The Calm

The Millennium Falcon's engines droned as Rey piloted the old ship over the vast empty ocean of Ahch-To. The ferocious storm had passed and the dark grey waters now listed lazily beneath their feet. Ben Solo sat quietly adjacent to Rey in the co-pilot seat keeping his eyes forward, zoned out, and lost in thought. The message dropped by the probe droids replayed over in his head. Hux's face stayed at the forefront of his mind, his lips moved wordlessly to the message Ben Solo knew by heart. We are close. We will find you. A pang of fear touched Ben's mind. The sudden shift in emotion caused Rey to peer over at him, slightly taking her sights off the flight path before her. He was still, his chest rose and fell slowly. One arm rested limply on the curved armrest of the chair with a large hand grasping the edge of the arm in a relaxed position. The other arm stood erect from the elbow. His fist was closed except for a thumb tucked underneath his chin and his forefinger resting on his temple. She could read his thoughts. They were blaring in the quiet.

"I know," She said, breaking the silence that hung heavily between them, "We will figure something out. For now, we need to get back to base and call a meeting. We need to go over strategy." Her eyes turned back to the calm waters in front of her. Ben Solo was pulled out of thought at her sudden statement. His head rotated in his hand's hold, looking at the young woman. She was calm and collected on the outside. On the inside adrenaline coursed through her veins as she flew the ship. Her eyes seemed still, but her mind raced. Her posture was stiff, and her hold on the yoke was rigid. Their Force-bond rippled Rey's inner turmoil violently back at him.

Beside them, a small personnel shuttle drifted over the ocean's surface. Leia was careful in her planning. Explaining the new individual she and Rey were bringing back to the main island was something she had to consider wisely. She sat on a cushioned bench of the shuttle, waiting for her arrival to base. It was a basic room. Nothing lavish styled the room. It was mostly rows of hardly bolstered benches and blank white walls. Leia's lightly liver-spotted hands sat laced together in her lap. Her richly colored robes creased at the weight of them. She stared at them as she thought about Ben Solo. It had been fifteen years since she sent her son to her brother's school. So much time had passed since she had seen any semblance of him. The closest she had been to him was reaching out through the Force, but it only allowed her to feel his energy. Nothing more. Leia did this from time to time as a way to check on her son, but she had always been deeply saddened by what she found. Her mind was always overloaded with hatred, pure hatred. But there was also deep sorrow that plagued Ben. It broke her heart every time.

The shuttle's engines began to whine as it slowed down. A dampened mechanical hiss sounded through the floor of the ship as the pilot deployed the landing gear. Leia's head lifted from her hands as the ship rebounded when it settled onto the main island. She knew now that she had to resurrect her son. Long ago, it's true she did mourn her son when Kylo Ren was born, and she told everyone that her son had been slaughtered like the other Padawans on Yavin 4. Back then, only Luke, Leia, and Han knew the truth of Ben Solo's unmistakably obvious turning to the Dark Side and the countless innocents he cut down in his rebirth. A brief memory of her waking up violently from a deep slumber played in her mind. Her heart cried, screamed in sorrow for the souls that wailed through the Force. But above all else, her heart wept for the death of her boy.

The poised general stood from the bench and turned, walking out from the aisle, towards the back of the shuttle. The door hissed open simultaneously with her arrival. Her view opened to a small airfield that was sparsely filled with ships the Resistance had left. The sight panged at her for a brief moment before movement caught her attention. She turned to watch the ramp of the Millennium Falcon lower to the ground. Out came Ben followed by Rey. Ben was dressed in dark-colored slim-fitting pants tucked into tall boots and a loose tan shirt. His curls sat laxly around broad features. A small smile found the corners of her lips as she watched her son take in his surroundings. He looked so much like his late father she thought.

Apprehensive, Ben Solo's gaze crossed his mother's. She was looking straight at him. Her deep brown eyes bore through him and swiftly he cast his eyes away from her. He was ashamed of himself, unworthy of her. Rey stood next to him. She offered a small, private touch with her hand to the side of his forearm. As if it was a way to comfort him, it calmed his spiking nerves. Knowing that he was not alone in his worry was enough to ease his mind. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes to his mother, trying to find a center within himself.

