27 - Not so quietly at all

I look across at Mace.

"Can I at least know the crimes I am accused of?" I say.

"Hmm, how about we start with excessive use of force against civilian targets, move through the various acts of terrorism, attempted kidnapping, destruction of private property, theft and piracy before we get to the things I want you in a cell for." growls Mace.

I try to process the alleged crimes with what I have been up to lately. Wait, oh right.

"Seriously? The Trade Federation in general and Nute Gunray in particular are complaining that I destroyed their battleship and then kept them from taking over a planet?" I say. Mace nods.

"The Trade Federation vessels are officially Merchant Shipping. They say they were there at the request of the legally appointed government." says Mace.

"Really? Oh never mind. Arrest me. Unless the weather is worse inside the Patrol Cruiser. By the way, did you inform the people currently in orbit what you are about?" I say and hold out my arms. Mace nods and one of the Blue clad troopers approach, takes my lightsabre and attaches some sort of weird handcuffs.

"I informed them we were here to take custody of a dangerous criminal. Why?" says Mace.

I look about, noticing several Marines talking into coms. Yeah, go ahead and arrest me.

"No reason. Is Hera aboard?" I say.

"No." says Mace.

"So I'll survive transport to Coruscant then?" I say as I am led aboard.

I am going quietly. I claim nothing on behalf of the Outer Rim Squadron.


Once aboard I am led to a holding cell and the force field is switched on. I check out the bunk and try to get comfy. Compared to most of my accommodation for the last while this is very nice. Warm, comfy and dry. I am very fond of dry. I doze off.

"Dee-Jay!" comes Mace's voice. He is on the other side of the force field looking angry. Of course that's his ground state, I don't think it's me. Dude probably brushes his teeth at a low boil.

"Oh, we at Corruscant already?" I say, stirring. I'm a bit surprised. Jump to and from lightspeed usually wakes me up.

"It's been twenty minutes. These vigilantes won't let us leave." says Mace.

I sit up.

"You don't say? Who's not letting you leave?" I ask, as If I couldn't guess.

"That crazy Sky Marshall is incensed the accusation is from Gunray. She refuses to allow us to leave. As for that hellcat of a Twi'lek with several squads of marines outside. She is threatening to dismantle this ship if we don't hand you back." says Mace.

"Hellcat? I would suggest doing as she says. Then we can go hunt down minor problems like a couple of Sith Lords." I say with a smile.

"You suggest? Might I remind you where you are?" says Mace.

"Yes. Once again I am entirely in your power. So, time for a rematch? Don't take too much time. Shayla will eventually discover that those marines with her have breaching charges." I say.

"She wouldn't dare!" says Mace.

"Are you sure? Shayla loves me, fiercely. Now, you can open the door and we talk this out or she will open the door for you." I say.

"Is that a threat?" says Mace.

"No, I am calmly informing the Head of my Order as to what is going on. I suggest a peaceful resolution before..." I begin but stop as the lights go out, the shield door winks out and there is a lot of swearing heard down the hall. "before the other person out there upset at my arrest does something." I continue.

"You stay there." says Mace and I hear him depart.

I lie back down on the bunk. I am still tired after all. Also, I did agree to be quiet. Hope my snoring is not in breach of that.


It's not long before someone is waking me up again. It's a guard with a luminator.

"Excuse me Mr Jedi." they say.

"Again? This is poor treatment of prisoners, waking me up every ten minutes." I mutter as I get up. The guard takes a step back. "Okay, not your fault. You want me to follow you?"

The guard nods and leads me to access hatch. In the small antechamber there is Mace and a few worried looking guards. Someone hands me a com.

"Is this my one phone call? Thought that was a myth." I say as I take the device. I then activate it. "Master Dee-Jay here." I say into it.

"Dee-Jay! Are you alright. Have they done anything to you? I swear if they have so much as touched you I..." comes Shayla's voice over the com.

"I love you too. I am fine. They gave me somewhere to sleep, that's all. I have some binders on, but they're quite comfy. You know, we should get some, I could be completely at your mercy. I think you might like that." I say.

"Dee-Jay!" comes the reply.

