
Lv. 11 - Elite Monster

This is going haywire... To think that even a creature like a goblin could set up a trap."

The current situation is quite bad for the human side. Another horde of goblins attacked from one direction when they were cleaning up the remnants of the goblins that had looted the village.

The goblin horde this time consisted of goblin fighters, the majority of whom used melee weapons, with archer goblins supporting them from behind.

Captain Gord is currently in a slightly difficult position, he has the choice to continue leading his troops, or… whatever this thing in front of him at this time.

"So you're their leader," said Gord with a hand ready to draw a sword.

The figure in front of Gord was not a random goblin. If a regular goblin was only half a meter tall, then this creature was at least five times as tall as a normal goblin.

Gord realized that in his current situation getting help was impossible. The players and soldiers were completely scattered before, and when this surprise attack appeared, there was no chance for them to regroup.

Armed with a long sword, Gord prepared himself with a stance.

•Goblin General•

Elite | ️☆️

Lv. 12

HP: 7,500 | 7,500

As for the Goblin General, he remained in his starting position with his large ax resting on his shoulder, and a sneering expression directed at Gord.

Then their fight begins.


A few moments later, Zen, Chiba, and Gill tried to return to the village area. And just as they expected, another attack from the goblin horde came.

The fact that this newly emerged horde of goblins was dominated by Goblin Fighters took them quite by surprise.

However, the surprise didn't last long when they saw that neither the players nor the city soldiers could overcome the Goblin Fighters.

Chiba managed to get his team back together, and this time their goal was to find their captain, Gord.

During their search, they heard a very loud sound of metal clashing, and when they approached the source of the sound they saw that it was a battle between two figures.

Captain Gord and a very large goblin, so large that even a Goblin Fighter could only estimate about half of it.

"Isn't that…?"

"Leader of the goblins," Chiba continued at Gill's interrupted sentence.

•Goblin General•

Elite | ️☆️

Lv. 12

HP: 3,530 | 7,500

"Chiba, we have to help him right now," said another player.

"Right, we have to get there soon."

Chiba thought for a moment about something, just like the other members, he also wanted to help Gord. But somehow he continued to have a bad feeling.

Ignoring his hunch, he gave a signal, "Okay, let's go—"

"Wait a minute," Zen interrupted Chiba's words.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something strange about that goblin."

Of course, all attention was turned back to the fight. It could be seen that Gord's condition was slightly superior even though he looked exhausted and ran out of a lot of potions.

Then on the other hand, somehow the opponent looked very relaxed even though his own body was full of sword slash wounds.

"Hu-man, your time is over!!"

Gord looked quite surprised when he heard the goblin he was fighting suddenly speak, as did the Zen group. Because this is quite a rare thing for a monster with below-average intelligence.

Then Gord himself also saw that the Goblin General's expression gradually became more and more mocking with a wide grin, and Gord felt something strange.

Gord's hunch was proven right, the goblin suddenly reached into one of the pockets he was carrying, and from inside were four glass filled with red, which if you saw it were clearly HP potions.

Gord of course tried to prevent what the goblin wanted to do, but unfortunately, he failed.

It was caused by the mysterious appearance of several yellowish-red magic circles around the Goblin General.

It didn't stop there, from the magic circle also appeared a fireball that shot right at Gord. And because of that, he was forced to dodge and step back.

Chiba and the other four Rogue players rushed into the fight. Gill will certainly stay in place and provide support from behind. Then Zen was looking for the source of the previous fireballs.


•Goblin General•

Elite | ️☆️

Lv. 12

HP: 6,530 | 7,500

"AARGH! My hands– ugh!"

With both hands burning, panic arose as Gord tried to quell the flames.

Luckily Chiba quickly pulled him aside, and the other four Rogues faced the Goblin General.

"Look! All of the goblin's wounds have healed, and Captain Gord's wounds look bad too."

"If only that Zen didn't stop us! We could've saved him!"

"I don't see any benefit in doing that," Zen's eyes sharpened, "We'd be roasted too if we just entered the fight."

For a moment tension arose between them.

"Enough already." One of the players broke the tension. "We'd better focus on the creature for now," he continued.


From a distance, Zen could see the fight between Chiba and the other four rogues with the Goblin General, he was amazed by their coordination and movement.

"Amazing isn't it? Even though Rogue is said to be a beginner-class with the highest difficulty, they can get like that." said Gill with both hands still shooting arrows.

"Really? I thought Ranger would be more difficult."

"Well… the ranger class is hard, especially when it comes to aiming, but the system still helps. Unlike Rogue, they don't have many active skills, but their passive skills are very useful."

"Well, I can see it. Their dodge chance, critical hit, precision, flexibility, and reflexes are all on a different level."

