my fault if you have died My Lady! The guilt would kill me!" Maria Complained

She is right, it would be her fault if I died. On a blink of an eye, if I suddenly lose my life while she's in charge of me, she could be punished, Not only guilt could kill her, she could be also publicly executed for 'unintentionally' killing the sole daughter of the only powerful benefactor of the kingdom.

I could actually sympathize with her right now, being a maid at a young age and given the fact she was tasked to take care of me, was already tiring enough. Imagine being a maid by someone whose life is always on the line, i could never.

"I am deeply sorry Maria...but I am really fine, just some herbal teas and medicines can help me reciprocate to my original health state. Now stop crying. Us 11 year old ladies needs to take care of ourselves more. Crying too much would leave some complications on our body" I smiled as I assure this young lady's heart and mind

"Do not be sorry, My Lady! However, i am truly sorry for my sudden outburst awhile ago. I just cannot help but imagine loosing you, My Lady...." Maria shyly stated. I could see her ears turning red from stating her mind. This young Lad is actually very adorable. How could I not notice her efforts before? Instead i have taken the liking of the maid, that the wife of that bastard has given me.


A sudden low yet enchanting voice interrupted Me and Maria's conversation. Both of our heads turned and saw my father standing besides the door frame analyzing us. Maria's face turned pale as she saw her Other Master at the door.

"Ma-Master Alaistair..." Maria voiced out as she trembled in fear, father's aura is still fearsome, no wonder Maria's trembling in fear. I touched Maria's shoulder and instructed her to return to her own chambers. If she stayed a little bit more longer, she could have fainted. Now there would be 2 patients that needed the Physician's help.

" are you? "I asked as I show him my sincere smile

"Instead of asking me, how are you?" He questioned back. Father's' face was cold but his eyes shows warmth and sincerity as he questioned me.

"I am fine father, still breathing, still alive."

" awhile ago your not. We were told that your face was as pale as snow and your body temperature was below humans. How can you be fine?" He enumerated. Father's' face became colder as his brows knitted together while talking to me. I cannot help but burst out laughing. I missed his lecturing face. I remembered when i was young, i always makes mistakes and he always scolds me, his face before were like now. I lived through a lot when i was young, experiencing it the second time is already nostalgic.

"What are you laughing for? This matter is not simple Chantelleia!" He thundered. Slowly my laugh died down, and i looked at him smiling

"You're worried about me, aren't i right father?"

"of course I am worried about you. I am your father!"

"I know, i'm just teasing you father. It really is funny seeing you without your cold composure and expression hehe" he looked at me wide-eye, he coughed and his expression and composure returned to its original state. Seeing that made me laugh more

"Hurry inside, My daughter is on the bed" both Me and My father heard Mother. I stopped laughing and my expression turned from welcoming to cold. I'm sure my father saw it but i could not careless. That Royal Physician of that bastard is coming, an enemy is inside of my manor, I will not lower my guard even if i'm back from my 11 years old state.

Mother entered my room with an Old Looking Physician wearing a robe with golden highlights and a golden lion stitched on left chest part of the robe. Behind him was a young man, who i estimated around 14 years old. I recognize him, he's Euniqe Sue Sfaen who will be soon appointed as the youngest physician of the royal family.

How could i forget? I am now back to my old child self, it is expected that all of them are too. How ridiculous

"Look at my daughter as soon as possible"

"Yes Duchess."

Hosh the Royal Physician, instructed Euniqe to lay out every tools that he have bought, expected from this young man. He doesn't need his father's guide to help him identify the tools that his father needs. He truly deserves the title he will receive in the future.

"Duchess, there's nothing wrong with Young Miss health. Everything is totally normal" old Hosh explained

"How can you say that? My daughters' complexion was as pale as snow before i called you. She even lost her breath! How can you say everything's normal!?" Mother spoke while her voice filled with fear

"It seems like i still lack knowledge, i do not have the brief explanation why the young lady experience that kind of problem. In the name of the Royal Family's Physician, I am truly sorry for not being able to find out what's the cause of what happened to the young lady. Please accept my most sincere apologies duke and duchess" he bowed, including Euniqe

I feel bad, i know the reason why it happened. I just cannot say it, they won't believe it. Such things only happens in fairytales, I, myself cannot believe it happen to me.

"Mother, Father do not get angry at them. I told you i'm just fine. herbal teas and medicines are enough to help me regain my health" I exclaimed

"Sir Hosh, I really am okay. I also know there's nothing wrong with me. I believe your words. Please do not mind my Mother and Father, they're only worried about me."

"It's okay Young Lady. It is also for my ignorance and negligence. I should have known what's the cause..."

"No. There's no such thing as a perfect person. Anyone can make mistakes, but that doesn't make them less of them. It's okay to forget something, we are humans. We tend to forget and not know everything but that doesn't mean we cannot remember and learn them." I spoke this words from my heart. Humans tend to blame themselves for not knowing everything. That's the perks of being a human, we aren't celestial beings that knows every single thing. We are just humans that are capable of adapting and expanding our knowledge

"I- I see... you are a remarkable young lady. I see a bright future a head of you. I hope you become our Empress One day". Sir hosh smiled

Empress? I'm not Joanna.


Hi Author here, since i have a lot of time. I decided to finish my chapter 1. Recently we have been hit by 4 typhoons, the 2 latest typhoons that hit my country specially my region was so strong that we almost had no light for a month. Since we already have lights lit up, i decided to finish this chapter. But i will not publish this unless our internet is back. There are a lot of damage wires and electricity towers ( is that what you call them?) in our region, the chances of our internet coming back is slightly hard because as i said the 2 latest typhoons gave us a lot of damage. Fortunately my family and i are okay, our house was okay even after being hit by signal number 5 and 4(?) typhoons. I am also a 11th grade student. Because there is no internet, i'm not able to enter class lmao i might repeat a year but it's okay.

There are a lot of grammatical errors from this chapter, because i am an amateur writer and also English isn't my first language. I will edit this again after i edit the prologue, i am not satisfied on how i made it, i may still be an amateur but i also like well made chapters. Since i will edit all of the chapters after i release them, feel free to re-read them again because i might change some words after nor change how the flow goes

This story is also inspired by the chinese, japanese, and korean novels, manhwas,mangas, and manhuas that i've read. Specially the transmigiration,reincarnation/reborn novels and manhwas, mangas, and manhuas. One example is "The abandoned empress" since it is mainly inspired from these, some scenes might be a little familiar to you, but i will do my best to change it cliches parts, also do not fret because my plot would be a little different

Again you will see this chapter after the internet is back and if the readers don't mind please leave a star or a comment about this and the upcoming chapters. All of your evaluations and insights are truly appreciated, and i would do my best to follow what you like.

Words count/s: 2182 words