Hi guys and girls!!! nb20 here! Sorry for the delay in uploading chapter 3! Well first of all before beginning this chapter I want to clarify to things:
1) The bite of 83 is a different bite from the bite of 87 even though Scott Cawthon used the bite of 87 as the name of bite of 83.... Well that's a debatable topic, okay?
2) Well Fredbear Diner is owned by Henry…... I'm putting a little twist in this chapter, okay? Now let's begin with the chapter!
"Fredbear's Diner! A place for all children and adults alike! Come now to Fredbear's Family Diner! Open 24/7!" blared the advertisement on the T.V. screen of the Afton household. A brown-haired woman sat in front of the T.V. screen watching the ad. "Mom! Can we go to Fredbear's?" asked a little golden-brown haired girl to the woman. "Well sure honey! We can go there at Michael's birthday!" replied the woman lovingly to the little girl and hugged her. "Yay! Well Michael's birthday is just around the corner so we can go there soon!" exclaimed the little girl in excitement and jumped off the sofa as she ran to tell this news to her brothers who were outside in the backyard annoying each other to the maximum.
Clara Afton saw her daughter go and wondered from whom did she receive the emerald green eyes and golden brown hair. Maybe from William's side of the family or perhaps from a distant relative from her side of the family, it was a mystery to her. Soon then just the entrance door of the house opened and in came a black haired man. Clara saw him come towards her and placing his bag on the table in front of Clara. "So William how did your day go?" asked Clara as she got up and helped William take off his coat and hung it on the hat stand near the door where William already had hung his hat. "As usual…. Building animatronics…... Dealing with clients and creating new designs…." replied William as he looked at Clara and gave a tired and wary smile, then he looked around as if finding something. "What are you finding?" asked Clara as went to the kitchen to bring William water while looking at him then towards the kitchen. "Where are they?" he asked and sat down on the sofa. "Outside playing. Want me to call them?" replied Clara as she brought the glass of water to William. "They'll come by themselves and I think Chris saw me coming in the porch!" replied William taking the glass of water and no sooner than that Elizabeth came in running towards William, giving him a hug.
It was time for dinner and the whole family sat together on the table and Clara getting up occasionally to refill the dishes as they ate. "So how did of your day go?" asked William as he looked at his kids especially his daughter Elizabeth. "Oh it went fine! No big surprises or anything!" replied Michael flatly as he kicked Chris under the table and took pleasure in watching Chris's pained expression. "Daddy well I have something interesting to tell you!" cut in Elizabeth who couldn't control her excitement anymore and stared at her father. "What is it?" asked William curiously as he resumed his dinner and at the same time looked at her. "Fredbear's Family Diner just opened! We can go there for Michael's birthday!" Elizabeth nearly scream with excitement and astonished William very much. "Well that's not a bad idea! Well here's the thing' the client I have to meet tomorrow owns the place! So I'll talk to him if we can have Michael's birthday over there!" said William surprising everyone at the same time. "Sure thing…. Dad…" replied Michael not being happy about it at all but that would be cool if he had his birthday in a restaurant and also that the Diner had just recently opened so that would be something to brag about in his class.
After having dinner Clara took the kids upstairs to get them ready for bed and William washed the dishes and cleared away the plates and the dishes which were on the table. Soon enough Clara came down and helped William with the remaining tasks. As soon as they were done, Clara flopped down on the sofa to relax as William opened a wooden cupboard next to the kitchen door and took out two shot glasses. Holding them carefully in his left hand he reached for the wine bottle and picked it up with great care, bringing it over to Clara he set down the two glasses and opened the wine bottle to pour it for themselves. "Wow Will I didn't know you knew the owner!" remarked Clara as William sat next to her as he delicately held his glass. "Well the owner was a very interesting client for me! He asked something very unusual!" said William gulping down his wine in one go and relaxed his back against the cushions of the sofa. "What was the unusual request?' asked Clara intrigued and curiously looked at William. "Well he asked me to create animatronics that could be worn as suits!" replied William slowly as the wine began taking its toll on William. "So can you make them?' asked Clara again as she noticed that sleep began slowly crawling in his eyes. "Hmmm… Well I…. would have to think about it!" replied William slower as his eyes started to get heavy. "You better go to sleep…. You want me to bring your blanket here or your coming upstairs to our room?" spoke Clara as she got up and set the wine glass down which was still full with wine. "I'm better here! You can go!" replied William who was now struggling to keep his eyes open. Clara quickly took the shot glass from William's hands and set it on the table. Soon enough William went into a deep sleep and Clara slowly made her way to their bedroom, she flopped herself on the bed taking off her shoes and like William she took quickly dozed off to sleep.
-Time skip-
"Mr. Emily would be here shortly with you!" spoke a young lady as she led William into an old fashioned office which had pastel colored furniture and two large windows opening out towards the street. William quietly sat on one of the smaller sofas as the lady left closing the door behind her. The office gave off a familiar feeling as if he knew whose style this was but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. He opened his office bag and took out his contract documents incase if the owner wanted Afton Electronics to be their sole animatronic provider. William relaxed his back against the back cushion and closed his eyes as if he was remembering something important. "Why is there a familiar feeling coming upon me?" William questioned himself as he started to get lost in his thoughts. Suddenly the office door flew open jerking back William into the reality and he opened his eyes to see who it was. The man's back was towards him as he was quickly taking off his coat and then his hat. Hanging them, he turned to face William and went in complete shock when he saw who it was. William was also equally shocked and surprised at the same time as he sat up straight. "Could it be!?" both wonder as they stared at each other with exchanging any words. William slowly got up from his sofa and advanced towards the man. He stopped couple of inches away from and stared hard at his face. "Will?" questioned the man as William was observing him. "Henry!?" questioned William back and then both embraced each other. "Dude! It's really you! It's been ages since I last saw you!" exclaimed Henry clapping William's back and then breaking away from his embrace. "Yeah I know!" replied William as he smiled at Henry. Both sat on the sofas and Henry order coffee for themselves. They caught up to each other, both shared their life experiences with each other and updated each other about their present situations.
After catching up William finally presented Henry his contracts. Both exchanged their contracts and Afton Electronics became the sole provider of animatronics to Fredbear's Family Diner. "So you married or not?" asked Henry as they relaxed on the sofas, their backs against the cushions. "Yeah obviously!" replied William flatly as he stared at Henry. He noticed that Henry had completely changed from a skinny boy to a well-built man like himself except that he didn't wear glasses but Henry did. "What are you staring at?" asked Henry as he caught William staring at his face. "N-nothing! You wear glasses! They look good on you!" stammered William and tore his gaze away from Henry's face. "Anyways, do bring your family to visit us sometimes and by the way who did you marry though?" asked Henry changing the subject and adjusted his glasses. "I um…. married…Clara!" replied William in pauses and boy was Henry surprised at that. "You what?! Seriously!? You married her?" exclaimed Henry at what he heard William say. "Well you could say fate had other plans!" smiled William and laughed as he saw Henry's surprised facial expression. "Nancy wouldn't believe it when I tell her this today!" remarked Henry as he got up to leave.
The duo said bid their goodbyes to each other and headed back to their homes. William in his wildest dream never thought he would see Henry again. William instead of heading home drove towards his factory. He had to make the animatronics as soon as possible and they had to be perfect. No place for mistakes.
Guess fate really had it's way