Part 28

((A/N: I suggest reading this and my other stories on Wattpad. I forget to upload here a lot, after whole years.))

I shift a bit, making sure I'm not making too much noise.

I had ran down the stairs onto the next floor, before turning off my scent and running up two stairs. I hadn't heard anyone walk past the bathroom yet, so I can only guess they're still searching the lower stairs.

So... what now?

I've never really been, hunted down like this? Chased like this? I don't know how to describe this.

I twiddle my fingers together as I wait a bit longer. I can't hear anything on the floor below me or above me, so they're probably still on the floor below that. There's not many escape options, since this is a very tall building and I can walk down walls, but they'd definitely see me and be able to get to me.

Uncurling from where I'd been attached to the corner of the bathroom's roof, I make my way to the door before dropping down to the floor softly.

So, my only other options, would be to try to get out the front doors, the fire escape, or the roof.

The roof probably isn't an option. Where would I go? I could activate a different power and grow wings, but that'll be locked into one of my power places, probably pushing elemental out. I could really do it if I really wanted to, but I don't think I can sort through the pros and cons of that right now.

So, for the fire escape I go.

I make my way out the bathroom, looking around before quickly making my way down the hall. Finding the fire escape, I take no time going down the stairs, instead dropping down the middle and stopping myself with the fences every once and a while.

I land on the bottom floor, opening the door slowly and peeking out. Nothing, no one's walking around. They're probably somewhere above me, making this the perfect time to leave.

I quickly step out through the door and begin to quickly walk to the exit. Don't wanna run, my shoes would make noises that could tell others where I am if they're close enough to the stairs.

I open the front door hesitantly before stopping at the a small sound emitting behind me. I turn around swiftly, practically spinning in place.

There stands Nezu. He doesn't move towards me, or call anyone, he just takes a sip from the teacup in his hands. I glance quickly from him to the door.

"I don't believe you have ill intent."

I focus on him fully as he sets down his tea onto a small plate in his other hand. "There's something more going on here. I'm sorry for the hostility that the others emitted. I hadn't connect enough pieces of the story yet. I apologize for that." He says, before glancing at the stairs and back at me.

"It may be best for you to leave. You don't have to, but something tells me it's your time. I'll will be watching adamantly, Demitrous. You are allowed to come back and continue your curriculum at any time, but take your time. There's something you need to do." He continues.

My brain takes a good moment to figure out whats going on before I nod. He lets out a hum before taking another sip of his tea and putting it back down.

"I will always be here to speak to when you may need. And of course, there's nothing needed to be explained to me. I will know, simply come to me if you need something." He finishes. I nod again hesitantly before stepping back as he turns around and moves away.

I watch as he walks away, before turning and going out the door.

I close the door behind me and quickly make my way past the front gate and down the street.

He knows? What does he know? Have Huntre's come to this dimension before? Has he met one, has someone met one?

I shake off my thoughts before continuing to walk.


I find myself walking automatically to Midoriya's house. I, I can't come back to school, and he already knows that I'm not quite from here, in some form, so... I should tell him.

I pause for a moment before letting myself in. I've always had the key, though I don't need it. I have my own lock and key on the window to the room I'd been using, and often let myself in that way. Or, y'know, just vanished my way in.

I make my way in, giving Aunt a small smile as I pass her from where she's doing something in the kitchen, before making my way down the hallway.

"Izuku?" I ask, knocking lightly at his door. There's a lot of shuffling sounds before the door happens and I come face to face with the green haired wonder.

"Mango? You're already back from your meeting?" He asks.

I let out a sigh. "There's some stuff I gotta tell you. And, I won't be attending school for a bit. I might not even come home for a while."

He startles before moving to let me in. "Wait, pause. Explain." He says.

I take a seat on his bed, quickly picking up my favorite all might figurine off of one of the shelves. I shift it around in my hands before looking up at him. When he doesn't move, I pat the spot next to me, watching as he walks over and sits down as well.

"So, you already know I'm not exactly from around here." I start. He nods and I glance around the room before beginning again.

"I'm not from this dimension, actually." I pause, letting that set in. "I don't understand."

"Your a smart kid. You know dimension theory. Universe theory. And you know my quirk doesn't really exist. I don't have a quirk, no special cells." He nods.

"I'm from a many called The Huntres. The Hunters of the glitches of the dimension. Most dimensions have a story. This dimension has a story, and before you ask, no I won't tell you it, I haven't even studied it so I know nothing."

His facial expression doesn't change, so I continue.

"I was adopted in, from another dimension. A dimension with, a very broken story. Not too broken, but my existence made it broken in a way. A lot of things happened that shouldn't have, all because I existed. And as a Huntre is supposed to, we get rid of glitches, problems."