"I know, I should of thought of this sooner. Perhaps we should continue this discussion later and you can express how bad I have been in neglecting you. For now, can you disarm the explosives and get Anakin to turn the lights back on? It's dark in here and becoming a serious Health and Safety issue." I say.

"But that's just giving them what they want." comes Shayla's voice.

"Good point." I say and look at the faces around me. "So, any suggestions as to what we can offer the beautiful woman behind door number one?"

"I refuse to let you out of my sight." says Mace.

"Okay, we need to offer something. Now, everyone here, including me, wants my body, for various purposes. Now, the Sky Marshall has the majority of guns and normally, that would be a winning argument. However, I am a Jedi and should try to set a good example. Anakin is still in need of training, although since he just shut down a cruiser from the outside may give anyone pause to release his teacher. The Judiciary have me currently arrested and while they are the representatives of Law and Order, the fact that these are charges from a possible stooge of a Sith Lord I think we should not go with that. Mace here wants me dragged to Coruscant to answer for what he considers conduct unbecoming of a Jedi, but since he is not in possession of all the facts, I feel we must defer on that one. I myself want somewhere comfy to get at least a few hours sleep. I am of course self interested because it is in fact my self. Again, as a Jedi, I should set an example to not act so selfishly. Shayla however has however what I would call a moral claim to my body and a few others, which we shall skip over for the moment, but in essence she is the only one here with a pure motive. Therefore, I should be handed over to the lovely woman behind the door." I say.

I wait a moment for everyone to catch up.

"That's just getting what you want." says the senior guard.

"Not at all. I want some uninterrupted sleep. I assure you, that in Shayla's company I will not be getting that." I say.

"What do you mean not in possession of all the facts? says Mace.

"Not, in possession, of all the facts. English Motherfucker, do you speak it?" I say adding a small prompt with the Force.

Mace reacts as if struck. He quickly recovers.

"Damn. Alright, let him go. I still want you in Coruscant. Damn." Says Mace.

"I promise to be there as soon as the Force wills. Now, shall we see about opening the door?" I ask.

It takes a few minutes for the lights to come on and a short while later the main door opens. I look out. There are a lot of marines and the most beautiful woman in the Galaxy. Okay, so I am biased. I walk down until I am in front of her.

"I am all yours." I say and hold up my hands. "Gift wrapped even."

Shayla looks at me, eyes wide, her tentacles in a double helix arrangement over her chest.

"How?" is all she says.

"Can we just say it's a kind of magic for now?" I say.

"Very well. This way." Shayla says and leads me past the marines to a shuttle.

"Any chance of sleep?" I ask yawning.

"What do you think?" says Shayla.

"I think I need to work on my negotiation skills." I say.


Later, during which was eventually allowed to sleep I awaken to find my left hand handcuffed to the bed. I could remove them, but don't. These are supposed to be Force Suppressing whatnots and also, there's all those trust and power issues at work. The illusion of control is very important. Still, it is impractical, no-one ever mentions that. I wonder why. I endure a few zaps to summon the pad and get to slowly reading. Title is 'On the Force' which doesn't narrow things down, since every other book by a learned Master is titled that.

'A Jedi's life is that of sacrifice. This is often misunderstood, but understanding it lies at the very core of what it means to responsibly use the Force. It is when you accept that you can lose everything that the Darkness has no hold on you.' I read slowly as I begin.

The ancient mystic's words flow over me. This text is older than human civilisation, in either Galaxy. It has likely been translated and updated numerous times. I still get a sense of the being speaking to me, explaining it's understanding of the Force and the that of how can be best lived in service of it.

"Still here love?" says Shayla breaking me out of reading the ancient's words. I raise my left arm as much as possible.

"This seems to indicate you wanted me to stay." I say with a smile.

"That I did." she says and pauses, tentacles twisting behind her, she examines the pad she is carrying. "There was something, odd. Captain Neeran on the Repulse reported an odd set of injuries. Marine Catre is in the Medbay there with a mild concussion, nothing strange there. However his chest armour was all melted through on the left. Heavy blaster bolt. It's almost always fatal unless you put them in the tank right away. He was fine."