"That's right, and remember that they're the type of player who can't add too many points to their VIT stats, because they have to focus on STR and DEX. That makes their battles even more difficult. On the side of having to focus on attacks, they also have to focus on keeping their distance or dodge at any time, while the Ranger can take cover at any time in the back."

"Now that I understand, the point is that using timing for the Rogue class is more difficult than the Ranger class."

"Well, it's like that... hey haven't you found it yet?"

"Wait a minute, this is more difficult than I thought. The magic is pretty random."

Well, the truth is that currently, Zen is indeed on duty to find the source of the magic that helps the Goblin General during the fight, the main suspect is the Goblin Shaman, but he doesn't know where he is hiding.

Zen also noticed that something was odd, for a monster that gave off magic. It was completely invisible, not even a certain light effect from the magic circle was visible at all.

Until then, Zen saw a row of barrels near the haystack. There he saw several empty bottles rolling out of nowhere.

"Gill, I found it. Shoot in the direction I tell you to, on cue."



Switch to the beginning of the battle between Chiba and the other four Rogues against the Goblin General.

"Alright all of you, according to plan."




"Any time."

"Then let's get started!"

According to Chiba's signal, each of them started their move.

Starting with surrounding the Goblin General, they surrounded him from five directions. One of them ran towards the back of the goblin, of course, the goblin would not stand still and immediately spun around and grabbed the area behind it.


However, it won't be that easy for the Goblin General either. The player instantly used a skill that made him follow the Goblin General's back.

One by one they did it in turn, accompanied by running around the goblin.

•Goblin General•

Elite | ️☆️

Lv. 12

HP: 4,630 | 7,500

Feeling annoyed at being toyed with, the Goblin General began to counterattack. With his ax ready to slash, he headed towards Chiba.

Of course, as a Rogue player, Chiba wouldn't be that easy to attack. He broke the bottle of two kinds of potions right in front of the Goblin General's face, and from the two potions, a thick green smoke emerged.

"Poison and Smoke... I'll admit Zen is really creative," Chiba muttered. "Alright everyone, wrap him up!"

When the area of ​​the Goblin General's face was exposed to the green smoke, his vision suddenly blurred, and his breathing was also disturbed. It all resulted in his movements slowing down, and his body's control diminishing.

Taking advantage of these conditions, each rogue takes out a rope dart-like weapon. A long chain rope with one end of sharp iron, and the other end a ballast iron.

Using the sides with weights, they attempted to lock the Goblin General's movement in his locomotion.

Starting with both hands, and continuing with both legs, Chiba also added by giving attacks to several areas of the joints.

From the areas around the ankles and behind the knees that are the priority, continue with the shoulders and elbows in each hand.

At this moment, several times other magic such as wind arrows, and other fireballs also started to appear. The Chiba team of course also had to avoid it. Even though the aim is very bad, once it gets into trouble, it happens.


•Goblin General•

Elite | ️☆️

Lv. 12

HP: 2,980 | 7,500

An extremely loud scream emerged from the Goblin General. The Rogues who were holding it for a moment felt a change, suddenly their pull became heavier.

Chiba suddenly stopped his movement and kept his distance. Then a moment….


One of the Rogues was blown away with just one hit, and all the coils around his body were released.

Not stopping just like that, the Goblin General continued to another target. One by one the Chiba team got hit, but luckily with a few bottles of potion, they were able to recover.

"Berserk mode…? But, that thing's just an elite..." Chiba muttered in confusion.

But his question was answered at that very moment, an unusually large potion bottle rolling on the ground.

"How can a goblin have such a strange potion–"

"Chiba! Watch out!"

Luckily Chiba can dodge with good timing, even if it's just a casual move.

The situation is getting worse and worse. Indeed, the Goblin General didn't recover this time, but his crazed state was also troublesome, not to mention that he occasionally swung his big ax at random.

Even Chiba's team couldn't move closer either. Suddenly two Rogues decided to attack together, from the same direction they lunged.

When at the right distance, one of them took out the previous chain weapon, and this time the other end of the chain was also grasped at the same time.

They planned to wrap the cain around the Goblin General's neck, just as the two of them charged forward with the chain weapons.

But unfortunately, their expectations had to be dashed, the Goblin General easily caught the chain and both of them were killed.

One was slashed with an axe, and the other was caught and died with an excessive grip on the neck.

The Chiba team was getting more and more pressed, Gill didn't even fire any shots at all, but luckily the magic array had either died down or stopped.

The place was filled with silence when there was a death, but it was all torn apart by the appearance of a person with one hand gripping the head of a goblin.

"Ghiiik! Human! Get your hand off!"

"Hey, don't rush," Zen smirked.