Juan Pablo Pov: two

Walking in school grounds brought all the fear I had before summer. Not the fear of facing my teachers who I failed their class , or even facing my once of crush or whatever...it was a different fear. A fear that , maybe,  if Andrèz or Kyle go , so as the part of me which they helped grow.

And my heart keeps beating as I think to what Kyle might be thinking that we left him in California,  while we in Jersey attending school we'd rather skip in anytime of day , to help him ofcourse.  But , we had no absolute choice but to leave. Atleast that's what Andrèz said it to be.

"Hey." Andrèz  says as if he didn't plan to see me whilst he sheepishly walks towards me from our French class.

"Why'd you come from there-" I cut myself short as I saw my sister who is known as Julia stepping out too , with a tense look in her eyes.

I walk towards her , filled with annoyance , ignoring Andrèz pleads to calm down.

"What the fuck?! I've been calling you,  texting you , worried sick and I've been literally suffering the consequences from mom because of you!" I yell , a few heads in the hall way turn to our direction,  I blankly look at them in a way to keep their eyes off.

"She can explain , just-"

"Shut up Andrèz!" I interrupt him, only to hear my sisters word of excuse.

"Can we talk about this later? I don't wanna, " She slips her falling silk  scarf back covering her whole neck , "Get a private setting so we can talk about this, mom included."

I ease off of her , trying to remain as calm as I could.

"Okay. But , why so much clothing ? It's like 20°C right now , the afternoon will get worse."

"I don't know,  I just got alittle cold this morning that's all. But, I'm gonna go , I have a quick meeting with the principal-"

"What?!" Drèz says in shock.

"Its okay , it's nothing serious I hope."

He smiles to reassure us as she hugs me while whispering that everything was gonna be okay.

Then she walked up to Drèz , having that look in her eyes as she starts kissing him so passionately,  I almost wanted to run the fuck away.

"I'll see you later." She whisper yells and left Andrèz and I in a pause..

"You two done with your break?" I say as I continue walking to my next class and he follows.

"I guess so. We haven't spoke about anything since that day so," He stops me , then steps infront of me , " I have a plan to get Kyle back from Anthony's custody." I scoff  , "You the one that told us not to go back!"

"Well yeah I changed my mind! And we'll need more company. Cassie  included." He walks away before I could even react to his words.


it's noon , and I invited Cassie to this  diner  place called Ancient cookies , we call it AC. But her with Andrèz and a couple of guys just to chill after our very first day since summer. 

But we all knew why exactly we came. Like , I don't even like some of the guys...specifically Ryan , especially him and his fucking ultra ego.

"I'm not going to look for some dweeb I don't even fuck with." Ryan sighs,  with disappointment in his tone.

"Well I don't think anyone here fucks with your toxicity but we'd still look for you." Julia buts in, rolling her eyes as she spots a waiter to order something else.

"Why'd you go in the first place you knew how shady that ass can get!" Seth , whose not really this vocal takes part in the conversation,  eyeing me and Andrèz specifically.

"Okay could we stop fucking arguing and look for him , cause we don't have that much time  for this."

"Says the one who left him in the first place. " Cassie says , mid-laughter,  glaring at Ryan for approval.

"Could you just-"

"What? Lie?" Cassie interrupts me , only convincing me she's way into Ryan than I expected , trying to get a reaction from him just made her less attractive.

"Julia , I've been calling you since yesterday,  we've you been?" Josh questions concerned,  being his bestfriend,  I think he deserved to know.

"And take off that scarf and that massive jacket will ya?!" Brent shouts out. I stare at Julia for a response,  finding her very sus.

"Guys could you stop? I'm fine and what I'm wearing is fine! " She yells , very defensive.

"Okay." We all say almost simultaneously,  besides Andrèz , whose been almost silent  just staring at her , blankly.

"Andrèz , I'm gonna go , I'll see you later at my place?" She stood up , kissing him after he laid out a breath, "Bye babe." He whispered out , almost like those words are poison , his face turns red as his eyebrows arch to confusion and anger at the same time , including embarrassment.

"Pabs , could I talk to you forra sec?" Andrèz says , springing out of his seat already heading to the door.

"Wussup?" I say confused,  staring at him while his not giving any eye contact.

"I'm breaking up with Julia."

"WHAT?! You promised you would take care of her ! That's my fucking sister!"

"I know I know but , I can't be with her anymore. I would tell you why but-"

"But what?!"

"You're literally yelling at me , if I tell you now you'd fucking make a scene !"

"What the fuck do you expect me to do laugh ? She's not some girl you hook up with in a pub Drèz! That's my sister you dumbshit!"

"Well I'm sorry , I can't! "

"Well I can't with this conversation."

My attempt to walk away back fires as he walks infront of me.

"Dude , just listen to me-"

My fist on his face , cut his words that was  only angering me short , leaving the situation and went inside my car, searching for calm set of mind.