"So, you were supposed to be disposed of, in some way?" He asks. I nod before quickly raising my hand to quiet him when he seems to be about to make an angry comment.

"I've hear it all before Zuks. It wasn't your fault you were born, it wasn't your fault for existing. You don't understand, and I don't blame you for it. But, It was, and that's all you need to know about that." I say. He looks ready to argue but I just let out a small laugh at him.

"So anyway, a huntre did arrive. A direct Huntre. From a line of Huntres. See there's three types of Huntres. The direct Huntres, the family line of the beginners. The cousins of direct Huntre's, there's not many but they're there. And the Huntres, no beginning word. The ones adopted from universes to help deal with their universes while also keeping power in balance."

I turn to look back at him to see that he's writing. I almost go to stop him before deciding not to, he's a writer, it helps him understand things he hears and he can go back to it if he doesn't understand it immediately. He's doing no harm.

"So, her name was Legacy. She saw me for what I was, a glitch, something not supposed to exist. And she gave me a chance. She adopted me in, and I'd tell you more about my life, but maybe some other time. I just explained this to help you understand some other stuff."

He nods, quickly scribbling something down. I glance over his shoulder to see him writing down a quick 'make sure to ask about that later' before letting out a laugh and turning away.

"So yeah, I'm a part of that organization. And I wanted a break, so I dropped myself here. Since you'd think people made to fix dimensions would have easy access to it. And we do, that's how I got here."

"So, you really meant it when you said you're not from around here?" He asks. I nod.

"And well, there's been a misunderstanding. I fell from a portal into this dimension, and that was caught on camera. I also don't have an age, which is why I can easily age up and down. So, um the UA staff got there hands on that video. They were suspicious because they had connected the dots about me being The Kitsune."

He stops me, before speaking. "Wait, I think I can guess what happened. The only quirk we know for sure that has to do with portals is that smoke guy from the attack. Did they? Did they think you were a villain? A spy?" He asks.

I startle at his perfect guess before shaking it off. He's a smart kid, how many times do I have to remind myself.

"Yeah. I ran. I shouldn't have, but I panicked and ran. And I ran from the building. But Nezu somehow found me before I was out and said, things. He said 'he knew', he said 'that it was my time to leave' and 'that he will know'." I explain. He's silent for a moment, looking over something he's written in his book.

"So, what will you do now?" He asks. I look out the window for a moment before thinking.

"I will still be here, I will still help you. I just can't come to school anymore for a bit of time, and I can't come home for a bit either. I might still sneak in though, no promises." I say with a chuckle. He chuckles as well, but it dies out quickly.

"What are you going to do though. That doesn't answer my question." He asks again.

"Well, I'll keep being The Kitsune. I'll keep helping people no matter what I have to do. Might make a new identity. Change up my looks, change up my known for quirk." I say, listing off some ideas.

"Just check in once in a while. Actually, I hope this isn't too much of a hassle, but could you maybe come along for the fieldtrip coming up? Could you try to make it to events?" He asks. I falter, confused as to why he asks this.

He seems to sense my confusion. "I've never had a sibling before. Yeah I was a part of Kacchan's 'group' when I was younger, but things changed. He never really treated me the best in the first place, and at some point things got worse."

"You are, my first real friend. Not a bully, not a friend of a bully, not even a mentor or an acquaintance. You are the first friend, the first good relation outside of my family that isn't a mentor. You were there first, you were always there. Like an older sibling.... I just don't want to lose that, though I know at some point you'd probably have to go back to where you're from, some day I will lose that, but I don't think I can bear to lose it right now." He rambles, beginning to tear up.

"Zuks?" I ask, leaning towards him as he tears up. "Sorry, sorry. Just realized something a bit emotional, that I hadn't planned to look into today. Sorry." He says, swiping at his tears before turning back to me.

"Don't be sorry. You're important to me as well, like a little brother. I care for you a lot. And no, don't even think to worry about me leaving one day, because there's no future I've ever heard of where I won't be able to access this world. Even if I leave, I'll always be back. Okay? You can't get rid of me so easily Moss-Head." I say, ruffling his hair a bit as his face slowly lights up.

He nods before getting up, and I get up as well. We walk out of his room and I glance at my door before going in. I walk up to the window, and glance back at the door to see him standing there. Opening the window, I slide it up before looking back. "I'm not going to pack anything. I won't need anything really, and knowing Aunty Inko, she'll be leaving food for me even if I said I couldn't come back home. So, I guess what I'm saying is....

See you soon."

I say, giving a short wave before quickly jumping out the window, making my way up the wall instead of down it. I quickly make my way to the top floor of the complex and perch on the roof, looking around before quickly running to the other edge and jumping into the foliage.