Part 7

I glared at the cameras and microphones around me. Before any of the students could get into the school, we were bombarded with news reporters asking questions. Some kids dodged, others said things that the reporters weren't too much interested in.

"Aren't you the transfer student? Tell us, did you hear about All Might becoming a teacher at UA before it was even announced?" An annoying lady asked me. I had seen her ask questions to all the others and I had immediately dubbed her as annoying.

When she brought her microphone closer to my face after a few seconds, I raised my hand and swiped to the side. Without even touching it, her microphone and her camera went flying off into the street. The satisfying sound of them being drove over by cars made me smile. The reporters backed off and I walked into the school, growling at them.

I turn back for second, watching her interact with Aizawa. I can't help but laugh out loud when she tries to act all tough and almost gets crushed by the school's security.

~Time Skip~

We sat in class, listening as Aizawa went over the battles. He scolded Midoriya and Bakugo, but still offered some praise. "And Huntre, next time, actually do something." Aizawa says dully. Wait a minute! That's not fair, I didn't even get a choice! How come I'm getting picked on?

"Let's get down to business. Our first test will decide your future." Aizawa says calmly from the front of the classroom. I can feel the anxiety levels rise in the classroom. I guess this one I have to actually participate in huh?

Surprisingly, it turns out to just be picking a class representative, and the class calms at the news. I ignore the frantic others around me who were trying to be picked. This is totally not like a normal class. In a normal class, no one but maybe the one or two usual leaders would run, and always get picked. Everyone else would just kinda shrink back at the idea of responsibility.

I look out the window as they yell about. I watch the birds swoop and dive around the school as they vote for representatives. Paying attention for a second, I decide to raise my hand for Iida, before turning back towards the windows when it gets counted. The fact that so many vote for themselves surprise me. In american classrooms, with stuff like this, the student wouldn't be allowed to vote for themselves. Shrugging it off, I go back to looking out the window.

~Mini Time Skip~

I look up to see Izuku shaking at the front of the classroom. I watched the classroom slowly turn to being ok with Midoriya being the class rep. This class was starting to feel quite boring, making me feel like falling asleep.

Finally, it was time for lunch. I had saved up a bit of money by wandering the streets after school instead of returning to Midoriya's house. I was finally able to try some this food that everyone was talking about. Ordering my food, I sat down at the same table as Izuku, listening in on the conversation at the table, and at the other conversations around us.

The Food Was Freaking Delicious! I could tell that I was drooling after a few bites and had to get up multiple times to get napkins. I could feel Iida judging my waste from his seat on my left.

I listened as Iida explained about his family, having a hard time to keep myself from smiling at Iida's pride in his family. The sound of a bell ringing peeled me away from my food. The moment people heard the announcement call it a 'level 3 security breech' everyone went running. Someone knocked my food to the ground and I could only react by stabbing my chopsticks into the table. When the chopsticks went through the table, I could only growl louder.

The students cramping the halls had me getting extremely frustrated. Deciding that walking wasn't for me unless I wanted to stab someone, I instead activated glitched the bottoms of my feet into the ground.

I crawled up the wall and onto the ceiling. Not many people saw me due to their panicking, but I noticed Tsu quickly copying me. Looking out the window, I could only grow even more pissed when I realized that it was just the press. How'd they get in, I didn't care, but the fact that they had ruined my first try at this school's lunch had me wanting to tempt fate and shoot an arrow through the head of the reporter from before.

Noticing Iida floating above everyone, I quickly reacted by grabbing his glasses and putting them on his face, watching as he suddenly flew off to the exit sign. Wonder what he's doing. Suddenly he yelled and got everyone's attention. He went on to explain that the problem was just the media, and then added a bit of pep talk flare to the end. At the yell of someone mentioning the police, I turned and watched as the police dragged away the report-a-bitch and all of the others. If I ever see her again, I'm definitely threatening her life.

~Time Skip~

We were back in the class, and Midoriya had announced that he was giving the title of class rep to Iida. "Nice choice Zuks!" I say encouragingly as I smirk. I watched proudly as Iida stood up. Laughing when I hear the others call him 'Emergency Exit Iida'.