Core of sustenance

The masked man entered the medium-sized room he had rented in a three-star inn. Neither too flashy to attract unwanted attention nor too shabby for a comfortable stay. The door closed with a dull thud behind him as he moved inside, towards a cheap leather couch of a very unattractive brown color, similar to mud-water. He sat on the couch, right at the center, crossing one leg over the other. His every action was elegant and smooth, his posture rigid and poised. His presence was majestic and radiated in the dimly lit room.

He took his cap off his head and ruffled his unruly mane after pulling the band that kept it tied together in a small ponytail. They had grown too much, reaching past his chin, the tips almost brushing the bottom of his neck amplifying his manly handsomeness and ethereal allure. His hair-his crowning glory was his pride, and the thought of cutting it always made his face sour a bit. Raising his hand to his right ear, he looped a finger through a string curled behind his ear and removed his mask. His youthful, handsome face consisting of sharp and exquisite features wore a bored expression, but his heart ached with a prickling pain as he recalled the failed dinner. Hardening himself and pushing away all distracting thoughts, he extended one arm to rest on the back of the couch, the other tapping lazily on his knee.

"Come out," he called out in the silent space. The command rang in the room, and the stillness was disturbed by a blur of activity. Another young man, dressed in commonplace, modest clothes yet looking devastatingly handsome, stepped out from an obscure corner. His attractive face with comely features, though radiant enough to be a lamp for many moths, couldn't hold a candle to the beautiful man whose looks and presence surpassed that of mere mortals. A mischievous glint shined in his dark, inky orbs, while his thin lips were frowning in disgruntlement.

"How do you do that?" The other man, who had blood red-dyed hair, asked with an undertone of a whine distinguishable in his voice.

"Contrary to your belief, you're not very sneaky." The curt reply was brutally honest.

"Hmmph! Whatever." The intruder had already expected a similar answer still- it hurt his vanity.

"What's the urgent news?" The main topic of discussion was brought into light and the atmosphere grew somber as both men mirrored similar poker faces.

"The first prince is back at the palace with his family under the pretense of playing the loving uncle and giving you a 'warm' welcome. He heard of the delay in your arrival. I reckon he must have sent his spies already to confirm your location and orchestrate an attack. He has decided to come out from behind the scenes and is now openly trying to gain the support of all the ministers." The red-head had his hands behind his back and stood in the at ease position with his back ramrod straight and his voice serious.

"I thought as much. Lying low for twelve years and not being the center of attention must have been hard for his narcissistic personality." A snicker broke through the lips of the mischievous intruder who then asked," What do you plan to do?"

"My uncle overestimates himself. His incompetency is not a secret from the ministers. The few who decide to support him will be aiding us by easing our filtration process. We only need those who are truly loyal to the throne, and they will never want him to succeed for they truly care about the future of their beloved nation." The man loosened his crossed legs and stood up to his full height. He turned around, his back to his long term friend and subordinate," Charles, I want you to head back and keep an eye on the situation. I'll leave this town by sunrise of the day after tomorrow, inform Grandfather of this. "

The said man, Charles tilted his head questioningly," Why are you in this small town in the first place?"

Unbeknownst to him a small smile graced the handsome face of the crown prince of Neviza, who was notorious amongst his peers for his icy, blank countenance and merciless, cruel nature.

"To search." A short reply.

"For?" Charles dared to implore for more answers as his curiosity got the best of him

"The core of my sustenance," The young prince said aloud.

'The soul of my being and reason for my existence.' He thought in his head. He wondered when his heart had slipped out from his body and latched onto her. Why she was the one dominating his blissful dreams, motivating him to train vigorously and improve quickly so as to return at the earliest. When and why the thought of separation from her became his most fearful nightmare that caused him intense pain and agony. However, he did not dwell on these questions for deep somewhere within him, he already knew the answers to them. He also knew what he wanted to do. He knew he needed to have her.

He desired to win her- heart, body and soul. When he first saw her again, after about twelve years, it didn't take long for him recognize her because she possessed a rare type of charm and delicacy. Also because she hadn't changed much from the young face he remembered, except for maturing into a gorgeous beauty. He was amazed at her growth, she had retained all her good qualities, further developing them and also become more mature and responsible with various talents and achievements. He was devastated when he found out that he wasn't there for her when she lost her mother. He was not beside her, comforting her like how she had done for him. He swore to himself then and there that he will tie her to him and be the reason for her happiness and shoulder all her sadness and burdens for her.

He had to leave her again, but this time it was of his own accord and the time would be much shorter. He had to meticulously plan and carry out his actions so she would arrive in his arms. She would be beside him soon enough, at her rightful place. Somewhere he could protect her, and love her endlessly.

Charles was dumbfounded at the answer, but knew better than to continue questioning the devil prince. He certainly wanted to live longer than his early twenties.