"Well, that's one lucky marine. Tell him to hit a casino when they're on leave." I say.

"There's more. Our medical teams found a casualty among the raiders. Armour intact, but with massive burns beneath, I cross checked. They look like what Catre should have received. Several marines remember you being there. Love, what did you do?" says Shayla in a worried tone.

"I did what I had to do." I say.

Shayla puts the pad down and sits beside me. She reaches out to touch my shoulder.

"I am worried about you. I. I don't know why. Are you okay?" she asks.

What is she talking about? I feel fine, still a bit buggered but another night's sleep should see to that.

"I'm fine. There's nothing wrong." I say and in an attempt to reassure her reach out with the Force. Just relax, everything will be okay I prompt.

Shayla relaxes and moves closer, then stops.

"I, I. I need a second opinion love." she says and kisses me on the forehead. "You stay here." she adds rising, picking up the pad and moving for the door.

"It's not like I can go anywhere." I say.

Why is she so worried?


I spend the next hour or so wondering about that. Why is she so worried? So I used the Force to heal someone? Big deal.

When she returns she has Obi-Wan in tow. Shayla has that 'you're getting an injection' look that doctors across the multiverse must all learn. Obi-Wan looks at me, there is the hint of a smile.

"Yes?" I say.

"Not judging, least not about that. Shayla here tells me you used an, unusual healing technique." Obi-Wan says.

"Yes? Why is everyone so concerned? I kept that marine from dying. Is that wrong?" I say.

"Love, listen to him. Please." says Shayla.

"Alright, what's so bad?" I ask.

Obi-Wan scratches his beard.

"From what Shayla here has told me it matches something I remember Qui-Gon mentioning. Something similar used by a Dark Side cult on Yevers Minor." says Obi-Wan.

"Something similar? Is that all?" I say.

"Yes. I am not sure though. Master Dee-Jay. I think you should speak to some of the senior masters about this." says Obi-Wan.

I look disbelievingly at them. All this over some weird ability?

"Look, so it's not normal. I am not the most orthodox Jedi, I've got some unusual techniques." I say.

Obi wan glances down at the cuffs.

"I noticed that." he remarks.

"Dee-Jay. I am very worried. Please. Do as he says." says Shayla.

I cannot remember the last time Shayla called me by my name. She doesn't even do that when she's angry. She must be really worried.

"Okay, okay. I'll go. I'll talk to Yoda. This is probably nothing, but they may insist I tow the party line elsewhere as well." I say. At the blank looks I elaborate. "They will ask me to no longer see you."

"No." Shayla says and turns to Obi-Wan. "They would do that?"

"They may. Master Dee-Jay has largely been out of sight and out of mind here on the Rim. However if he faces the council, your relationship will not be so easily ignored." says Obi-Wan.

Shayla is silent.

"Do you still want me to go?" I ask.

There is a long pause.



The next day I am at the airlock leading to a shuttle to carry me over to the Judiciary Cruiser. I hold Shayla in a tight embrace as we kiss. It may be for the last time. Eventually, reluctantly, we separate.

"Now. You come back. If, when you can." says Shayla.

"I will be back," I say reassuringly.

"How can you be so sure?" she says.

"This is true love. You think this happens everyday?" I say.

We hug again and then I turn to walk through to the shuttle.

"Dee-Jay! Wait." calls out Anakin running down the hall.

"Yes, Anakin?" I say.

"Why are you doing this?" he asks.

"Because someone who cares about me thinks I should. She is likely right." I say.

"He doesn't have to go alone though? Does he? Do you?" Anakin says to the two of us.

Shayla smiles.

"No, he does not. After all." she begins

"I'm the responsible one." interrupts Anakin beaming. "Come on Master."

"Lead the way apprentice. Goodbye Shayla." I say.

"Goodbye love."


A few days later, Mace having convinced the boys in blue I am needed by the Jedi first, we ascend the Temple steps. Anakin is looking everywhere like a tourist. Standing at the top is Yoda. With Anakin at my side I make it up the steps and bow.

"Not long back I have been and yet, much to discuss there is." says Yoda.