A side note before starting the chapter:
(This isn't a gay story ... I'm in this story portraying William and Henry as childhood best friends…... edit: Anyways these are the events taken before 1983 ...... Anyways back to the chapter!!!)
-late 1960s-
"Get up lazy head!" a deep masculine voice called out to Henry as he was very much cozy in his bed and didn't want to get out from it. "Just five minutes more please!" grumbled Henry as he shifted in his covers and got himself even more cozier. "Oh no you don't!" replied the voice again and yanked the covers off from Henry which sent him face first on the floor. "Owww!! Really William, you had to do that!" whined Henry as he sat up and slowly got on his feet while eyeing the other guy angrily. "Your angry face is cute to look at!" mocked William as he saw Henry turn away from him to make his bed and chose to ignore Williams comment.
Soon enough both got ready and headed out from their dorm room. Henry compared to William was frail, skinny and short whereas William was well-built, strong and extremely handsome. Both were extremely intelligent and the whole college envied them. Making their way to the entrance of the Mess Hall, Henry and William parted ways from there. Both had chosen to major in Robotics whereas Henry also decided to take Business Studies as a side course. "Okay so see you later, Sleep Head!" mocked William playfully as he entered the Mess Hall cause his classes didn't start no more earlier than 10:00 am whereas Henry's Business classes started way more earlier than William's. Going into the Mess Hall alone always had dreaded William, guess he had gotten too attached to Henry. Making his way to the order counter William noticed a girl at the far left end of the Mess Hall staring right at him, grabbing his order tray he made his way over to the table where the girl was sitting.
"Hey…...Can I sit here if it's okay with you?" asked William as he set his tray down in front of the girl who kept staring at him continuously without a pause and didn't reply so William took that for a yes and sat in front of her. "Guess you've never seen a hot guy up close like me?" joked William and looked at the girl who now had shifted her gaze from him to her food tray. "Not really... I've seen a lot of guys much handsome than you…. It's just there's something different about you." replied the girl finally without any friendliness in her voice. "What's different about me then?" asked William totally unflattered by her. "Well I guess you're gay?" replied the girl non interested in him or of his presence and resuming her breakfast again. "Ha-ha, sorry but I'm not gay…What made you think like that?" asked William surprised and yet amused at the same time. "You're always with that orange brown haired guy... Well you two would make a good gay couple though…." Replied the girl straight forwardly and astonishing William at the same time. "Lady, you need to get your head straight in a line! I'm freaking not gay, okay?!" bursted William suddenly and got up to leave. "Hey calm down.... I'm just messing with you…... Sorry if I have upset you… I try to pretend that I don't like guys invading my personal space... I get nervous!" said the girl as she looked at William who was about to leave, with an apologetic stare. "okay then…. Well it was nice talking to you but I'm sorry I have to go somewhere else!" replied William not amused by her and left with his tray. "Werido…..." thought William as he dumped his tray in the trash can and left the Mess Hall.
Who knew one day that girl would play a major role in his life