Ace Up His Sleeves

5:57AM +81 789 *********


"Murder" is a code made up by Daichi that means gathering of crows or to simply put, go to the agency's base for a meeting. As soon as Atsumu saw this text message on his phone, he hurriedly took a quick shower and grabbed a suit on his cabinet and wore it. After a few minutes, he went downstairs, opened the back door and saw a man infront him who's been picking him up the moment he was hired on the agency.

The man opened the backdoor of his car and bowed infront of Atsumu. After hopping in the car, the man went inside of the car and greeted Atsumu with a smile.

"It's been a while, Miya-san"

"I've told you many times it's Atsumu and not Miya. I don't know if you're pertaining to my brother or it's me you're talking to." Atsumu irritatingly said.

This guy has been Osamu's driver before he died because of the Sakusa clan that's why Atsumu is always irritated everytime this guy calls him Miya instead of his name. Cause he knows for a fact that, this guy favors Osamu more than Atsumu because Osamu is better on all aspects than him.

"You do look a like so isn't fine as long as it's me who's calling you Miya?" The man said trying to tease Atsumu.

"Just shut the fuck up Daishō! Did your girlfriend broke up with you again?!" Atsumu snapped.

"What?! I was the one who broke up with her!" Suguru Daishō protested.

"Then don't call me in the middle of the night crying because your girlfriend broke up with you because you forgot your anniversary"

Atsumu hurriedly went out of his car to the agency's base and heard Daishō screaming at his back saying,

"Don't tell other people about it, you asshole!"

As soon as Atsumu stepped at the agency's base, someone grabbed his collar and dragged him on one of the offices in the building. He was thrown at a chair and was tied using a rope. The lights suddenly went off and only an improvised flashlight that is tied with nylon is swinging on top of Atsumu's head. Three figures were standing infront of Atsumu at the dark and one of them walked over to Atsumu. It was Tsukishima Kei.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you? Isn't this kinda lame" Atsumu said that made the blonde click his tougue.

"I love seeing people suffer so this kind of job is good for me."

"Isn't this going too far?" Sugawara said as he walks over to Atsumu trying to untie him off the chair.

"He did something that was off the plan so he deserves this." Daichi said that made Atsumu shivered.

He was so nervous that he can't even look Daichi in the eyes. As soon as Sugawara removed the rope from him, he tried to escape from the office but was caught off guard by Daichi by pinning Atsumu in the wall.

"What the fuck did you just did?" Daichi said almost choking the other.

"I didn't do anything!" Atsumu said back while trying to remove Daichi's arm off his neck.

"This is your last chance. Say something or else it just show your trying to betray us and siding with Sakusa. Tell me what happened last night or else I'll bury you alive." Daichi said while glaring at Atsumu.

Sugawara who was watching behind couldn't hold it anymore so he smacked Daichi's head so hard.

"Stop it dumbass you're choking him already."

Daichi removed his arm on Atsumu's neck that made him collapsed on the floor and cough over and over. Sugawara glared at Daichi and said,

"You're not gonna have dinner tonight!"

Daichi tried to protest but was ignored by Sugawara. He helped Atsumu to stand up and made him sit from the chair earlier. Sugawara patted his head and asked Atsumu,

"Can you tell me why didn't you report to us after you met up Sakusa last night?"

"There was nothing special that happened last night" Atsumu said ignoring Sugawara's gaze at him.

"I'm going to ask this once more so if you won't answer this I'm going to peel all of your skin on that body of yours while your still alive. What happened last night and why didn't you report it to us?" Sugawara said while still smiling.

Atsumu, Daichi and Tsukishima shivered because of Sugawara's words cause they know that Sugawara isn't the type of guy who jokes around.

"" Atsumu muttered.

"What? We didn't hear you." The three of them said in unison.

"Sakusa ordered his friend to jerk me off." Atsumu said while looking down.

"Pffft" Tsukishima tried to hold his laughter but couldn't.

"Sakusa made you jerk off?" Daichi asked.

"With the help of his friend?" Sugawara added.

Atsumu pulled his hair hard and groaned loudly as soon as the memories from last night kept playing in his head.

"Who's this friend you're pertaining to?" Tsukishima asked.