"Ben," Leia greeted him with an even, placid tone, "Rey, follow me. Do not stop and do not make eye contact with anyone. I am sure the troops will be wondering who you are, Ben. But the truth will be explained in due time to them. Well, a half-truth at least." Without another word, Leia strode down the small airstrip. Both the young Jedi quickly followed her. The main island was the biggest Rey knew of on the planet. Unlike their private peninsula, this island was more jagged and there was more rock than grass. But the island's energy provided comfort to her. The nostalgic time she spent here with Master Skywalker played in short skipping images in her mind. She smiled at his surly attitude and hermit lifestyle when she first found him here.

The only structure big enough to house the rest of the Resistance was the archaic stone monastery. The building was made out of the same stone that littered the rocky island, grey and rugged. The group made their way through a smooth, sprawling archway that covered a large aged wooden door. By now, they had begun to catch the attention of the Resistance troops. As they passed, both Rey and Ben had caught glimpses of their wide-eyed and confused expressions. The two young Jedi turned their gaze forward, following Leia down the central corridor. It was lit by the dual stars funneling through large carved out windows that sat high above them. Eventually, their small company took a left off the main hall towards a cramped, dim, and dank smelling corridor. They had passed two dated wooden doors that were clad with ornate metal hinges. The General stopped at the third door and pushed it open with a flat hand. She stayed at the entryway, making a sweeping gesture to allow them inside.

The office was neat and dark. The only light came from almost depleted candles that were molded around the candelabrum. The wooden executive desk was littered with loose papers and stacks of documents. Two modest chairs sat in front of Leia's desk, but no one sat. Rey, Ben, and Leia all stood in a loose formation. No one spoke for a moment. Rey was waiting for Leia to speak. Ben was still in shock at the thought of being in the one place he had killed to find. Leia, too, was dazed from being reunited with her son. But Leia, being the leader of an entire organization and used to taking charge, spoke first.

"By now everyone is talking about your arrival, Ben. I know that it might shock you to hear what I am about to say," she paused, taking a deep breath as if she was about to admit it to herself for the first time, " Fifteen years ago, when you turned, I told everyone that you died in the attack of your uncle Luke's Praxeum. I did this to protect you… to protect our family." her eyes glistened, wet at the reminder. Her voice was weak and breaking as she finished. Of course, she would try to protect him. The grown and broken man before her was still her sweet boy, at least somewhere in there, he was. A mother's love endures all time and space. Unworthy played over and over in Ben Solo's exhausted mind as he looked down at his boots. Rey was quiet at this moment. She knew that this was news to him. She could feel his dejection simmering beneath the surface. Rey let forth her empathetic understanding unto him through their bond. Leia took up the silence as a sign to keep going with her plan.

"Poe and the others should be joining us soon. In fact. Here they are. Come in." Leia's voice was instructive as Rey's three closest friends came in. Finn, Rose, and Poe all wore the same expression. It was a frustrated look that turned the waiting group sheepish. But Leia and Rey continued to stand tall, taking responsibility for their actions and even defending them. Ben did not make eye contact with any of his new acquaintances as he turned towards them. Finn looked disgusted, Rose blamed him, and Poe almost unnoticeably shook with anger.

"You cannot honestly expect us to accept this. Kylo Ren is a ticking time bomb and not only that, but the First Order is on our tails. And you brought the most wanted man in the galaxy here . Forgive my language, General, but holy shit. This is a questionable decision at best. It puts everyone in danger." Poe was angry as he addressed his superior.

"For starters, Commander, I am your General. You will regard me as such. Keep talking like that, Dameron, and you'll be mopping the floors. Secondly, I know that you all have been deeply affected by him and that it feels like I am condoning such actions by bringing him here. But trust me when I say that, Ben is changing." She glanced up at her son who was watching her defend him. She turned back to the angry three that stood off to the side.

