Chapter 7 - Plans

"Okay, now I'm ready"

I was making sure that my uniform is in place.

Soon I would be leaving with Anna-nee and Rina to our new school.

"Takashi, are you ready?"

"Yes. I'm coming"

Hearing Yuria calling I left the bathroom and went downstairs, since me and my sisters would be going to together.

"Let's go Taka-chan?"

"You're to slow Onii-chan"

At the entrance Rina and Anna-nee were waiting for me. Anna-nee had her usual gentle smile while Rina was frowning a little.

Nothing different from usual for us.

Yuria came to the entrance to wish us a good day. Before we left she gave me money and requested me to buy a few things at the convenience store.

"You don't need to give Onii-chan money to buy things mom. He can use his own money" said Rina.

"That's no good Rina. Takashi worked hard to have that money, so he should decide how to use it" said Yuria.

"Well whatever, I'll be waiting outside" said Rina, and then left the house.

"*Sigh*, Rina used to be such a good child. I wonder what happened?" said Yuria with a troubled expression.

Of course I had an idea of the reason behind her attitude, and soon would confirm it.

"Don't worry mother, I'm sure that she we'll be back to her old self any day now" said trying to reassure her.

"You really are an optimistic, aren't you Taka-chan?" said Anna-nee with a dry smile.

"Nahh, it's just a feeling that I have. So let's go?"

"Yes, let's. See you later mom"

"By mother"

"Have a good day all of you"

Meeting with Rina outside of the house, we went to the train station, waiting for our ride to school.

The train was full of people so, as a way to avoid anyone trying to do something 'funny', we remained very close to each other, in a way that would let us now if someone was trying to do something they shouldn���t.

In our way to school, I revised somethings that I should remember about my situation with Anna-nee and Rina, to make sure that my plans for this new year would go as I expected.

Last year, two months before the final exams, Anna-nee came home late. I noticed that she was flustered, like she saw something that she shouldn't. I tried to talk to her about it, but she went directly to her room after dinner, claiming to have work to do, and didn't talked to anyone else that day. I waited to everyone else to be asleep and went to her room, hoping she might be willing to talk now that she probably had calmed down a little.

To my surprise, not only she wasn't asleep but was masturbating furiously.

That was the sign that I was waiting for.

It's necessary to mention that, as soon as I was able to pop a boner, I was paying close attention to both of my sisters. I couldn't just invade their rooms and try to have sex with them. I had to find the perfect opportunity to create a situation where, not only they would be willing to but also would come for themselves at me once our relationship started.

Until that point Anna-nee never had shown any sign that she had sexual needs. By all of the definitions, she was a 'proper lady'. The fact that she was now masturbating so carelessly, not even locking the door, meant she probably found 'that' place.

During these years, besides building my relationship with the women of the house, I also studied a few things I believed it would be useful in the future, with one of them how to program in a computer. So with this knowledge, and knowing that Anna-neee would most likely eventually come back to that place, I secretly installed an program in her cellphone that would inform me constantly of her location.

She didn't returned to that place immediately, only after more than a month. Until that point she vented her stress by simple masturbating at home, although I wasn't able to observe anymore since she remembered about the lock.

Arriving at the place, I later learned it was a mixture between a night club and swinger's club, I immediately searched Anna-nee. I had no intention to let anyone but myself to touch her perfect body and if anyone tried I would beat the crap out of them. Thankfully that didn't happened, she just sited in a corner and masturbated seeing the people fooling around with each other. After that she still returned a few times before the end of the school year, but didn't engage with anyone in any kind of activity.

Things calmed down during the vacations before the beginning of her second year in high school. I spend a few weeks in my cousins house, but didn't forget to monitor her activities through the program. Of course there always the possibility that she might have either forgot or let the phone behind of purpose, so I often called her to confirm her location and thankfully she always answered.

Now with school starting again, it's only a matter of time before she went back to that club, and this time she likely will end up having sex with some stranger if I don't stop her. There was already rumors of her being elected president of the student council theses before vacations, and according to my memories that was exactly what happened. It's at this moment that she will probably succumb to her libido, trying to vent the high stress of all the expectations placed upon her.

I intended to make my move at that moment.

As for how things were my plan to Rina, things have gone better.