"Kita Shinsuke. The new heir of the the Kita clan that has been the partner of the Sakusa clan generation after generation. This guy is different from Sakusa with a lot of aspects. The Kita clan has been in debt of the Sakusa clan that's why they can't say no to any request that the Sakusa clan ask for. Sakusa knew that Kita was being soft to people who are in debt with them by giving them more time to pay without doing 'Yubitsume' or cutting their fingers shorter. Sakusa called Kita to meet up to talk about business and at the same time calling me in to discuss about the conditions before joining the clan but ended up being involve with their issues." Atsumu explained.

"So what are this conditions and were you able to officially join the clan" Daichi asked.

"Unfortunately not yet. He only told me one rule out of I don't know how many there are and told me I still have a lot of things to do before I can join the clan officially."

"So what's this rule you are saying?" Sugawara asked.

"The first rule is 'Follow my orders and only my orders', is what Sakusa said."

"So he's the kind of guy who controls everyone and selfishly use them at his convenience." Tsukishima said.

"But why would Kita agree to help you jerk off? I mean, it doesn't make sense." Tsukishima added.

"It turns out Kita is gay and has a lover named, Suna. Sakusa threatened Kita if he won't do what Sakusa asks for, he'll blow up his mansion wherein Suna also stays in. That's why he did that in order to protect his lover from Sakusa." Atsumu added.

"Disgusting" Tsukishima muttered.

"Isn't this great?" Sugawara suddenly said.

"Wait what?" Daichi said with a surprise tone on his voice.

"You can use that to your advantage." Sugawara just smiled and continued.

"Sakusa still doesn't have an idea even after investigating you thoroughly and just think of you as a male whore whom he can use at his convenience. Also, from what you told us, Kita can be used by us in order to capture Sakusa along with the others. I've already researched about him before and Kita was supposed to go to a law school but was stopped by his father since they're in that kind of line of work."

"Wow you're amazing Suga-san" Tsukishima said still amazed on what Sugawara said.

"Also, Suna Rintarou, was it?" Sugawara asked.

"Yeah that's the name Sakusa said while we were having a conversation about Kita's lover."

"Lover my ass" Sugawara laughed.

"What is it now again? Did you planned something behind my back again?" Daichi said as he lightly pull Sugawara's sleeves

"He's a secret agent I sent after planning all of this."

"What?! So you knew the Kita clan will be involved in this case?" Daichi said almost shouting.

"It's not like I knew. I never thought he'll become handy throughout the case. I ordered him to get close to Kita but I didn't expect he'll be that close to him cause he didn't report anything about this lover thingy." Sugawara said.

"I've already received reports from him last night and Kita told him everything what happened so I knew all along what happened between the three of you." Sugawara added.

Atsumu was dumbfounded of what Sugawara said and thought to himself that he found the greatest agent that he can ask for.

"What? What's with the silent treatment?" Sugawara asked trying to clear the awkward atmosphere around them.

"Aren't you too smart?" Daichi asked.

Tsukishima who still has his mouth open tried to say something but couldn't construct his sentence properly. 

"I know. I know. You want me to teach you everything I know, right? You're still young so you still have time to learn." Sugawara said to Tsukishima as he pat his head.

"Even if we already progressed ahead of plan I just..."

"Just what?" Daichi asked.

"I'm not gay I can't do this any further. If he tries to do anything again I don't know if I can still control myself from killing him." Atsumu protested.

"Listen here you lil' shit." Sugawara said as he grab Atsumu's collar.

"You'll gonna throw this kind of advantage and drop this case?" Sugawara asked.

"No what I mean is...."

"Did you forgot your goal for this case?! Isn't this for your brother that was killed mercilessly by the Sakusa clan?!"

Atsumu's eyes widen and his worried thoughts disappeared because of Sugawara's words to him.

"Oh.... right." Atsumu's realization made him motivated to continue this case and kill every people that is associated to the clan.

"That's good. So fix yourself and let us discuss the change of plans I made for this case."

Daichi, Sugawara and Tsukishima was about to sit around the table but an orange-haired guy suddenly entered the office and shouted,

"Daichi-san we have a problem! It's Kageyama!!"