"General," Rose piped up, "I agree, this puts us all and everything we have worked for at risk. Not to mention, the First Order is closing in on us." her voice was calm and matter-of-fact.

"Yes, I admit that we are in a vulnerable position here. I propose we move. I have an old acquaintance in the Colonies who might be able to give us discrete passage out of this system. A surly bastard, but supports the Resistance." a boney hand rose to her chin with a forefinger tapping it as she thought about the possibility. Though this man is not known for being honorable, he was their best chance of getting out undiscovered by the First Order.

Finn stood silently in between Poe and Rose. He too did not approve of bringing First Order trash into their inner circle. He was angry with Rey and the General, the two people that he thought of with unshakeable morals. But then he thought, what if they had cast me out when I came to them looking to hide from the First Order? The Resistance did not discriminate against people looking to join their ranks. They believed in second chances despite the background a person may come from. Both Poe and FN-2187 had questionable backgrounds, to say the least.

"Okay, then. I can have everyone ready to leave tomorrow morning, General. If this is our best option we have to take it. I am tired of hiding like a coward." Poe chimed in pragmatically. Poe was always the sort of man that did not dwell too closely with the details. Despite the trouble that got him in, he rolled with the punches. With a nod of heads, they were all in agreement.

"Then you are all dismissed. I will call an assembly later after supper." Leia disbanded them with a wave of her hand. Rey's friends left the dank office with the gesture. Ben Solo and Rey stayed for a moment longer, allowing her friends to put distance between them. They gave a short nod to the General before exiting the wooden door.

Rey and Ben walked the great hall in silence. The light that filled it was beginning to wane as the night threatened to fall. Ben took it in. Ancient tapestries hung on the walls that depicted the Lanai's deity. An archaic-looking hybrid of man and alien species that was surrounded by a halo of light sat on its woven canvas. Rey led them to a smooth stone staircase. The steps were steep as they climbed them. They began to slowly wrap in a spiral that turned in on itself as it led to the second floor of the monastery. They walked in silence as they approached the landing. The whole second floor was sleeping quarters for what was left of the Resistance's forces. The second floor was a quiet ghost town. In the day, the troops maintained the base and starships, keeping them in working order for times just like these.

"Here, this is my room. Come in." Rey gestured his entry as she held open the door with one hand. He gave her a quick glance before he walked past her into the stony room. Unlike her quarters on the Falcon, this room seemed untouched, clean. On the left wall. There sat a modest feather down bed that sat on a wooden frame. The simple sheets and cover were neatly made. It was as if she knew that this place was not her own and would only be temporary. It was reflected in the lack of personal effects. He stood in the center of the room, circling it, taking it in. It had comforted him to be there in her room, a safe haven of sorts. A private place that she and him could exist purely, unadulterated by the outside world.

Rey watched him take in the space with an even gaze. Her eyes moved with him. She felt a sense of calm overcome him as they sat in her barren room and, in turn, she was calmed too. The nerves that came with her friend's obvious disapproval at the meeting, and the lies that Leia was going to tell the whole Resistance, seemed to drift away being alone with him. She took a deep breath, relishing in the peace. Ben Solo turned towards her, taking her in. Her hair was messily piled on top of her head, loose hairs sprawling out from the hold of the piece of elastic. Her clothes were more form-fitting than her customary linen garb. She wore tight dark grey pants that tucked into knee-high leather boots and a light-colored shirt that stopped at the shoulders. She gave him a smile that made rare appearances. It was radiant and brave, but also touched by a sense of worry.

"What are we going to do, Rey? I know that Leia is going to tell everyone that I, in fact, did not die, but I will know the truth… it just doesn't sit right with me. The lying…" Ben Solo made three steps over to the small bed, lowering himself to sit on it. He put his face into the palms of his hand that was propped up on his legs. His dark curls fell around them. He took a deep but ragged breath, trying to let go. Ben looked up when something shifted its weight on the bed. Rey sat there looking at him, her smile was gone. She could tell he needed an answer from her. She looked away at the wall across the room. He could feel that she did not have the words that he needed to hear.

