—Database, pharagraph 1098. Anonymous' Log—
"EveRRything tuRned terrible. Our people are not helping, and if I might say so myself, they have their own agendas going on. The doctor that you had trusted turned was a traitor aND a failure all together. The walls are crumbling, and wE can't do nothing about it. OUr last ray of hope became corrupted, contained aNd controlled, it iS now a thing tH@t kills mercilessly if ordered. ITt ****was**** soMeth1ng that completely destr0yed everytHing, even the last sanctuary that we have has been found. EvErything WWwe built @re slowly falling apart, the people has gone wild, doing carnivorous acts t0wards each other. They are out of control, like## the ParasitEs has infected them. We don't know what to d0. No one does. We need help. If anyone... If any0ne is reading this, hearing me... Please, send help."
Aegis Corporation
—Database, paragraph 14. Liberator's Log.
"In the past centuries, based on the writings on the elders from the old world, planet Earth was somehow very advanced and well, healthy, but also somehow corrupted. Some people in the old world believe in things that they haven't seen, and they made countless theories about it. One of them is the creatures that are out of the world, they call them Aliens. They're not those big-headed skinny bodied alien, they look like actual beasts. With metallic shells all over their bodies. They resemble the mythical creatures all around the world. They were like robots. Except for the parasites.
The sad thing is, the old world was actually waiting for their doom in their time, but it came to us. Year 3530, at the exact afternoon of September 1, the sky was split in half, and millions and millions of creatures descended from it, after that, the land was the land, sprouting some gigantic stem, scattered all over the world. We call them "Babel." We consider it as the nest of the parasites. Besides the beast-like robots, the parasites also added. With their distorted bodies, and they're horrifying lust for blood.
And so, we call them Gods. They dominated the whole world, and somehow, these beings are beginning to have our human-like knowledge, they started to evolve into something more dangerous. Gods are the common name for the two abominations that came from the sky, and the land. "Sky crawlers" the one from the skies. And "Parasites." The one from the land. Both of the two races had spread blood all over the world."
"But, like a ray of hope bursting from the darkness, Aegis was born. A powerful corporation that's sole purpose is to protect human-kind from the threat of the gods, from the monstrosity that came from nowhere. Building four, big walls around the city of Arcane, it became human-kind's haven. A safe place where humans are able to build themselves together again from scraps, until from inside the walls, hope is born, in different pictures, different forms. With Aegis' help, the gods, the Skywalkers and the Parasites, stood no chance against the walls.
Antes, Sequi, Tritos and Theios, the four walls that also did not separate them from the gods, but also from their kind. Through out the years, the millennia that passed them like a breeze, status were born inside the walls. Antes is the lowest, the den of scraps and blood and murders, the source of drugs and trafficking, of gangs and red-handed people that has no choice but to be one of them.
But, Theios, on the other hand, is the opposite of Antes. The City of Gods, they called it, where everything is grand and orderly, where the main base of Aegis Corporation stood in all it's eight great foundations.
As you can see, the apocalypse has once came upon us, wiping almost all of human-kind out of existence, but everyone knows that what came will come around again, and as the walls starts to crumble bit by bit, we are once again forced to find a new solution."