Chapter: 14



The funeral went funeral went fine and no upside downs had happened yet. William like always stood out from the rest due to his uniform. Her parents were quite bewildered at the body they had received, scarred and mangled.

Meanwhile, her two sisters Qortana and Felicity advanced their way towards William, who was standing along with Henry and Nancy.

"Mr. Afton!" one of them called as they reached him. "Ah why little Miss Detective (as he liked to call her that) and Miss Filly, how are you?" replied William rather casually and gave a faint smile, how badly he hated Qortana but he did have an eye for Felicity who was just 4 years younger than him whereas Clara and Qortana were just two years younger than him. "I do have a name, Mr. Afton!" spoke Qortana curtly and narrowed her eyes at him. "I know, well I'm sorry for your loss, Miss "Qortana"!" spoke William smirking and laying an emphasis on her name. "Aren't you sad aswell?" piped up Felicity rather confused at his odd behavior. "Ah..well her grief will always be with me.." replied William rather solemnly with a pretentious grieved facial expression. "You mean guilt.." remarked Henry suddenly, eyes raised in suspicion. "Joking at a time like this? How not delightful!" exclaimed William in mock horror, eyes as if pained by his words. "You know what, Afton" spoke Henry again his anger rising slowly as he squared up to William face to face. "What?" he counter-question in return, facial expressions suddenly very serious, almost scaring Henry. "You drop this façade right now! Tell'em Afton! What did you do to her!" raged Henry suddenly, all eyes were on them now. "Henry, you must be not feeling well..." spoke William dangerously calmly his eyes neither showed nor gave away anything rather he smiled at him igniting his anger even more. "I went to your house before coming to meet you at your factory, Elizabeth told me what had happened and I know it was no accident!" exclaimed Henry loudly and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling him down to match his height. "Henry stop it!" spoke Nancy sharply, nearing Henry she pried off his hands from William's collar. "I'm so sorry Mr. Afton!" apologized Nancy instantly, pulling her husband away from him. "It's okay Mrs. Emily, I understand his outburst!" spoke William calmly and smiled at them adjusting his shirt's collar. "I think it's best if you were to leave!" he spoke again with an assuring smile, desperately trying to control the urge to stab him with his knife, hidden in one of his pant legs.

Suddenly he had another idea before finishing him off for good. "Why not have some fun before killing him!" he thought to himself, a smile tugging at his lips.

-The next day-

"What were you thinking!?" exclaimed Nancy as she brought him a mug of coffee and sitting next to him for breakfast. "I know he has something to do with her and Charlotte's deaths!" spoke Henry rather sharply, taking a short sip of his coffee. "How can you prove it?" asked Nancy taking a bread slice and buttering it well. "Well during both the deaths, HE was present!" he replied taking another sip and picking up the butter toast given by Nancy. "Well obviously he WORKED at the pizzeria and Clara WENT to meet him!" spoke Nancy with slight irritation, sighing she picked up her coffee and began drinking it slowly. "You don't understand! Did Clara tell you nothing about him? Even when she left him?" exclaimed Henry rather pained and set down his mug, turning to look at her with a solid facial expression conveying no emotions at all. "Henry... I know you are grieving for Charlotte as I had grieved for Charlie!" she spoke touching the avoided topic, her eyes lowered in grief and pain at the memory. "Nancy... We both know he is still alive and somewhere! He didn't die!" replied Henry softly, trying to console her. "Just don't say that! We both know he well none of them are coming back ever!" exclaimed Nancy, head lowered and tears streaming down her face. Without any word she quietly got up with occasional sniffs and left him all alone at the table.

After a couple of minutes, she came back with a trolley suit case. "I'm going to my parent's house for abit.. I need a break from all this!" she spoke not looking at him and turned to leave. "I can drive you!" he offered cautiously as he followed her. "No need! I can manage on my own!" she spoke, turning abruptly towards him then again to head out from the house. He watched her go and didn't bother to stop her and as he turned to go to his room, he got a fright of his life; William sat on a sofa facing towards him, giving a pitiful smile to him whereas his eyes hinted mischievousness. Sighing out of frustration he turned towards the stair case leading to his room upstairs, he hadn't the energy yet to deal with him again. As he climbed up the stairs he thought of escaping the house through his room's windows but quickly shunned that idea because he would get hurt and it would alert William at the same time, so he had to think of another idea soon.

William on the other hand silently followed after him after a minute's delay. He cautiously made his way towards his bedroom. The door was abit opened and he easily slid through. Softly closing the door behind him, he advanced towards Henry whose back was towards him. Without any warning he pushed him on the bed, Henry abruptly turned to face him. His heart pounded in his ribcage as he looked down at him, smirking. "What....are you!" barely exclaimed Henry as William got on top of him, legs at his sides and his arms pinned down by his hands. "Well Henry... I can't hide it anymore now can I?" he smirked and spoke coldly yet his eyes depicting something else... regret and affection perhaps? "What are you trying to do here?" he spoke nervously as William straddled him, his hands on at his waist and scooted down abit. "Fun!" he replied smirking.

Did he just indirectly confess his feelings for Henry and proved he wasn't straight?

(and that's how far I'm going with it, rest you can imagine by yourselves, I aint writing it!)

Hi guys and girls! Nightmare here with another chapter!!! Just two more left until I end book:1!!! I'm sorry but I ship Wenry/Helliam a lot!!!!!!!! (>w<) (>////<)...........Anyhow I hope you liked this chapter aswell and yeah my exam's date just came in annnnnd they are now going to be held in February!!!

So have these two chapters in return

Meanwhile I go and start preparing again!!!!

Do vote and comment!!! Love you all!! BYEH!!!

-Nightmare Out-