"I– I don't know what to do either. We just have to take it one step at a time." he knew that too, but he had wished there was something she could say to make him feel better. The quiet drifted between them as the moments passed. Ben Solo could not help but feel like this was all his fault. The First Order is looking for him here with the Resistance; if not for him, the safety of everyone would not be in jeopardy. Would it have been better for him to not have been born at all? If he had not been so weak, so willing to give his loyalty to anyone who noticed him, then maybe he would be a better man.

"I don't know why I am even here. Your friends are right, I am a ticking time bomb and I put everyone at risk just by being here. I should leave, it would be better for everyone if I did. God!" Ben jumped up out of frustration from the shallow bed. He felt so stupid for following her all the way to Ahch- To. Rey followed him, positioning herself in front of Ben Solo. His words angered her. In the last 72 hours, she had risked so much to bring him back to safety. Rey could not let her vision of his execution come to pass. The death of Ben Solo would be the end of her. She would overcome any obstacle, fight any foe, use every resource to save him.

"You know what? It is your fault and if we thought differently, then we would be lying to ourselves," the words shocked him. She was eye to eye with him now and her eyes burned with a passionate fire. She continued, "But the most important thing right now for you is how you are going to fix it. How are you going to show your mother, the Resistance, me, that we were not wrong to take a leap of faith on you?" Her words shook him. His mouth dropped open and closed, stunned. He knew what she had asked was rhetorical, but he wished he had the words to answer her. What was he going to do with her? Ten years younger than him, but infinitely wiser. She always keeps him on his toes, not being able to quite place a finger on her. Somehow she is predictable and unpredictable at the same time. He knew her words were true and he needed to find those answers within himself.

Rey and Ben Solo stared at each other a moment longer before they both stiffened to a tingling sensation in the back of their minds. Danger. Their stomachs dropped. Their eyes widened simultaneously. It was impossible. Leia had told them that the probe droids did not spot their scouts. So the question was, who or what was coming? Panic surged between them, their hearts pounding ferociously in their chest.

"I feel it too." Ben blurted out at the sense of an impending attack.

Without a second thought, the two Jedi raced towards the door throwing it open. Outside in the corridor, it was deprived of a single soul. They were running. They had to warn everyone that someone or something was coming. The stairway came fast, each step careful, but rushed. Their feet pounded on the stone as they flew down them. They began yelling, shouting as loud as they could that an attack was coming. The troops that littered the first floor began taking their battle positions. People were running, scared of the unknown attacker. Rey and Ben ran further down the corridor towards Leia's office, but the General was already outside ordering her Resistance fighters to their stations. They stopped in front of her, breathlessly panting.

"Leia," Rey gulped in air, "Somethings coming. They found us!" Rey's words spilled out, no time to account for conversational niceties. Everyone in the monastery wore the same panicked, wide-eyed expression as they rushed around.

"I know, I felt it the same second you did," Leia told them, the panic building in her voice. "You two need to run. Go! Get out of here! I'll be fine!" Leia yelled in the rushing chaos all around them. Ben Solo hesitated to leave his mother there for a moment before she gave him a look telling him that everything was going to be okay. He had just gotten her back and now he had to leave here in the midst of an attack. Rey was already a few steps ahead of him when she looked back to Ben and Leia. They stared at each other like they were having a wordless conversation. She tugged on his arm, pulling him away.

In the disarray, their unknown attacker was now upon them and it was too late to act. It was too far past the time for anyone to escape. A targeted blast from the assailant's ship ripped through the stone walls. The last thing Rey saw was the large portions of rock flying towards her. Sharp and bitter pain bit into the side of her skull. Her ears rang as muffled voices sounded around but she could not make out what they were saying. At that moment, she had no concept of time or of self. Her body felt weightless and her eyelids felt heavy. Her weight shifted free of gravity's hold. Rey felt the sensation of falling, but could not seem to be able to comprehend it to even stop it. She met the stony surface of the monastery's floor, the impact reverberated through her without pain. Her body could no longer perceive outside stimulation. The world went black as the noise and confusion drifted far from the Jedi's mind. She was out cold.