In fact, if I had acted a little earlier we might have being in a relationship now.

I had decided to took my time to build a relationship with Rina, since among all of them, she was the most simple to bring to my future harem. Anna was too much proper at that moment, any attempt to seduce her might either be taken as a joke or harmed or relationship, so first she needed to be a little aware of her inclinations before I could do anything. As for Yuria, I was still just her son at the moment and trying to hard to change that might, in the worst case scenery, lead to me leaving apart from them, destroying my plans, so for now I had to shelve any attempt on her for later.

Around the time I decided to make a move on Rina as when she started to distance herself from me, derailing my initial plans for her.

I had decided to live my life the way I wanted, and here I was taking too much my time building my relationships and end up being cock blocked by myself.

It seemed I still had a few things to change about myself.

So, instead of trying to wait for an opportunity, I decided to either look for one or create one.

The first opportunity I had was a time when she was out with a few friends, and there no one else in the house around six months ago. Both Anna and Yuria had errands to run, so I used this chance to enter her room and seek for something that I might be able to use.

At first I found only things that was expected to find in a fourteen years old girl, clothes, make up, brushes and such but after some time I was able to find a hideout, under the flor of her closet, and there was something that, although a little surprising, was entirely predictably considering what I knew about her future.

Magazines. Or more precisely, cosplay magazines.

She and I always had a fondness for things like anime, manga and such before. When she distanced herself from me she also stopped to see those things, at least in front of people, and started to avoid anyone that like it, that obviously includes me, but it turns out that she never stopped to like them.

She probably started to acted the way shed is now trying to disguise her tastes. People that are too much open about liking this things usually end up as a target for mockery and bullying, so Rina was probably afraid that this would happen to her.

Having found those magazines I decided to don't push my luck, organized what I left out of place and left her room. That was the right decision, since less than five minutes later Rina arrived back at home with a few friends. She never confronted me about entering her room, so I believed that she never found out.

As soon as another opportunity presented itself, I entered her room again, only this time I went to check her computer. Those magazines indicated that she was already half way to exhibiting herself on the internet and no way in hell I would let that happen.

I wasn't against the idea of people looking at her, but that would only happen if I was there and pounding her so hard she wouldn't be able to speak clearly.

Okay, stop thinking about that or I might have a hard on in the middle of the train.

Back on topic, it took me two hours to figure out her password. I tried many things that she used to like, that she liked right now, names of friends of her, variations of all of those and etc. Finally I was able to access her computer, but the password turned out to be my birthday.

That left me a little surprised. She acted distant and sometimes even rude towards me, and yet she was using MY birthday as a password.

I had a suspicion of the reason, and the fact that she still called me 'Onii-chan' supported that suspicion, but that moment I left those thoughts aside and concentrated on the computer.

Just as I suspected, she was checking sites of streaming, and more specifically, sites whose main streamers were people that exhibit themselves in exchange for money. She was already in the path of showing herself over the internet. Thankfully, after a more thorough search, I came to the conclusion that she hadn't started yet. She hadn't ordered any kind of material to develop the costumes and there wasn't any signs indicating that she had created a streamer account, but as things stand it wouldn't be too long before she did.

I had to act before that happened.

I had been to passive during these years in my relationship with my new family, which resulted in the events of the animation starting to develop. Now that they were happening, since I can't stop it I might as well use in my favor.

In the original animation, the protagonist and the women in the family created a relationship that can only be described as sex-friends, for the lack of a better word. If I wanted to create something more than that, I had to act before things went completely in that direction.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late yet.

After confirming my plans I went back to just wait until the train arrive at our station.

I also made sure to pay close attention to my sisters and their surroundings. Anyone that tried anything funny would lose some teeth.

Once the train stopped at our station, we went to our school, which was only a ten minutes walk.

We arrived there a few minutes before the appointed time, with many students in front of us, that were heading to the auditorium for the opening ceremony.

As we were walking to the auditorium something caught my attention, or more specifically someone.

She was a student using her uniform rather loosely with a hourglass figure, big breasts and wide hips, having shoulder length ashen hair and purple eyes and was talking with other girls dressed in similar manner.

I knew her.

She was a character of JK Bitch ni Shiboraretai.