Price of a favor

Eleanor's eyes widened as she gauged his masked face for a reaction. Of course, she didn't find one. His eyes had returned to their cryptic state, unreadable, and expertly cloaked his inner thoughts and emotions.

"You'll know soon enough." Unexpectedly he answered her unintended question, but it was predictably unsatisfying.

Testing the waters Eleanor implored for a bit more," When is soon?"

"Not now." His tone was calm and placid. He showed no signs of being offended as Eleanor had thought he would be. Or maybe he was just too good at hiding it.

Eleanor sighed softly and noticed their close proximity. With a gulp she hesitantly took her wrist back from his hand. He let her go before moving a step back to create some space.

"Thank you," Eleanor was genuinely grateful for his assistance and her sincerity was evident in her tone.

The man nodded choosing not to speak.

"What brings you here? Do you need to buy something from the shop?" Eleanor tilted her head and looked up at him. The difference in their heights annoyed her. She barely reached till his chin with her 5'6" height. She couldn't help but pout mentally. Unbeknownst to her, her lips were puckering slightly in accordance with her mental image. The masked man was grateful for the mask and cap which hid his slight smile and warm eyes. He still found it difficult to believe that the girl who appeared in his dreams, occupied his thoughts and ruled his heart was finally standing in front of him. She was unaware of his identity, and he planned to keep it that way for a bit longer. If she knew who he was, she won't look his way again and he couldn't have that.

"I was only touring the town and was passing by the shop. I did not know you were the owner," Lies, he knew, and that is the reason he came to visit knowing she would be here. "When I looked through the glass wall and saw that man behaving inappropriately with a lady I stepped inside," his mind raged when he thought of that vile man again. If it had been someone else in her place, he would certainly have helped them, albeit a bit more discreetly. But with her, he lost his mind to his anger when he saw her being manhandled like that. The rage still flowed in his veins, boiling like lava within a volcano. He had felt it simmer down a bit at the moment he had her in front of him, standing unharmed.

"Than-" He cut her in between," No need to keep thanking me. I only did what any other sane, educated person would have done. However I would not mind you showing your gratefulness through your actions. How about completing your promise from last time?"

Eleanor was remined of the last words she had said to him on the day they had met before parting.

'If you're still in town and we meet, then I wouldn't mind taking you on a tour if you want.'

"Oh, right! How long are you in town?"

"At least a few more days," he answered contemplatively.

"Then if you're free and interested, I can take you to tour the town tomorrow. I have lived here my whole life and am aware of every single path, alley, nook and cranny."

The stranger nodded," I will have to trouble you then."

Eleanor let out a breathtaking smile. "It's no trouble at all, really."

"Are you free this evening?" His question caught her a bit off-guard.

Except the usual routine of locking up the store and heading home, she didn't have any other tasks on her schedule. She told him as much.

"Accompany me for a meal then. How about it?"


The sky was painted red and yellow, beautifully blending together and slowly disappearing into inky darkness. A quarter of the sun was still visible far away at the horizon and it glowed bright enough with it's last remaining strength to light the world for a bit longer.

A huge fountain shaped like a lotus stood in the center of a wide area, spouting water from it's many stone petals into the well surrounding it. Around the lotus there were lines of various kinds of shops and paths leading to different directions. This place famously called the lotus center, was right in the middle of Melvedore and frequented by the locals and visitors alike. One of the oldest sites in the town, this place held great historical and economic value. All kinds of different shops that sold a variety of goods stood here and it was always buzzing with life, be it the sunny daytime or cool nights.

Beside the fountain a man clad in dark clothes, a mask and a cap, oddly stood out amid a crowd of bright summer wears. Nonchalance dripped from his casual posture, his fit form attracting many eyes, especially those of the opposite gender. With his hands in his pockets and a relaxed, but unapproachable air around him, he seemed to have all the time in the world as his silver irises jumped all around his surroundings, observing carefully but never stopping on any one thing for long. Not long after his wandering eyes got fixed on an approaching figure, the person he had been anxiously waiting for. The first person in his life who had dared to make him wait for her was currently running as fast as her thin legs could take her.

