Chapter 15 - Yariko [~R-18]

"Hey, you"

Hearing someone calling me, I looked in the voice direction by instinct.

There wasn't supposed to be anyone in the corridors during periods of classes and lunch, so hearing someone else left me surprised, especially because I found that voice to be oddly familiar.

But the moment my eyes fell on it's source I immediately recognized her and understood what was about to happen.

In front of me was a gorgeous girl wearing a miniskirt and a sweater above her school uniform. She had nails painted in a flashy pink color, golden colored hair that was a little brighter than Rina's and reached her shoulders with pink highlights. But what most caught my attention were her breasts. They weren't much on display and her sweater didn't had a very revealing cleavage, but they were big enough to push her clothes in a very provoking manner.

She had a little playful smile on her sensual lips and was looking at me like predator that found a prey worth to be hunted.

"Are you Takashi Komiya?" she asked.

"That's me. And I suppose that you are Yariko Abazure?"

"Oh? You know about me?"

"I think it's difficult to find a guy who doesn't know you, Yariko-senpai"

Hearing my response made her smile broaden a bit in satisfaction.

Just as I said, Yariko was a famous figure in our school, not only she was beautiful but also worked as a model, which makes her a face very well known even outside of school.

She was especially popular with the male population of our school, with her open and outgoing personality. There was even a few students that claimed they had sex with her, and that she seemed to target mainly virgins.

Considering my memories related to her, I found those to be probably true.

"You see, I was wondering if you could help me with something" she said.

"What is it?" I asked, feigning curiosity already but knowing were this is going.

"I'm trying to have sex with a hundred virgins, and I heard you are one" she stated, while at the same time, already taking off her sweater and uniform, exposing her breasts.

"I was hoping you would help me with that" she requested, while crouching and moving her purple panties aside, exposing her pussy.

The fact she was exposing herself so easily before me, someone she never met before, left me stunned for a moment.

I mean, I knew she would do something like that, but knowing and seeing it happen before me are two entirely different things.

She was already going to speak again but before that...

"All right" I said.

Looking at me with a mischievous smile she said "Really, aren't you a little too eager? I heard from Saeko that when she offered take your virginity herself you turned her down."

That actually didn't surprised me that much.

Since that was a paying service Saeko was giving to me, the offer to have sex with her came not much time after. In fact it was around the start of this week.

I put a dry smile on my face as I answered "Well, I was hoping to catch Yariko-senpai attention, so I refused".

What I was saying right now was true. Yariko was a second year student and a model at that, so opportunities to go to her and find a way to catch her attention were hard to find.

The fastest way to catch her attention would to use the original plot line, that is to lose my virginity to her. That actually was one of the reasons to pay Saeko for her blowjobs during lunch and after school time. I heard the both of them lived together, so I hoped that by paying Saeko so frequently she would eventually comment about me to Yariko and the fact I was still a virgin.

Of course, if at some point keeping my virginity would somehow cause problems in my plans to Yurika and my family, I would lose it in a heartbeat and try to find another way to catch Yariko' attention.

But it didn't seemed that would be a problem anymore.

My response seemed to please her, because hearing it put a satisfied smile on her face.

"Hehehe, really? You wanted to catch my attention?"

I only smiled at her words. Instead of answering I started to remove my pants, already finding all this talking a to start to become a waste of time.

And it seemed that Yariko thought the same, since she approached me while looking at my crotch, with as expression of expectation on her face.

Finally, when my erected dick was freed from it's prison, Yariko eyes widened at it.

"Wow, Saeko said it was big, but this thing is huge!" she said, with a expression of pure happiness.

I heard somewhere that if a dick is to big it might actually hurt a woman a little when inserting in her, but Yariko didn't seemed to be that type of woman. The expression of her face clearly said she was the type that thought 'bigger is better'.

And for me that only made things even better.

"It's that way because of you, Yariko-senpai"

"Hehehe, is this a compliment? Well, thank you anyway" she said looking at me, with a happy smile on her face.

She turned her face back to my dick and her expression changed, displaying a hungry and sultry expression, making very clear that she was going to enjoy this moment as long as she could.

"Well then, thank you for the meal!" she said happily.

Then she finally started to approach the head of my dick, signalizing that the moment that every straight normal guy dream's of had finally began to me.


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