She came to a stop before the masked figure, hunching up with her hands resting on her bent knees. Her light pants indicated that she was used to running long distances. Soon Eleanor stood up straight and looked at him with an apologetic expression," I am so sorry! I closed the shop on time, and was getting ready to leave after checking the locks one last time, but suddenly a customer arrived and he begged me to let him buy some flowers. Apparently it was urgent, so I had no choice but to let him in the store. He took too long to decide on his pick and hence I got late. Were you waiting fo-"

"You let a man inside the store so late in the evening and that too when you are all alone?" His tone was normal while his eyes were accusing.

"Uh, yes?" Eleanor's answer came out more like a question.

"You are too trusting of others." He declared passively, but only he knew the aggressiveness he was battling within himself to keep it hidden.

"Am not!" She denied indignantly. Still, she knew it was true. Even her aunt always told her the same thing. Her mind and heart both shared the same empathic nature as that of her mother. Though this doesn't mean she is not versed with the cruel realities of the world. She had had her ups and downs in life and knew there were many more left to come. Her trust and kindness maybe misplaced once, but never the second time.

"You are." End of this conversation.

Eleanor crossed her arms and huffed, a small pout on her face, another habit of hers caused by her frustration. Another small smile hidden beneath the dark mask of the stranger went unnoticed. Strange, his usual stoic and cold face seems to be smiling a lot around her. He might finally develop those smile lines he was lacking.

"Whatever. Since I already apologized for my tardiness, let's get on with what we came for. Do you want to eat first or site-see? If I remember correctly there is a light show about an hour and half away from now."

The lotus fountain was not just a dull, historic spout relic. It had been modified with harmless tweaks to reform it into a sound and light show. With the help of the advanced and expensive equipment as well as expert technicians; courtesy of the royal government, it was programmed using latest technology including microprocessors, and light and sound systems, all of top-quality. Every night, at the same time there would be one show, and people would flock towards the town center to watch it. It was free for all and everyone took advantage of that.

As soon as Eleanor spoke the last word her stomach growled loudly pronouncing it's need for food. Her pale cheeks burned red with embarrassment. He clearly heard the sound of her protesting stomach.

"Let us eat first. As much as I look forward to the son et Lumiere and exploring this tiny town, your stomach's wishes cannot go ungranted." Eleanor could have sworn there was a hint of cheekiness in is tone.

Swallowing her shame she coughed and voiced out a major question," Any specific cuisines that you prefer?"

"Not really. I am not a picky eater."

His statement was far from the truth.

Sitting inside a small, family restaurant near the Lotus center, one that she frequently visited before with her mother and afterward with her aunt, Eleanor found that contrary to what he said earlier, this masked enigma was quite a picky eater. At first, when they had entered the diner, he had been hesitant due to the shabby, outdated decorations, crowded space with too many tables in the little area, and horrible background music. But, he had persisted in seeing her eagerness. The cleanliness was satisfactory enough, and the place did not have many diners at the moment, so that was a plus point as well. Hence, he did not say anything.

When the waiter had arrived, a person familiar to Eleanor, the nameless entity, on seeing his chummy behavior with his female companion, had mercilessly targeted him with his glare, fierce yet discreet which caused the poor lad to tremble in his knees. He prayed fervently to the heavens to forgive whatever sin he had committed.

Eleanor had looked up expectedly at him, urging him with a look and a nod to order first. Without a glance at the menu in front of him he had named a drink that he wished to have. Only problem, the waiter had never even heard the name. Neither had Eleanor. They both could only continue to stare at him in awe, completely flabbergasted and tongue-tied, as the mysterious individual proceeded to name a few exotic drinks and food items which they had either never heard of or only lusted after in magazines. His unchanging tone came to a halt when he realized the dishes he had listed were not available here. With the same unchanging, uninterested expression(hidden under the mask, but apparent enough) he had gestured to Eleanor to order for the both of them.

The girl did so without further ado.

After taking their order, the waiter ran away with his tail between his legs and cold sweat lining on his temple. Why did it feel like he had aged ten years in those fifteen or so minutes?